Personal Information
name — Bang Yongguk
age — 18
Year — Senior
Major — Visual Arts
Despite his odd character, believe it or not, he's extremely enthusiastic about the arts. Not just visual arts, but music, literature and writing as well. He grew up in a home that's surrounded by the world of the exquisite, and he found himself growing fond of the array of colours that spoke of a story that's mysteriously, but successfully, cramped into a single picture. There wasn't a need for words, and it was for that reason that he developed an avid love for the arts. To deliver messages in a painting, or possibly a poem, to express feelings in a manner that touched the hearts far greater than any novel would – That very thought excites him greatly.

A man of little words, Yongguk usually prefers to keep to himself, but he gets more open the more he gets to know someone. He has many expressions, so it's not exactly hard to tell how he's feeling. Despite his intimidating looks, he's extremely soft and caring, and he might even be considered naggy towards people he's comfortable with.
about yongguk

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gmt+8; 3rd pov, Mirror-Literacy; speed depends on muse

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