Personal Message
sweet card
full Name
kim jungeun
aual & biromantic
urgent care nurse
FALLEN angel of health
B negative
anyone who can keep her grounded
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ooc notes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.
BAE's name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non eleifend orci. Fusce varius odio quis urna vulputate eleifend. Vestibulum condimentum neque vel libero auctor, faucibus ullamcorper sapien venenatis. Vivamus dignissim venenatis lacus ac pretium. Aliquam finibus cursus eros. Aenean tincidunt mi vitae lacus varius, eu aliquam arcu fermentum. In egestas in dolor quis auctor. Aliquam bibendum mattis pretium.


fallen angel




153 y/o


all time low

jon bellion



basic information


full name

kim jungeun

date of birth

february tenth

year of birth


current occupation

urgent care hospital nurse


aual & biromantic

relationship status


current lover

no one


this character can be triggering. she is often mentally unstable, she can be rude, and she can be upsetting. if you are not okay with some potentially triggering content, please warn me ahead of time so i can tone it down.

in character


jungeun is, what you could say, a sociopath. she has never really cared one way or another what everyone else is doing, only ever caring for herself. its a funny thing, taking care of people's health, all while never really caring whether they live or die.

for years, she was always looked upon in such a great light. she was the star, the center of attention. that is, until she met a man who called her out on her tendencies. did she care? no. she knew he was right. she was, in all honesty, an egocentric . she didnt care, though. her life was going fine. however, upon the exposure of her true nature, she began losing people she had once considered friends.

well, they werent really friends. they were the people she mooched off of, the people she bribed to love her, the people she knew she could easily manipulate.

after that, she began to live her live in some sort of solitude. constantly hiding away, distancing herself further and further from people around her. she wasnt bothered one bit by the loneliness she surrounded herself with. that's what she told herself, anyway.

currently working as an ugrent care nurse in the local clinic, jungeun tends to stay away from people as much as she can, though when she does interact, she doesnt tend to make friends very easily.

history / about


The Quirks some little tidbits.
— has a bad smoking habit
— resting face
— honestly can be very y
— very closed off emotionally
— gets lost in her own mind far too often
— occassionally forgets what year it is
— as a fledgling, she cant really control herself very well

personality / quirks

out of character


ONE. gmt-8, california. not always on when it says i am.

TWO. i prefer plotting over winging, and 3rd over 1st (except when posting in rooms). detailed is always welcome.

THREE. I work part time, so i cant always give lengthy, detailed replies. please dont think im ignoring you.

FOUR. please poke me after three days. i will let you know if i grow tired of a plot. it may just take me time to get to it.

FIVE. separate ooc from ic. i am not my character, and my character isnt me. i will indicate if i mean something ooc specifically.

out of character

ground me :: open

angst, drama, friendship (?)

jungeun had a slip, and all of a sudden she's back in time. you dont know when, and you dont know where, but you do all you can to bring her back to current times, trying to calm her before she slips entirely away from you.

push and pull

angst, drama, potential violence/fighting

the two of you got off on the wrong foot... and continue on that path. both of you poke and prod each other, get under each other's skin, and yet you come back to each other every single time, as if that would change anything. she approaches you, attempting to open up to you for the first time, but you brush her off, and boy does it piss her off.

plots: to be edited

cupid love





date: here.

status: here.

what we have

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor.