
Irene’s pretty sheltered and naive, and quite passive since her parents have always taught her to accept her fate. She tries to help people out when she can but often does the wrong thing and ends up getting people into worse situations without intending to. She adores animals and cooking, and cooking and looking after animals is pretty much the only thing she’s ever tried to get better at, although she’s starting to think that she’s been a bit of an idiot all her life and that she should have taken time to try things to see what she likes, since her fate won’t come to her until she’s older
Lost at night // Any // open
Somehow you find yourself ditched on the side of the road at night by your friends and left to get home, only you don’t know how to get home. Soon you come across a house and realize that this might be the only way you can find out how to get home. CAN BE REVERSED IF YOU HAVE A HOUSE, Could involve if you wanted.
Out of cash? // Any // OpEn
When you find yourself unable to pay for your lunch Irene offers to pay, hoping to make a new friend, though not realising how condenscending it could seem
Notes // Any // Open
When Irene’s phone dies in the midst of an important conversation in the Most boring class, she resOrts to passing notes to her friend, thOugh to her dismay you stop the note and read it. (CAN BE SWITCHED)
Stressed Out // Any // Open
Sometimes pushing yourself isn’t the way to go, especially when that ends in Irene escorting you to the infirmary after you passed out at school. Maybe now is the time to take a break and get to know each other as you wait for the nurse to give you the all clear. Can be switched around, you choose whether you want to pass out or whether Irene passes out Could also involve if you’re character is over 18
Starter 1
heart attack
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse mi magna, ultricies posuere risus et, porta lobortis tellus. Fusce in tempor nisl. Maecenas ut sodales tellus, sed euismod mauris. Etiam aliquet, neque at rhoncus tempus, enim est posuere urna, vitae consectetur nisi nunc eu arcu. Maecenas interdum nibh nec sem tincidunt finibus. Cras eu lectus ac ante posuere iaculis a ultricies diam. Quisque id tempus purus. Sed fringilla est nisi. Donec lacus dolor, hendrerit sit amet euismod eget, finibus sit amet leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
name // 000000
out of character
1. I'm up for anything
2. If you want to roleplay just hit me up
3. I'm in GMT time, so be aware that we might not always be online at the same time
4. I'm in my final year of uni so if I take a while to respond just poke me to remind me
5. I tend to mirror length, so dOn’t be scared to give me long or short posts. Either is fine :) just tell me what you’re comfortable with
6. Once again, I'm up for roleplaying anything