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Birthday gift 


kim junmyeon 7 minutes ago Reply



Myeonie give this to me o u o


His confession 💕💕


kim junmyeon 10 minutes ago Reply

@kim yongsun Uh humm..*clears his throat feeling like a nervous wreck inside*
So.. i am not the one for PDA and too much cheesiness makes me cringe. But well.. i think i should just brave myself since its the right time and i should throw out the consciousness out the window for now before i chicken out. 
So.. umm.. Yongsun.. You know i really really really like you , right? We have been together but couldnt make it official because you know.. things happen.. 
Ok this is getting real long and i am sure my family is going to jump on me and give me their gooeing eyes later with a whole lot of teasing... so..
Kim Yongsun.. will you be my girlfriend?


White Day 💐💕

kim junmyeon Mar 14, 2019 22:36:20 Reply History


A letter from your kitten..
Dear Yongsun,
Happy White Day.. I really wanted to spend time with you but busy me was unable to do so. And no matter how many times i apologise, it wouldnt be enough.

But always know that this kitten of yours loves you and misses you and wants to be with you forever and forever. Although you make me jealous by oogling my members, I also know that you love me too. 

I will try to make it up to you somehow. 

Kitten myeon.. ♡





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