jeon wonwoo
my lover

name: chong elkie
status: dating
since: december 02, 2017
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a arcu sed metus maximus ultricies. Aliquam vel metus a nunc porta volutpat dignissim non nisl. Aliquam posuere tellus in nisi interdum, molestie congue nibh tristique. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed nec finibus nulla. Proin ut mi eget massa malesuada ornare. Nam id sem mi. Donec eget massa vitae magna elementum vehicula eget eu sem. Aenean rutrum ullamcorper lacus sed convallis. Cras non turpis in tortor maximus tempus. Morbi scelerisque consequat leo non fermentum. Donec sit amet dui ut velit vehicula condimentum sed at neque. Nam convallis tincidunt libero.
dp history
ooc corner
001. my timezone is gmt + 8, usually online at the evening or night especially on weekdays cuz school but tbh i don't really have a specific active time schedule, i just go on whenever i have free time.
002. dual pov, which means i can 1st detailed and 3rd pov, but i do prefer 3rd pov, it just depends on you.
003. any genres are fine, just no violence, , gore, drama and . tenks.
004. can do semi-para, para and multipara then mirrored replies, it depends on you on which you want.
005. replies goes from fast to semi-slow to very slow depending on muse, mood and life itself. poke me after 3 days to 1 week of no reply, i may or may not have forgotten to reply to it since i don't touch my notifications.
006. plot = wing, depends on you but i prefer plotting. please don't hesitate to share your ideas, we gotta work together if you wanna plot, not just depends on me or you and stuffs, we need teamwork okno.