
He never wanted this. He never asked for this and yet it was given to him. the curse as he calls it. The mark every member of his clan prays to have. The hunter's mark.
All he wanted was to live peacefully with a loving husband and maybe adopt a few pets or just live away from the city all together. But it was obvious that destiny has something in for him.
Having no choice but to seek out answers, he follows in the path into what destiny has given him.
Still firmly holding into his beliefs and vision of the future, he promises to never sway from it.

[[Additional Info]]
Occupation: Medical Technologist
Age: 23
weapon of choice: double bladed Nagita (Link)
The mark has changed Wonho so much he sometimes does not even know who he is anymore. 
As a human who happily live his life, he is kind hearted and trustworthy. Always the helpful kind, offering a smile every hand he gives.
At night, it is as though the mark takes over him, being the ruthless hunter he should be, never stopping until he's finished off a target.
The mark warns // [ open ]
Wonho was on day duty for his work and it was drawing blood from the patients as there was a blood donation happening. He notices a static figure by the door but was suddenly gone when he blinked his eyes. He must be just tired. Not having the heart to leave his coworkers since there were only 3 of them left in the area to clean up, he helped and did not notice time pass. 10 pm. There was a sudden jolt on his right hand. there was someone else in the vicinity.
different paths // [ open ]
He's found his childhood friend. And they plan on spending the weekend all to themselves but something was different. Way different than his memory remembers. There is no way that his.. childhood friend? A vampire..
Enslaved or freed? // [ open ]**Non canon, SOME DETAILS TO BE DISCUSSED
There was no absolute way he could fight nor even hurt the one person who never forced him to be something he never asked for. His own lover? A Vampire? HOW DID HE NOT NOTICE? "i-I DONT WANT TO.. b-BUT THE M-MARK OF THE H-HUNTER IS M-MAKING ME.. i NEVER ASKED FOR THIS MARK.." hE SAID AS HE LOST HIMSELF WHEN THE MARK HAD TAKEN OVER. aND THE FIGHT OF THE FORBIDDEN LOVERS HAVE BEGUN.

title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
title // [ open / taken ]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu.
heart attack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. Maecenas interdum nibh nec sem tincidunt finibus. Cras eu lectus ac ante posuere iaculis a ultricies diam. Quisque id tempus purus. Sed fringilla est nisi. Donec lacus dolor, hendrerit sit amet euismod eget, finibus sit amet leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
name // 000000
out of character
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. Maecenas interdum nibh nec sem tincidunt finibus. Cras eu lectus ac ante posuere iaculis a ultricies diam. Quisque id tempus purus. Sed fringilla est nisi. Donec lacus dolor, hendrerit sit amet euismod eget, finibus sit amet leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam in nisl non ipsum vulputate malesuada. Praesent dolor elit, pellentesque quis lacinia in, mattis nec diam. Sed nec tincidunt nibh, ut maximus erat. Curabitur fringilla, ipsum quis blandit varius, purus dolor ultrices enim, eget tristique dolor lectus at purus. Cras ipsum purus, gravida eget dui sed, dapibus tristique mauris. Nunc tempor euismod metus, eu accumsan turpis vehicula vel. Mauris sit amet gravida felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer fermentum aliquam massa nec maximus. Ut commodo consequat efficitur. Fusce et gravida odio. Aliquam est diam, accumsan sit amet lobortis in, porttitor vel eros.