Personal Message
name: kim hyoyeon.
year: third year.
credits: 100.










kim  hyoyeon
Full Name: Kim Hyoyeon
Age: 20
Birthday: April 15, 1998
Orientation: Straight
Clique: Troublemaker
Year: Third year
Status: Single
Timezone: GMT +3
Jam: Selena Gomez - Back to you
Clubs: Dance and Drama
Classes: Psychology, Bussiness, English, Speech and Film
Something To Know About Me
Hyoyeon was born in wealthy family. Her dad is known lawyer, her two older brothers are also studying law to become lawyers. She was raised on strict rules maybe that is why she became a troublemaker. 
Before coming to this school, Hyoyeons life was pretty much like from the movie 'Mean Girls'. She was one of the popular kids in school. But that was not for long, she was kicked out after making too much trouble. 
Hyoyeon cut all connections between her and her family, because she never wanted to become a lawyer like her dad or brothers. Asked about her family Hyo tries to change subject or says she doesnt have one. It is still hard topic for her to talk. 
Now Hyoyeon is learning in new school, trying to find her path. 
As a person Hyoyeon is very friendly girl. Even tho she has an attitude or is a little bit savage or y sometimes, she is still very nice. Her old friends would say that she is the most loyal person you can meet and thats true. Hyoyeon would do anything for her friends. 
The One I Love
Insert subtitle here.
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