Personal Message
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Name's Phone
anon #3
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as his name suggests, christian is a very christian boy. he grew up with christian parents and was brought up very closely with the church. christian is a very open minded guy and respects his brothers regardless of their beliefs. while christian grew older, he began to drift away from the church scene, not completely, but he did rebel in a sense of not being a completely holy christian. he was still brought up christian and stuck by the strict upbringing he was taught, he just decided that some things just weren't his thing like going to church absolutely every sunday or keeping his skin pure. tattoos are dope, mom. he's still a decent christian, though. christian doesn't drink, smoke, or e. he's built a reputation as a chill guy who drives everyone from bar to bar while he sits there and chats with intoxicated man children. he's a patient guy that will hold your hand through the steps you need to take. at his station, he's one of the more passive guys. he's the guy you want to help you get your mind straight together and out of the station as soon as possible, a lot of the guys aren't as patient as he is. but don't take his passiveness as a blindspot, he's a cop for a reason. this ing lifts and he'll use force on you if he has to, i mean, it's his job. 


christian comes from a very christian background. he was raised in a very christian korean community in australia. most of his friends came from church and honestly all they did at church was play basketball in the courtyard and sleep through sermons. as he grew up and made a more diverse group of friends through key club and volunteering, he realized that christianity was lacking in a lot of insight and began to drift away from his religion. he got a lot of flak for it from his family, but he remained a pretty good christian in the end, so they're cool with it. he actually turned out to be one of the better kids anyway. as christian felt as if he was losing the christian part of his identity, he felt that he should probably explore the korean side of his identity. what he knew about his culture was limited. all he knew was from his cousins who came to visit once in a while from korea and random little things his fob friends would tell him. he decided to move his little to korea, alone, to explore the place his family called home. minus his family. he was exploring it on his own. it was tough on his own at first, but he found a career that he loved and settled down in korea for a good while. he's been a cop for about four years now and time is just flying past by him. for now he has no plans on moving back home.


hey, piece of here. nice to meet you. so i reply almost never and i'm not the best writer haha. i like to have fun though so if you're up for some fun hit me up. christian is lowkey abstinent though so no thanks. he's also a cop so no drugs. and he generally doesn't drink unless it's his boss threatening him, but he'll definitely talk to you while you drink. it'd be nice to just chill and have fun.


why did i choose to be abstinent? jesus ing christ i have such blue balls, what the hell man. i only got two hands, i've been doing this for 20 years now, i think i've out grown my creativity. i better get deep into heaven for being this pure goddammit. like ballsdeep. slams my desk. i am not sticking out being a for 27 years just to end up in the same place everyone else is gdi