Personal Message

christian yu
he's very chill and neutral guy who just wants a good time, he tends to be very nonconfrontational and just kinda c h i l l s. like r EAL chill. tOO C HILL. he's just like that tho lmao i mean underneath he does get anxiety and chills and his nerves do get to him, but he's not the type to actually talk about them, he figures that it's his job as a grown man to deal with it himself and resorts to means like smoking, exercising, and drinking to ease it up. but he's pretty conscious about his health because he doesn't want to burden the people surrounding him and tends to not smoke or drink too often, i mean he /has/ switched to vaping recently which is much better than smoking and he only lets himself drink socially. 
christian grew up in a very tight knit /christian/ community where his role as a man was very emphasized. he was raised to respect women and considering how strong the women he grew up with were, he sure learned early on. his childhood consisted of the basketball court at the church that his entire life surrounded. sports became a hobby for him, even though he was never really good at them, and throughout his high school career he did wrestling, basketball, soccer, and a little football. weight training was introduced to him sophomore year of high school and he's been living the gym life for over ten years now. as college began to get closer, christian still hadn't had a clear goal in mind for his future. there were things he knew he wanted to do. 1) support his family, even though they were middle class, upper middle class at best 2) help people, since he grew up with a strong sense of community and 3) get out of the comfort zone of church and family because there was so much more in the world to see. christian spent his first two years of college exploring himself and figuring himself out as a person, and he surprised himself a lot during this turns out that he was a lot more creative than he thought, since the thought of art never occurred to him between all the sports he did, and christian began to dabble in creative outlets like designing and filmmaking, honestly it was mostly just him ing around with his friends. on school breaks, he'd volunteer to go to other countries to teach children english, build houses, help third world countries, and he would bring his camera and show the kids how cool film was. and that's when the desire to become a documentary filmmaker sparked inside christian. even if he couldn't show the world to these kids, he wanted the world to see them and perhaps come to show the world to them because he couldn't on his own. of course, christian didn't seriously take 'filmmaker' as a serious career goal, careers in art were too risky and he wanted to do something more constructive and eventually chose to major in architectural engineering, which he began to gain interest in from building houses. it was practical, hard, but christian could use his studies to help build better houses for the kids he worked with when he volunteered. in the midst of studying, following his career path, and extracurriculars, christian's dream of becoming a documentary filmmaker got buried and lost. it took like eight years of school for him to graduate because w OW it was not easy to become an engineer. luckily for him, it wasn't hard to find a high contract job considering his degree and as an architectual engineer, he's making pretty decent bank now. and now that he's in a secure place in his life, the idea of becoming a filmmaker has come back to haunt him. a fun hobby that he did as a kid in undergrad was now something that he could pursue if he decided to put his extra time towards. but that would mean he would have to dedicate less time to work, which didn't really need too much dedication tbh it was so boring and repetitive lmao he could do most of his work at home so - it made it even more alluring to pursue it. and so IT, on his off days he decided to bring back his little camera and start filming random again. he'd buy air tickets to random places and just film with his extra income. as an architectural engineer, he began to stray away from people and focus on buildings, structures, the way the streets were designed and when he got home, he'd just edit it however he wanted to to make it look cool yknow, and then he'll just end it at that because he was afraid of showing his work to the world because what if he actually got invested in it? he didn't want to think about it.


christian yu

Aliquam sit amet massa bibendum, rhoncus neque eget, maximus sapien. Phasellus eget metus sodales, ornare dolor quis, varius dolor. Nullam a lacus eu arcu euismod convallis nec et ante. Nulla vitae dolor nec leo fermentum dignissim sit amet vitae lectus.

mood 47%


muse 12%


writing quality 64%


reply speed 91%


character full name here!


shorthand info

age //27 ]

date of birth // ddmmyyyy ]

orientation // here ]

marital status // here ]

occupation // here ]

user profile



posted 1 day ago

christian grew up in a very tight knit /christian/ community where his role as a man was very emphasized. he was raised to respect women and considering how strong the women he grew up with were, he sure learned early on. his childhood consisted of the basketball court at the church that his entire life surrounded. sports became a hobby for him, even though he was never really good at them, and throughout his high school career he did wrestling, basketball, soccer, and a little football. weight training was introduced to him sophomore year of high school and he's been living the gym life for over ten years now. as college began to get closer, christian still hadn't had a clear goal in mind for his future. there were things he knew he wanted to do. 1) support his family, even though they were middle class, upper middle class at best 2) help people, since he grew up with a strong sense of community and 3) get out of the comfort zone of church and family because there was so much more in the world to see. christian spent his first two years of college exploring himself and figuring himself out as a person, and he surprised himself a lot during this turns out that he was a lot more creative than he thought, since the thought of art never occurred to him between all the sports he did, and christian began to dabble in creative outlets like designing and filmmaking, honestly it was mostly just him ing around with his friends. on school breaks, he'd volunteer to go to other countries to teach children english, build houses, help third world countries, and he would bring his camera and show the kids how cool film was. and that's when the desire to become a documentary filmmaker sparked inside christian. even if he couldn't show the world to these kids, he wanted the world to see them and perhaps come to show the world to them because he couldn't on his own. of course, christian didn't seriously take 'filmmaker' as a serious career goal, careers in art were too risky and he wanted to do something more constructive and eventually chose to major in architectural engineering, which he began to gain interest in from building houses. it was practical, hard, but christian could use his studies to help build better houses for the kids he worked with when he volunteered. in the midst of studying, following his career path, and extracurriculars, christian's dream of becoming a documentary filmmaker got buried and lost. it took like eight years of school for him to graduate because w OW it was not easy to become an engineer. luckily for him, it wasn't hard to find a high contract job considering his degree and as an architectual engineer, he's making pretty decent bank now. and now that he's in a secure place in his life, the idea of becoming a filmmaker has come back to haunt him. a fun hobby that he did as a kid in undergrad was now something that he could pursue if he decided to put his extra time towards. but that would mean he would have to dedicate less time to work, which didn't really need too much dedication tbh it was so boring and repetitive lmao he could do most of his work at home so - it made it even more alluring to pursue it. and so IT, on his off days he decided to bring back his little camera and start filming random again. he'd buy air tickets to random places and just film with his extra income. as an architectural engineer, he began to stray away from people and focus on buildings, structures, the way the streets were designed and when he got home, he'd just edit it however he wanted to to make it look cool yknow, and then he'll just end it at that because he was afraid of showing his work to the world because what if he actually got invested in it? he didn't want to think about it.

Nullam egestas eros nec condimentum feugiat. Proin ullamcorper ante augue, a interdum tortor maximus nec. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non risus tempus, bibendum nibh efficitur, fermentum odio. Curabitur elementum ex nibh, in pharetra orci condimentum viverra. Quisque eu nibh massa. Donec ornare euismod mi, non ullamcorper nisi eleifend id. Morbi a enim sit amet nibh vulputate vulputate vitae tristique purus. Integer eleifend commodo turpis. Pellentesque eget tellus eget nisi consectetur aliquet et in nisi. Curabitur eleifend mollis orci, sit amet tincidunt purus elementum quis. Maecenas id ligula lectus. Etiam dignissim finibus viverra. Mauris elementum elit blandit tellus semper, sed sollicitudin turpis lacinia.

Donec vitae nibh fringilla, fringilla arcu a, sodales leo. Nunc gravida pharetra eros vel blandit. Nullam nec facilisis turpis. Etiam hendrerit mi sed felis eleifend, sed porta tortor scelerisque. Donec magna augue, porttitor et pulvinar non, egestas ac est. Sed cursus porta leo, consectetur dapibus lectus posuere ut. Sed tempor mauris et congue ullamcorper. Fusce et sapien imperdiet, imperdiet ex sed, finibus nisl. Pellentesque semper, turpis a tempor ultricies, sapien augue imperdiet nulla, eu rhoncus augue ante eget tortor. Pellentesque sodales dolor quam, vitae convallis erat maximus id. Pellentesque molestie metus tristique, placerat neque ut, facilisis urna. Integer pellentesque velit nec ipsum pharetra, in dignissim erat varius. Aliquam vitae elit vitae neque suscipit porttitor. Nunc egestas nisl lorem, sit amet lobortis urna mollis et.



posted 1 day ago

he's very chill and neutral guy who just wants a good time, he tends to be very nonconfrontational and just kinda c h i l l s. like r EAL chill. tOO C HILL. he's just like that tho lmao i mean underneath he does get anxiety and chills and his nerves do get to him, but he's not the type to actually talk about them, he figures that it's his job as a grown man to deal with it himself and resorts to means like smoking, exercising, and drinking to ease it up. but he's pretty conscious about his health because he doesn't want to burden the people surrounding him and tends to not smoke or drink too often, i mean he /has/ switched to vaping recently which is much better than smoking and he only lets himself drink socially. 

Praesent condimentum fringilla ex, in laoreet lorem hendrerit sed. Sed suscipit suscipit suscipit. Pellentesque auctor convallis hendrerit. Phasellus blandit dui nec augue fermentum, bibendum vehicula urna convallis. Cras cursus imperdiet orci non consectetur. Mauris lacus est, congue eget augue tincidunt, iaculis venenatis tortor. Sed tincidunt lacinia ipsum, in porta urna consectetur ac. Duis aliquam consectetur justo volutpat imperdiet. Duis eget cursus leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris ac risus nec ante lobortis pharetra eget id orci.



posted 3 days ago

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status



posted 6 days ago


name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Mauris hendrerit augue purus, id varius arcu iaculis eu. Suspendisse semper lectus ac condimentum tempus. Donec accumsan urna ac ligula egestas, a consectetur elit pharetra. Vestibulum fringilla egestas hendrerit. Nunc congue nisl ac dignissim mollis. Proin at felis quam. Quisque molestie lacus eget viverra lobortis.


out of character!

posted 1 week ago

I. In non nibh eget eros interdum maximus.

II. Mauris accumsan lacinia magna vitae convallis. Pellentesque leo arcu, interdum id gravida nec, tincidunt at leo.

III. Suspendisse condimentum lorem sit amet ipsum congue pretium.

IV. Nullam aliquam ex purus, a efficitur mauris imperdiet eget.

V. Nam quis augue libero.

VI. Aenean quis tortor nec nunc placerat vehicula. Curabitur tristique vestibulum nisi varius ultrices. Nullam non lorem ut nulla rhoncus venenatis ac semper risus.

VII. Ut viverra pulvinar neque ac commodo. Nunc tempor sodales dui. Fusce aliquet, odio vitae varius varius, purus tellus placerat mauris, sed volutpat ligula turpis at urna.



posted 2 weeks ago

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

Nulla sapien enim, semper id nisi quis, mollis interdum augue. Phasellus orci augue, tincidunt sit amet felis eget, tincidunt semper eros. Quisque aliquet mollis mollis. Cras vehicula justo ex, vel mattis libero ornare non. Integer venenatis congue libero, ac sagittis ipsum fermentum sit amet. Praesent quis tristique arcu, eu imperdiet tortor. Curabitur euismod urna vitae ligula posuere efficitur. Duis id arcu at sapien interdum facilisis eu sit amet lorem. Sed venenatis tempor lorem, et scelerisque diam consequat eu. Nam ac ipsum cursus, ullamcorper massa eget, pulvinar sem. In ut interdum nulla. Ut tincidunt, nulla a feugiat egestas, risus urna laoreet nulla, sed varius nibh elit sed elit. Cras elementum sapien a turpis gravida, sit amet lacinia ipsum mollis.

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

In ut laoreet sem, in porttitor arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget sapien ligula. Etiam mollis cursus varius. Morbi non dapibus nisi, non accumsan est. In a hendrerit odio. Cras est enim, molestie non sagittis vitae, fringilla at quam. Sed turpis magna, suscipit id elit sed, varius bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent egestas condimentum lectus, eu lacinia mauris lobortis ut.



posted 4 weeks ago

now playing . . .

♫ alcoholics – skizzy mars ♫