Personal Message


Bruises, scattered along supple and pale flesh. A mark of pure evil painted across the skin of sweet innocence. A stain. That is how Youngjae would explain his first twelve years of life. He was a stain in his family's precious life. His father left stains across his skin. The ripped, stained clothing that adorned his back every year. A stain.


Who would have predicted he become the best stain possible?


Sub Section

His father abused him from birth, his mother refused to recognize his existence, and his siblings acted as though he were the house maid. This continued on and on until he ran away from home at age 12. Physically, mentally, and emotionally unstable, Youngjae lived life on the streets up until his 15th birthday. On that day he was taken into a shelter for children. There he was taught how to read, write, and speak efficiently, he was shown the way the world works- and explicitly told that the world does  not owe him anything. Once deemed a safe citizen for the world outside... he left the shelter. A now 20 year old Youngjae looking for a place he could call home. That was when he found it- Paws'N'Claws. His forever home.A few weeks after Christmas of 2017, he received a letter his father sent him. He has yet to open it, afraid of what it may contain.


about / history

More of a lover than a fighter, Youngjae has always been a caring person. Whether it is someone he loves dearly, or just met- he will go the extra mile to make them happy. He still struggles with anger issues, anxiety, and the ever so rare panic attacks... though with a little tender love and care he claps back twice as hard from the lows in his life. A strongwilled and bright minded boy who is bursting with creative juices!



Title [ rating ]

Nam risus quam, dictum non sapien quis, tincidunt lobortis massa. Morbi viverra venenatis placerat. Donec eu nulla eget sapien scelerisque suscipit. Nullam nec justo ac ligula interdum aliquam id et diam. Aenean blandit magna eget nibh consequat, ac dapibus leo vestibulum. Proin efficitur ligula et laoreet faucibus. Donec nec tortor ultricies, hendrerit dui a, dapibus felis. Praesent tempor laoreet tortor, scelerisque ullamcorper dui accumsan ut. Nunc turpis justo, condimentum id urna nec, cursus pharetra orci.

+ status, genre, etc.

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Ut elementum facilisis libero. Vivamus sed turpis aliquam, gravida purus ac, dignissim enim. Aliquam purus purus, aliquet et neque ac, consectetur mollis mi. Nulla tempus ullamcorper lacus ac aliquam. Quisque sed nibh eget metus imperdiet facilisis at eget ipsum. Quisque interdum non tellus fringilla volutpat. Maecenas nec libero non libero semper laoreet et ut eros. Donec iaculis, est ac consectetur luctus, diam quam efficitur tellus, at accumsan leo neque at ex. Nulla aliquet dolor finibus mauris finibus porta.

+ status, genre, etc.

Title [ rating ]

Vivamus eget ultricies justo. Praesent pellentesque mauris sit amet est placerat, quis suscipit orci laoreet. Cras et tellus sit amet justo ullamcorper semper nec et quam. Etiam rutrum enim eu congue malesuada. Quisque malesuada diam ut ipsum fermentum cursus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus odio quam, faucibus at sodales ac, accumsan sit amet sapien.

+ status, genre, etc.




basic trivia

date of birth

type of hybrid

red panda


graphic novel artist







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