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WELCOME: thanks so much for joining love lockdown!

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Elizabeth aka Lizzy Grant was born to two hippie parents who raised her with the small bit of money they had. After an argument with their then teenage daughter, The Grants never saw Lizzy again after she had run away with her boyfriend at the time. From there she soon got into drugs, drinking, , and rock n roll.

After one night of being really intoxicated and having to go to the hospital shortly afterwards due to passing out and hitting her head, Lizzy vowed that she would never drink again. The cycle of drugs, and rock n roll continued until one day Lizzy met a gypsy woman who took her and her boyfriend in from the streets. She helped Lizzy become clean for a short time and made her become a functioning societal woman. Lizzy soon got a receptionist job at a modeling agency.

Everything seemed to be going fine in Lizzy’s life until her boyfriend at the time had cheated on her and ran off with the other woman. Lizzy was devastated for a few months until a fellow co-worker and friend of hers told her about an awesome party that was happening and Lizzy went to it in order to forget about her ex. There at the party, she met Zayn. He was an interesting and passionate but artistic man, and she was and still is very attracted to him.


Elizabeth is a very mature yet really chill woman due to all the weed she smokes and all the edibles she eats. She eats a lot because she almost always has the munchies. Her style is very much seventies inspired and her mind is eternally trapped in that decade. She loves to smoke regular cigarettes and listens to The Beatles almost religiously.

Lizzy is usually a very happy person who loves love, peace, and happiness. She is very motherly and philosophical sometimes too. She drinks Coca-Cola almost everyday, loves earth and she can be classified as a femme fatale.


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Hubby: Zayn Malik



Listening to: California Dreamin’ - The Mamas & The Papas

Maecenas fringilla laoreet orci, et blandit nunc pellentesque et. Nam pellentesque id lectus eu accumsan. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer sit amet orci in tellus tincidunt consequat. Mauris ut ex vulputate, euismod elit in, ultricies lectus. Pellentesque faucibus facilisis velit vel dapibus. Suspendisse ipsum risus, aliquam eu nisi consectetur, rutrum molestie felis. Duis non felis lacinia, scelerisque est laoreet, volutpat dui. Vivamus consectetur magna in ex fringilla sollicitudin.

Lizzy Grant