Personal Message

the bio:

a gentle and caring person to the people around her, she is very forgiving and tries to see the beauty and goodness in everything.  dawon is extremely strong-willed, and always does the things she deems right.  she is also generous to others and charitable to those less fortunate than her.  she protects all living things fiercely.  she used to be a little naive, but the horrors of war and the pain of losing loved ones toughened her up and inspired her to protect her people as well as she can and to stay gentle.  however, she hates lying and cannot keep a straight face, so she tries her best to always tell the truth.  she wants to protect her home and the home of the last of the singing ministry.

raised by the singing ministry - a small section of the auryleis kingdom that specializes in using their hymns and songs to cast.  a small sect hidden away, most witches use other means of casting and spells and almost no one carries on the tradition or the magic of the singing ministry and its hymns and teachings. their numbers are few nowadays, as hymn magic is rarely found in both kingdoms and the magic is hard to pass down, as it can only be passed from a mother to her daughter - with blood relations.  in ancient times, the singing minstry was followed by many for it's teachings of purity, respect for the land, and their belief in becoming one with nature and the world around them - ultimately becoming the best version of oneself.  

the singing minstry traditionally has a patriarch leader, a council of witches, and a diva.  the patriarch is the leader of the ministry, the council manage the hymn books and even used to have their own justice system for its followers, while the diva is the guide of the law and beliefs the singing ministry follows.  they call the law and beliefs they follow 'imaginal law'.  imaginal's law has various guardians that its believers pray to for guidance, and imaginal itself.  imaginal is thought to be another name for the creator, or an extension of the creator.  as time passed, many of the names and teachings have been lost, but the remining witches still honor and ask for power from simmah, the one who delivers.  because there is so few singing ministry members left - the vast majority killed in the war - there is only a diva left in the ministry who the others look towards and ask for guidance and light.  that diva is dawon.  she is imaginal's diva and now without traditional roles, she acts as a spiritual leader for the rest of the ministry, and is a sign of hope for the rest of those who follow the singing ministry still.  as the diva, she is also the most powerful of the singing ministry, although she doesn't fight/

there are two main events that has happened to the singing ministry which contributes to the loss of the many witches that follow the ministry.  the first one being the ongoing war.  the second one being the rise of a dark witch who sought to take over the power of all the hymns for herself.  she dabbled and used in forbbidden hymns, the hymns of complete darkness, and used them to destroy hymn books and to kill many of the ministry members.  she was eventually killed, but it caused the loss of almost all of imaginal's teachings, majority of the singing ministry, and the loss of many hymn books.

dawon learned everything from her mother, who specialized in healing spells and hymns.  on her own though, dawon has also learned some powerful offensive hymns from hymn books that are hidden away in various places.  some of the books were hidden by her ancestors, others by herself.  however, dawon does not use these hymns often, for it drains away her energy quickly and also dawon hates hurting others.  she only fights when she must.  technically, there are hymn books for every single element avaliable, but dawon only can use the earthen hymns and the general hymns currently.

currently, she works primarily as a medic or healer for the kingdom. she also knows some powerful support hymns, passed to her from an elderly lady part of the singing ministry.  she can use her hymns to scan one's body and fix the underlying issue by using the hymn to fix the body, or general healing spells and songs.


hymnomancy: better known and referred to as hymn magic.  this is the primary way dawon uses her magic.  a scarcely used type of casting in the current world.  most people don't even know it really exists, and most who currently do know it because they've seen dawon use it but are too afraid to ask about it.  there are countless of hymns for all sorts of things, blessings and healings but also ones to cause disaster as well.  for example, ones to heal broken bones, ones to cause plants to grow, but also one to trigger a volcano to burst. or an earthquake to happen.  you don't need to sing out loud for a hymn to work, as long as your heart is singing, the hymn will produce the effect you desire.

hymn books: primary way of learning a hymn other than being orally passed down to someone.  you can't just read the book, it won't make sense and you'll have an intense headache if you do.   you must understand the meaning of the hymn, convey your heart and will to the book, and the hymn will reveal itself to you.  a hymn book has its own thoughts and feelings, and to a witch that it likes or that has understood it, it will sing in the ear of that witch if it is near enough.  the songs it will sing to the witch are all very different, but the stronger affinity you have to the book, the more helpful it will be to you.  the book is immune to everything except for the hymn of ultimate darkness: void infinity.

healing hymns: dawon knows every single healing hymn in existance.  there is no more existing hymn books with the healing hymns, all of these songs were passed to dawon through her mother - the previous diva.  dawon in her free time spellwrites hymn books with healing hymns in order to help pass down the traditions and keep the singing ministry alive with spells.  however, there is a forbidden hymn - the hymn to revive the dead from their grave.  that hymn curses all those who sing it, and no one dares to even speak of it.

blessing hymns: these hymns have various effects on not only people, but also the land.  dawon knows all of the blessing hymns for healing and protecting the land.  she sings them often to barren lands in hopes that they will one day sprout new life and grow once more.  she also knows a couple of ones to bless and power up fellow witches.  she does not disclose what they specifically do but, she usually sings them for the army before hard battles ahead to empower their abilities and give them great agility, strength, and defensive capabilities.  however, if she sings the hymns to large amounts of people, her energy is drained quickly.  therefore, she only sings them for vital and extremely important battles.  here are some that she knows and uses most often:
floral coat: boosts defence and resistance against the elements.  gives off a sweet, floral scent.
oracle's healing: a basic heal best used in the heat of battle to mend simple injuries.
sand curtain: a shield from the earthen elements and weather.
holy blessing: a spell to help give second wind to a person on their last breath.
protection wall/flawless protection: for a short time, the person that has this protection is immune to all attacks and all harm.

offensive hymns: dawon currently is studying hymn books about them.  she has been slowly practicing her skills with these hymns, and she picks them up quite quickly.  there are various types and ways to use and manipulate them to the users will.  dawon does not expose the amount of hymns she can use, but here are the ones she can use and uses the most often to protect herself and others:
radiant song: the light is based off the bioluminescence of certain animals.  the song summons that glowing light and releases it in a short burst.  good for distraction or as a sneak attack.
earthen crush: summoning a large rock or chunk of earth above the target and dropping it on their head.  very painful.
earthen spear, grand break, earthen destruction, gaia prision, gaia grid: various earthen spells revolving around manipulating the earth to attack her target.

imaginal's song: the most holy song of the singing ministry.  it's melody is known to all of the members of the singing ministry, but the lyrics and the full hymn is only known by the diva.  even if one tries to sing it, the song will get stuck in their throat and their throat will close up immediately.  this hymn usually manifests itself as blue droplets of light from the sky, almost as it is raining.  it soothes the earth around it and conveys an aura is complete peace to all who hear it.  the hymn bends to the will of the diva and can manifest itself in the way the diva wants it to.  if that diva has enough strength and power - she can use that song to cause calamity greater than anyone has seen before, or create an impenetrable peace for all.

dawon auryleis
35 yrs old • single • biual
earthen witch
dual pov
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