Personal Message


Dans le jardin, comme les fleurs

❝ Message。

"maarhaban, my name be hassan of the house of rymoror, master of ships and champion fight gambler of the dead islands. Welcome to me humble abode, ye care for a fine cusp of kahul?".

hassan"lionheart" Rymoror 

Basic Information

Full Name

Hassan rymoror I


Lion Heart

Date of birth


Current age



foreign pirate



Marital Status


Current partner



demi fae

history / about / bio

Son of zaahid rahal the great and Taryne of the house of wendwater, he comes from a tribe of brute arabian outlaws that lived in the outskirts of the city of Fenharrow, a prospering region for farm folk and laborers alike.

Much is speculated about him in the inner cities, as he's spent most of his life offshore looting treasures from foreign lands and conquering the vessels of seafaring adversaries with an iron fist. in light of this, here say, fables and tales have come forth of a man who could see far beyond the storms of the open sea and bring abundance and wealth to the less fortunate upon his return, this meaning hassan has become a symbol of hope and prosperity to the common folk of the woodlands of fenharrow. 

but one thing remains certain about the Successor of the foreign pirate lord zaahid (who pirated the Dead Islands of Skull Bay alongside the infamous Captain Rolfe.)

he was a gifted pillager with an admirable level of expertise for attaining the unattainable for those who acquired tastes for  the illegal trade before resolutely climbing the ranks of his kin to a prominently revered ruler of the seas of erilea with 35 ships at his command.

A strong fighter with the heart of a lion and a kindred spirit, he possesses the blood of a Fae but, his mother (a royal) who was far too disconcerted by the increasingly illicit requests of her persuer (who risked all to have her by his side after she became with child) never claimed the boy as her's for he carried the blasphemous lineage of a demi fae and the discovery of such an atrocity would bring dishonor and condemnation to her family.

but alas, the sordid breed of a royal fae and a powerful sea hound, he is Hassan lionheart rahal pirate of the southern sea, conqueror of ships and an effigy to the impoverished.


personality / quirks


a renegade pirate with a gritty sailor's mouth and a heart of gold, jackar provides a welcoming hand to those with an open mind and an avid fixation for booze but, glimpses of an emotionless automaton may briefly appear when his past is brought to light; a topic he prefers to leave unspoken as it brings about traumatic memories. otherwise he doesn't allow himself to be pulled down into the general chaos of those around him.

my beloved


mmm . dd . yyyy


status here


Nulla at nisi in erat dapibus commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse et massa a ipsum varius lacinia a quis sem. Nulla nec ligula at enim viverra ullamcorper. Fusce vel magna sed diam tempor molestie. Integer arcu sem, accumsan nec ante quis, tincidunt dictum dolor. Sed bibendum, tortor at lobortis aliquet, ligula diam aliquam neque, non aliquam arcu est convallis felis. Aliquam iaculis, lectus at tempor facilisis, metus eros bibendum massa, eu dictum augue lectus ut metus. Morbi pharetra lorem quam, sed pulvinar urna aliquam non.

out of character


writing preferences: 3rd pov.


writing style: novella, multi para.


Timezone: GMT-4.