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Aliquam sit amet massa bibendum, rhoncus neque eget, maximus sapien. Phasellus eget metus sodales, ornare dolor quis, varius dolor. Nullam a lacus eu arcu euismod convallis nec et ante. Nulla vitae dolor nec leo fermentum dignissim sit amet vitae lectus.





writing quality 65%


reply speed 45%


kim jennie!


about me

clan seo

age 21

orientation hetero

info info

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info info

a seo princess



posted 1 day ago

Being born as the first child in a less fortunate family, jennie has always been thankful for the fact that she got adopted to the ryu family at a very young age. She could not imagine a life without being pampered and spoiled with all the luxury she has now. Although she and many other princes and princesses all grew up with silver spoons in their mouths, jennie didn’t want to take the wealth for granted. She often travels from villages to villages, hosting charity events or just donating necessities to the less fortunate people. Jennie was rather famous amongst the villagers for her kindness and hence earned the sobriquet of “the princess of kindness”.

Prosperity and abundance are the two words that perfectly describes her life as a royalty. However, one thing that only a number of people know about her is that although she grew up in the palace served with all the grand service, jennie also goes back and forth once in a while to check out her family’s situation and to provide them with financial support, but never to actually meet them face to face. growing a certain fondness for the entertainment world, jennie tends to spend majority of her time playing music or taking dance classes. being an all-rounder in the palace meant she exceeded the expectations in almost everything she faces, but it didn't mean she was exceptionally great in every single thing.

Knowing how brittle the two clans bond, She has always noticed how clannish both the ryus and seos are. It has always been that way for as long as she can remember. This act she considers “childish” brings an impact on the people and reflects how they judge both clans. She believes that most of the people have a side they prefer, but Jennie isn’t a fond of being differentiated. just like many others, she of course, has a dream, An ambition that keeps her going. though it might be impossible for her to accomplish on her own, hope is still in her. ever since knowing how lowly the two clans interact towards each other, jennie aims to reconcile the two clans together in hopes that the ryus and seos of joseon would reborn as a whole in a new light.



posted 1 day ago

Pellentesque et velit justo. Sed dapibus dolor sit amet metus finibus, eu tempus lectus eleifend. Mauris imperdiet, turpis a varius posuere, ligula tellus suscipit augue, lacinia venenatis nunc massa vitae metus. Vestibulum at enim sollicitudin tortor laoreet condimentum. Curabitur mattis cursus mauris, non tempor velit tincidunt eu. Donec tortor nisi, euismod vestibulum vehicula quis, tempus condimentum neque. Etiam id tempor orci. Sed odio lacus, blandit in erat nec, finibus congue erat. Cras placerat dignissim est, et tincidunt enim pretium et.

Praesent condimentum fringilla ex, in laoreet lorem hendrerit sed. Sed suscipit suscipit suscipit. Pellentesque auctor convallis hendrerit. Phasellus blandit dui nec augue fermentum, bibendum vehicula urna convallis. Cras cursus imperdiet orci non consectetur. Mauris lacus est, congue eget augue tincidunt, iaculis venenatis tortor. Sed tincidunt lacinia ipsum, in porta urna consectetur ac. Duis aliquam consectetur justo volutpat imperdiet. Duis eget cursus leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris ac risus nec ante lobortis pharetra eget id orci.



posted 3 days ago

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status



posted 6 days ago


name: lee sunghwa (gray).

date: since forever ago.

status: whipped 25/8.

Mauris hendrerit augue purus, id varius arcu iaculis eu. Suspendisse semper lectus ac condimentum tempus. Donec accumsan urna ac ligula egestas, a consectetur elit pharetra. Vestibulum fringilla egestas hendrerit. Nunc congue nisl ac dignissim mollis. Proin at felis quam. Quisque molestie lacus eget viverra lobortis.


out of character!

posted 1 week ago

I. In non nibh eget eros interdum maximus.

II. Mauris accumsan lacinia magna vitae convallis. Pellentesque leo arcu, interdum id gravida nec, tincidunt at leo.

III. Suspendisse condimentum lorem sit amet ipsum congue pretium.

IV. Nullam aliquam ex purus, a efficitur mauris imperdiet eget.

V. Nam quis augue libero.

VI. Aenean quis tortor nec nunc placerat vehicula. Curabitur tristique vestibulum nisi varius ultrices. Nullam non lorem ut nulla rhoncus venenatis ac semper risus.

VII. Ut viverra pulvinar neque ac commodo. Nunc tempor sodales dui. Fusce aliquet, odio vitae varius varius, purus tellus placerat mauris, sed volutpat ligula turpis at urna.



posted 2 weeks ago

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

Nulla sapien enim, semper id nisi quis, mollis interdum augue. Phasellus orci augue, tincidunt sit amet felis eget, tincidunt semper eros. Quisque aliquet mollis mollis. Cras vehicula justo ex, vel mattis libero ornare non. Integer venenatis congue libero, ac sagittis ipsum fermentum sit amet. Praesent quis tristique arcu, eu imperdiet tortor. Curabitur euismod urna vitae ligula posuere efficitur. Duis id arcu at sapien interdum facilisis eu sit amet lorem. Sed venenatis tempor lorem, et scelerisque diam consequat eu. Nam ac ipsum cursus, ullamcorper massa eget, pulvinar sem. In ut interdum nulla. Ut tincidunt, nulla a feugiat egestas, risus urna laoreet nulla, sed varius nibh elit sed elit. Cras elementum sapien a turpis gravida, sit amet lacinia ipsum mollis.

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

In ut laoreet sem, in porttitor arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget sapien ligula. Etiam mollis cursus varius. Morbi non dapibus nisi, non accumsan est. In a hendrerit odio. Cras est enim, molestie non sagittis vitae, fringilla at quam. Sed turpis magna, suscipit id elit sed, varius bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent egestas condimentum lectus, eu lacinia mauris lobortis ut.



posted 4 weeks ago

now playing . . .

♫ alcoholics – skizzy mars ♫

daddy material

totally not from gray.