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hong jisoo
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alina baraz ft. khalid

kickin' back

mila j

one last night

hippie sabotage remix

bubble bath dreams


wus good / curious


basic information


fallen angel






everyone knew who michael and gabriel were but somehow mortals forgot that there was another known archangel besides them and that's joshua. he was loyal and obedient to god the father, he never broke any rules from the long run of him serving god. but one day, he took a dark turn when he later on discovered his lust for blood, what triggered it you may ask? it was a total accident actually, he went down on earth on a bad timing, war broke out and he witnessed how mortals killed each other, blood splattering all over and some went to his white robe, tainting it with the stain of blood, some even went to his face, he never really encountered blood before yet he got fascinated by the color, heaven was colorful sure but the color red was somehow... captivating for him, it was much more colorful and vibrant than white and gold.

angels were able to learn abilities and for joshua, it was easy enough since he was an archangel, he learned hemokinesis also known as blood manipulation, he hid this from his peers and god the father, afraid to be thrown out because it wasn't allowed for pure beings like him to perform dark abilities which he succeeds on, no one suspected him on doing anything out from the ordinary.

next up he discovered darkness and manage to manipulate it, he had no idea how corrupted and tainted he had become, it became obvious when his once bubblegum pink hair turned black, indicating he wasn't pure and holy but corrupted and tainted. god and his brother angels noticed this and immediately thrown him out from heaven and into the pits of hell. he knew very well that he broke the rules but he never rebelled or went against god, he respected him with all of his existence so why was he thrown out? he was merely captivated into the dark side but never actually going inside. sure he indulged it but he didn't let it completely control him but it was too late, his archangel title was ripped away from him and was given another name, jisoo.

it was said that he was greedy, greedy for power which he always declined. he took both the powers of light and darkness when he only needed one certain power. with the validity and invalidity of him being thrown out, his angelic traits stayed with him, mixing with his demonic one. you could say that he's like an angel in a demon's disguise.

shame how one from the top went down to the bottom, an archangel who dropped down to be an average but kinda high ranking demon who is under higher authorities.

history / about


Last updated 00 month. day.


with his angelic traits sticking to him, his personality was more angel-like. easy-going, patient, obedient, and kind. a literal angel in hell but of course he also has his demonic side, looks can be deceiving but he's a complete sadist, he enjoys seeing the ones he tortures in pain and all, it was rather satisfying. don't forget how much he liked the sight of blood. limitations? anger? he doesn't possess that, go all the way and he won't break.

he's submissive to those who are superior than him, its in his nature to be so and among the demons, it's obvious enough that he's nicest one out there even though he's not classified as one of them, much like a sheep under a wolf's disguise. human interns are safe when being with him, he does not harm them nor play with them like any other demon around, he tends to be friendly and approachable, for them to come up to him if there's any trouble and he'll find a way to try and help them if it isn't violating any rules.

looks can be deceiving but outside work, especially when out into the earth surface. he uses humans with wicked hearts to do murderuos acts with the use of his ability to control minds. yes he's the so called angel in hell, the sheep in disguise but he's still partly demon that he has a thing for torturing and blood shedding. he's the reason for many murder cases being done in one area.

careful, if you ever invade his space or provoke him and you're either under him or the same level as him, he'll give a warning to back off or else, without any hesitance, he'll pop a vein in your body, boil your blood on the inside and even make you levitate and smack you to the nearest wall, enough to attain bruises, wounds and even injuries but he's tolerable towards human interns.


— he's fine being called by his angelic or demonic name, but he had grew accustomed to his angelic one.
— possessing the abilities of hemokinesis, light & darkness or ying yang manipulation, illusions, mind control and nephalem physiology.
— he's able to pick if he wants to look like a demon or a dark angel. possessing the powers of both light and darkness.
— has a blood snake made of his own blood as a pet, its always present wherever he goes usually disguised as his red choker. its named as gaap.
— was entitled the purest angel in heaven, so a lot would be surprised that the once pure one went corrupted, as if its uncommon.
— he rarely shows up in the computer systems (chatroom) of inferno, not like he doesn't like being social but rather busy with something else.

personality / quirks


Last updated 00 month. day.

my beloved


name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Suspendisse a eros libero. Pellentesque ultrices consectetur lacinia. Suspendisse arcu mi, molestie et congue quis, posuere eu nisi. Duis euismod eget lectus sed fringilla. Donec tempor turpis turpis, sit amet tempus eros pellentesque eu. Mauris orci augue, cursus sed venenatis eu, pellentesque a quam. Nullam at erat fermentum, dignissim purus sed, feugiat lorem. Integer lobortis tincidunt nisi aliquet imperdiet. Aliquam porttitor quis felis eget lacinia.

ONE. Pellentesque condimentum vel nisl et rutrum.

TWO. Ut eget quam nisi. Phasellus ac quam at nulla vulputate fermentum nec nec augue.

THREE. Fusce bibendum quis lacus rhoncus eleifend. Mauris massa lacus, porta et dui vel, sagittis maximus ligula. Proin volutpat lacus neque, et commodo metus posuere eget. Nulla varius iaculis quam, vitae egestas ante cursus a.

FOUR. Sed nisi elit, condimentum bibendum orci at, dictum pulvinar metus. Nunc blandit, lacus convallis imperdiet semper, risus sem varius leo, vel faucibus orci sapien in tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque dignissim condimentum urna ac porttitor.

FIVE. Phasellus a euismod nibh. Sed id viverra urna. Sed id molestie felis.

SIX. Fusce ultricies ex ac finibus tempor.

SEVEN. Maecenas molestie nec turpis eget facilisis.

out of character


Last updated 00 month. day.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.

Scenario title.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque ornare erat vitae iaculis pulvinar. Aenean vitae massa eget metus pharetra lobortis in facilisis ex. Nam sit amet nisl in massa scelerisque porta. Fusce a lacus ipsum. Phasellus eget enim pretium, consectetur ipsum non, facilisis tellus. Aliquam rhoncus magna eget imperdiet pretium. Quisque orci magna, sollicitudin eget urna sit amet, tristique facilisis nibh. Praesent at ipsum varius, elementum velit nec, semper ligula. Fusce at ante ipsum. Praesent lacinia non ante sit amet consectetur. Suspendisse sit amet facilisis ligula. Curabitur vel tristique tortor. Quisque interdum vulputate nulla rutrum feugiat. Aliquam tempor consequat elit at volutpat. Fusce vitae suscipit nibh, in egestas orci.



Last updated 00 month. day.

friends / icons


Last updated 00 month. day.


"i don't see what's wrong in loving both the light and darkness, i'm not biased at all but the light somehow rejected me but darkness accepted me. as much as i love the darkness who saved me from drowning, i can't help but love the light even if they hurted me."


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