
jo eunhee

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basic information

updated 08 january 2018

deity name

peitho (rom. suadela)




of seduction and persuasion, a servant to aphrodite


tethys; titan of fresh water
oceanus; personifcation of the sea, titan of the sea



relationship status

one-sided marriage


hermes; messanger god and god of mischief and sports

past lovers

Phoroneus; a hero who cheated on her
aphrodite; goddess of love, an affair

mortal occupation

a pre-law student; almost graduated (one of the best in her class, because of her charm and persuasion skills)


thetis, metis, amphitrite, dione, pleione, doris, and other oceanids

writing style

descriptive, multiple paragraphs, struggles with script/action writing (will only do it in chat)

pov preference

detailed 2nd and 3rd pov. struggles with 1st pov.


i tend to not like /fluff plots, i tend to struggle with them. i will only do them with you if we are dating.

writing samples

provide link here


the myth

updated 00 month 0000

peitho was born of the titans tethys and oceanus. living a somewhat peaceful life, peitho had then been given the chance to marry a formidable hero, phoroneus. the two easily fell in love, life was good. peitho had a loving husband, and a soon to be born child. 

after it had been announced that she was pregnant, it wasn't long before things became odd between the two of them. peitho pushed her husband away, the pregnancy made things hard on her body, and by the time a month had passed, peitho had been informed that her husband was having a sort of dalliance with a woman named europa. enraged, peitho ran away from phoroneus. the children within her died, because of her malnutrition from starving herself to be prettier.

aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, actually took pity on peitho, and invited her to live in her palace, where she would serve the goddess. peitho said yes, as there was nothing left of her life anymore, and became a servant to aphrodite.

it wasn't long before aphrodite and peitho became close, extremely close. the two of them were good friends, peitho wasn't too pretty for aphrodite. they tend to relate to certain things. it wasn't long before the two of them started having intimate nights, but because aphrodite was who she was, she could never be the one and only for peitho. 

one day, peitho had seen a man come into aphrodite's palace. he had introduced himself as hermes, the messenger god. peitho knew of hermes, since peitho was a goddess herself, she knew who he was. everyone did. he was so well known, it got peitho thinking.

soon enough, hermes had fallen in love with peitho. aphrodite was enraged that she lost a lover, or rather, two, but peitho ended up persuading her into giving peitho and hermes the goddess of love's blessing. 

peitho never loved hermes, and it's tough to say if peitho ever will, but she does know that hermes is influential, he is powerful. with his help, peitho could be one of the most famous goddesses known to humankind.


personality / quirks

updated 08 january 2018

personality junk distant, offputting, whiney, narcissistic, power hungry, somewhat affectionate.

Likes power, praise, attention, coffee, warm blankets, good books, being right.

Dislikes being ignored, betrayal, cold, hot chocolate, dirt, looking ignorant.

Hobbies reading, trying out cafes, drawing (doodling), persuasive writing, debating.

Secrets she doesn't (really) love her husband, she doesn't like to be alone but pushes people away, she's only married to her husband because he's a influential god.

Fears being alone, being ignored, having been betrayed again.

The facts Fun Facts About Them.
— she tends to act like she doesn't care.
— she's very into random pieces of music.
— she doesn't actually think highly of herself.
— she prefers dogs over cats.
— she has very specific views on things, but is understanding of other's views.


my beloved

updated 00 month 0000


over name.

date: here.

status: here.

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor. Duis enim justo, sodales a pulvinar a, porta ac augue. Mauris sit amet nisi lobortis, molestie purus ac, viverra metus. Vivamus quis odio malesuada, fermentum nisi ac, dapibus augue. Etiam vestibulum eget nisi vel fringilla.


out of character

updated 08 january 2018

ONE. my timezone gmt-8.

TWO. i tend to like action, angst, drama, and comedy plots. i'm not that good at fluff/ plots.

THREE. i have trouble with plots. i tend to get shy and awkward. expect slower replies with .

FOUR. my reply speed flucuates. sometimes i will reply in a day, other times i will reply in a few days (maybe a week). it's not you. it's me. idk why i'm like this.



updated 00 month 0000

Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse placerat sodales tellus ac maximus. Mauris ac tincidunt orci. Etiam eget finibus magna. In ex odio, vulputate eget erat vitae, rutrum cursus massa. Nullam purus erat, ornare fringilla ornare eget, consectetur vitae libero. Morbi dapibus risus at efficitur cursus. Pellentesque maximus erat quis sollicitudin vehicula. Pellentesque viverra accumsan sem, eget tincidunt lectus.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Sed accumsan ligula felis, a fermentum diam rhoncus ac. Integer quam arcu, vestibulum vitae elit auctor, dictum hendrerit nunc. Phasellus ultricies risus eu risus fermentum tincidunt. Nulla tristique sapien ut ultrices sodales. Nunc laoreet arcu nisl, ac vulputate nisl placerat in. Vestibulum ipsum turpis, mattis ac velit at, pellentesque vestibulum arcu. Aliquam lorem velit, varius et dolor nec, aliquet dignissim mauris. Cras laoreet commodo nulla, ac maximus magna hendrerit quis. Mauris egestas felis eget augue mollis, at convallis nulla tincidunt. Nunc gravida, augue et commodo pretium, ligula mi varius ex, vitae congue mauris ex sit amet massa. Donec cursus lorem et ipsum tincidunt iaculis. Maecenas nunc augue, laoreet non consectetur et, luctus non est. Pellentesque lectus libero, finibus ac massa in, viverra dictum neque. Nulla ultricies id leo quis sagittis.


friends / icons

updated 00 month 0000



created by pixels.

mood 50%


muse 85%


writing quality 60%


reply speed 40%


activity 90%


top 4 playlist



she wants my money

dominic fike

i'll miss you


"Rashiku" Ikimasho (night tempo remix)

night tempo