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basic information

updated 00 month 0000

birth name

kim jongin


kai Kim



date of birth

sometime in the winter


ex-soldier; labour worker



relationship status



fuma faction

current residency

lotus faction

bending type

fire-bending / lightning-bending


Swordsmanship, intelligence, cartography, agility, combat


dual edged double swords, his striking good looks

military ranking


writing style


pov preference

3rd / 2nd


not a big fan of /fluff, and will do it if we’re dating

writing samples

provide link here


history / about

updated 00 month 0000

there was once a boy who loved his nation- who loved the people and thought his country was the greatest nation. he never knew of outside nations, so he always wanted to visit them and see if they were better than his own. he doubted it, especially when it was their nations that started the war, that began attacking the innocent fuma and created conflict and death to many families. when this boy lost his brother to this war, he understood that it was what he had to do- he had to bring justice to the world in the name of the fuma faction.

the boy grew into a man, with toned muscles and an agile mind. his people knew him as kim jongin, the younger brother to the colonel who died tragically in battle. jongin knew his destiny, he knew that he had the weight of his family's honour on his back. he would bring honour to his family and to his deceased brother. he would fight in the war and bring back the good name of fuma - and to this world.

jongin fought diligently in other countries. because of his agility, diligence, and strong hand when it came to leadership, he quickly grew into his job as a soldier. his name would be featured in papers, in letters, and he would be known as the youngest colonel to grace the fuma faction at the age of 25. even though he knew how to plan, and how to lead, he still fought in battle and was most agile with his swords. battles were won and few were lost under jongin's firm leadership.

it was until the fuma army took on their hardest enemy yet- the ruthless lotus faction. jongin had no sympathy for these people. they were blood-thirsty killers who found enjoyment in torturing others through their blood. Bloodbending had only been a thing for so long, but it was a powerful tool that made the lotus faction so frightening. but jongin wasn't afraid. they were just another enemy he would sought out to kill and bring justice to.

it was until the soldiers circled a small building, when jongin's mindset started to change. they were to attack a small village full of civilians. there were women and children just going about their day- jongin assumed all the men there were out fighting the war. they were to exterminate every bloodbender within the village- no matter their age or gender. without hesitation, the soldiers attacked. jongin couldn't believe his eyes but he followed suit. there was blood everywhere. blood from the bloodbenders themselves, and from his own soldiers. excruciating pain could be heard, echoing off the mountains and trees. whether it be from the deaths of children or his own brothers. jongin tried to kill, but he just couldn't. he would hold his blades up but he could never kill.

a little boy, the same age as jongin when his brother died, wailed inside a hut. crying for his mother, who was slaughtered outside their door. he cried and he sobbed, and jongin put his swords down. he put his shields down and grabbed the boy and ran. 

he ran as fast as he could outside the village, taking the boy to a safe place. he whispered that he wouldn't hurt the boy and he would be back soon- that the boy could trust him.

jongin's view on his own army changed when he got back to the village. it was a victory for his side- but it wasn't like there was much of a challenge. the women were barely bloodbenders, they mostly knew healing for waterbending, the children barely knew their right side from their left. everything was in shambles but his men cheered in victory.

there was reports on a missing child that wasn't accounted for. his mother and his two sisters were killed, their bodies were found, but not the boy. a soldier reported that he saw jongin run off with him.

jongin was smacked, beaten, and publicly humiliated in front of his troops to the point where he was seeing double. the boy was the son of a nearby general, who the army was going to use as leverage against the lotus army by means of torture and most likely death. jongin was shunned, without his clothes or his honour, and left to die in the lotus faction.

jongin never saw the boy again, jongin ran to get clothes from the slaughtered village and started over a new leaf in the lotus faction with a hood over his head and a burn on his neck. he started labour work for farmers, cleaning up poop or plucking weeds for 12 hours a day. he got little money but never complained. he hoped to keep it down low before he could escape from the ruthless nation. he was seen as a non-bender named kai, whose smile was invisible but his kindness shown through even the dark red scar. 


personality / quirks

updated 00 month 0000

personality junk Put that here.

Likes Put them here.

Dislikes Put them here.

Hobbies Put them here.

Secrets Put them here.

Fears Put them here.

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.


my beloved

updated 00 month 0000


over name.

date: here.

status: here.

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor. Duis enim justo, sodales a pulvinar a, porta ac augue. Mauris sit amet nisi lobortis, molestie purus ac, viverra metus. Vivamus quis odio malesuada, fermentum nisi ac, dapibus augue. Etiam vestibulum eget nisi vel fringilla.


out of character

updated 00 month 0000

ONE. information here.

TWO. information here.

THREE. information here.

FOUR. information here.

FIVE. information here.

SIX. information here.

SEVEN. information here.



updated 00 month 0000

Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Suspendisse placerat sodales tellus ac maximus. Mauris ac tincidunt orci. Etiam eget finibus magna. In ex odio, vulputate eget erat vitae, rutrum cursus massa. Nullam purus erat, ornare fringilla ornare eget, consectetur vitae libero. Morbi dapibus risus at efficitur cursus. Pellentesque maximus erat quis sollicitudin vehicula. Pellentesque viverra accumsan sem, eget tincidunt lectus.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Sed accumsan ligula felis, a fermentum diam rhoncus ac. Integer quam arcu, vestibulum vitae elit auctor, dictum hendrerit nunc. Phasellus ultricies risus eu risus fermentum tincidunt. Nulla tristique sapien ut ultrices sodales. Nunc laoreet arcu nisl, ac vulputate nisl placerat in. Vestibulum ipsum turpis, mattis ac velit at, pellentesque vestibulum arcu. Aliquam lorem velit, varius et dolor nec, aliquet dignissim mauris. Cras laoreet commodo nulla, ac maximus magna hendrerit quis. Mauris egestas felis eget augue mollis, at convallis nulla tincidunt. Nunc gravida, augue et commodo pretium, ligula mi varius ex, vitae congue mauris ex sit amet massa. Donec cursus lorem et ipsum tincidunt iaculis. Maecenas nunc augue, laoreet non consectetur et, luctus non est. Pellentesque lectus libero, finibus ac massa in, viverra dictum neque. Nulla ultricies id leo quis sagittis.


friends / icons

updated 00 month 0000


mood 56%


muse 72%


writing quality 48%


reply speed 34%


activity 88%


top 4 playlist

unravel me

sabrina claudio


alina baraz ft. khalid

kickin back

mila j

one last night

vaults (hippie sabotage remix)