
Lee Sunmi

the shorthand stuff.

Alias(es)/Nickname(s): Sunnie

Date of Birth: May 2nd

Age: 21

Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea

Current Location: Attending Uni

MBTI: INTJ - The mastermind

Occupation: Student/ student worker

Orrientation: Biual

Relationship Status: Single


about where i'm from.

Sunmi comes from a very rich and well known family. All throughout her life, she has been able to get what she wants no matter the consequences.


but the dark side behind the glittering paint is one that is not so uncommon amongst the rich and beautiful in seoul. she fights for her family's attention. she just wanted to be the family pride and joy. she makes good grades? daddy buys her a bracelet. Appeases the family business shareholders? daddy buys her a new car. but no matter what she does, its never enough to fill the void in her heart. 


angry and upset at her family, she plots to rip the company out from underneath her fathers nose. with the sudden plummit in stock, she takes up the opportunity and buys a piece of the company under a false name. and to make sure she is best suited for the role when the time comes, she enrolled in uni under the business major to make sure she is fully equipt for the job.



about who i am.

Sunmi is very cunning. she knows her way around the human brain. shrouded in the illusion of , she build connections and establishes bonds which will help her in her favor when she decides to pull her greatest act. she does have a tiny princess complex and isnt afraid to speak her mind.


On the other hand, she is nice and protective to those around her. need some help? go to sunmi. money troubles? go to sunmi. someone harming you and you want them gone? go to sunmi. 

my beloved

the love of my life.


Sunmi is a single hoe.

my family

those who know me too well.

my friends

those close to me.

behind the scenes

about the typist/writer.

I. Paragraph.

II. Text here.

III. Text here..

IV. Text here.

V. Text here.

VI. Text here.

VII. Text here.


a few scenarios.

Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.

Praesent nulla sapien, convallis in tincidunt eget, faucibus quis felis. Aliquam orci risus, condimentum in massa in, viverra venenatis lacus. Nulla auctor venenatis iaculis. Phasellus eleifend lorem eu justo volutpat, non faucibus mi vehicula. Praesent egestas rhoncus eros vel ullamcorper. In euismod non erat eget pharetra. Pellentesque ac est quam. Etiam rutrum ac lectus non mollis. Phasellus at neque mi. Vestibulum in magna euismod, congue enim in, porttitor nunc. Nunc dictum aliquet dolor id dignissim. Phasellus finibus finibus felis, id interdum neque ullamcorper ac.

Title here

Status, genre, rating, etc.

Curabitur magna nibh, euismod sed quam nec, dapibus aliquet felis. Quisque nibh ligula, volutpat vel lorem eu, pretium eleifend quam. Donec sit amet justo magna. Nam non ultrices nibh, sed sodales felis. Donec porttitor bibendum lectus. Donec sed urna faucibus, faucibus ipsum at, laoreet magna. Vestibulum tempor, felis quis tempor ultricies, leo mauris ultricies ligula, et scelerisque ligula nisl ut lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vitae ante lacinia, aliquam mauris ut, volutpat purus.