Personal Message
20:15 AM
ten chittaphon l.
Anything you'd like here! This is your lil' prize box!


His motto: "The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment."

Call Him

Hermes, Hermai, Mes / Mercury, Merc / Tenten, Ben Ten, Chitta, Phon phon.


Superhuman strength, durability, stamina, agility, and reflexes; immortal, resistant to all terrestrial diseases; can run and fly at speeds exceeding those of any other Olympian god or goddess.


Of herds and flocks, travellers and hospitality, roads and trade, thievery and cunning, heralds and diplomacy, language and writing, athletic contests and gymnasiums, astronomy and astrology; messenger of the gods; guide of lost souls


Name: Here.

Date: Here.

Status: Here.

Sed finibus blandit arcu, sit amet porta sem elementum ut. Phasellus dictum, mauris ac convallis dignissim, elit purus sagittis ex, in condimentum augue libero vel sapien. Phasellus eget dictum nibh. Phasellus a ligula purus.


Ask to be added here!






Personality / Quirks


personality junk Put that here.

Likes Put them here.

Dislikes Put them here.

Hobbies Put them here.

Secrets Put them here.

Fears Put them here.

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.


who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.

who: here.
where: here.
status: here.


Sed finibus blandit arcu, sit amet porta sem elementum ut. Phasellus dictum, mauris ac convallis dignissim, elit purus sagittis ex, in condimentum augue libero vel sapien. Phasellus eget dictum nibh. Phasellus a ligula purus.



Physically Twenty-two

Date of Birth

27 February




Target Employee / Cashier

ual orientation

Possibly Panual

Romantic Orientation

Possibly Demiromantic

relationship status

Technically married


Mood 94%


Muse 31%


Quality 62%


Speed 85%


Activity 70%



ONE. I'm on when possible and not always on when it says I am.

TWO. Detailed writer who loves to both plot and improvise, but prefers the latter. Plotting along the way is also a choice.

THREE. I normally ignore my wall, especially if I'm talking in rooms. If you send me a message, eight times out of ten, I'm responding late.

FOUR. I reply late to everything and hardly check my alerts. Don't rp/talk with me if you can't deal with that.

FIVE. I tend to make a lot of typos and leave out words. Probably because I type too fast, and probably because I don't notice. Bear with me.

SIX. You don't need to remind me I owe you a reply. I definitely know and will update you on why I haven't responded yet.

SEVEN. I am not my character. In the chat, I do get lazy and will talk ooc about things, but when it comes to actual roleplaying, me and my character are two different people. Don't get us mixed up.


Scenario Title Here

Sed finibus blandit arcu, sit amet porta sem elementum ut. Phasellus dictum, mauris ac convallis dignissim, elit purus sagittis ex, in condimentum augue libero vel sapien. Phasellus eget dictum nibh. Phasellus a ligula purus.

Scenario Title Here

Sed finibus blandit arcu, sit amet porta sem elementum ut. Phasellus dictum, mauris ac convallis dignissim, elit purus sagittis ex, in condimentum augue libero vel sapien. Phasellus eget dictum nibh. Phasellus a ligula purus.

Scenario Title Here

Sed finibus blandit arcu, sit amet porta sem elementum ut. Phasellus dictum, mauris ac convallis dignissim, elit purus sagittis ex, in condimentum augue libero vel sapien. Phasellus eget dictum nibh. Phasellus a ligula purus.