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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus sem et tempor ultricies. Nullam et erat neque. In tincidunt libero a leo mollis facilisis. Proin non ullamcorper sem. In malesuada dui nibh, in semper ante pretium nec. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse elementum sapien felis, a pharetra erat auctor at. Nullam sed tincidunt sem.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
About  *tW*
The beginning of the end of Meiyun's childhood was when she was only six years old. Her father, fired of her mother's clinginess and the work it took to raise two children, left. She was too young to realize why he left, or that it was a bad thing at the time, and went on with her life like normal. Playing with her dolls, playing tag with her brother, hide and seek, other games any young kid would play. And she thought it was normal for her mother to bring a new man or woman home almost every night. Normal to hear those lewd sounds coming from her mother's room and see wads of cash on the coffee table, kitchen counter, on the fridge, sent in the mail. She thought it was normal until she saw her brother crying. She was ten and he had just turned fourteen.

"Why are you so sad? It's your birthday!" She asked him, smiling and trying to lighten the mood with a smile and dance. His response was an explanation. One to let her know that this life wasn't a normal one. To let her know that other kids their age had both of their parents, didn't have strangers over ever night, and didn't have cash laying around in every room. He told her not to grow up too fast, to cherish her childhood since he didn't get to have one. Since his childhood was taken due to him having to care for her like their parents hadn't done, and she listened to him. But not for long.

It was at her fourteenth birthday party when she played a game of "never have I ever" with her so-called friends. They'd all done so much more than her. Was that normal for fourteen year olds? She assumed it was, and pushed aside what her brother asked of her. While he was graduating high school and filing for full custody of her, she turned to a new life. To say he was disappointed in her would be an understatement, and he did his best to convince her that she was making a mistake. She didn't listen until it was too late, however. She'd done something terrible, far worse than her brother would have ever imagined she could have done. Something even she didn't think she could have done until she did. One phone call, and he was helping her cover it up. No one could find out. They both agreed to that. And they went back to a "simple" life. One where they made no mistakes, did no wrong. He was a student at a school in China and she decided to move to South Korea to get away from all the memories of what terrible things she'd seen and done, not knowing it would follow her, and when he'd soon transfer there too, to the school she'd chosen.


for her to know and you to, hopefully, never find out. 
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat mattis dolor, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend consectetur. Nullam pulvinar in quam sit amet gravida. Aliquam in mi justo. Ut posuere convallis viverra. Integer condimentum metus nec ipsum tincidunt tristique. Fusce metus quam, lobortis vel scelerisque lacinia, suscipit id nisi. Nunc pellentesque ipsum tincidunt nulla fringilla auctor. Mauris aliquam luctus aliquam. Integer tempus ligula non cursus scelerisque. Curabitur erat nulla, lobortis laoreet semper vitae, ultricies sit amet elit. Pellentesque sollicitudin, tellus in finibus congue, augue nibh pretium libero, id congue turpis dui quis nisl. Quisque orci dui, fringilla sit amet erat eget, viverra congue mauris. Praesent iaculis iaculis urna nec lobortis. Ut quis convallis metus, nec fermentum tortor.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat mattis dolor, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend consectetur. Nullam pulvinar in quam sit amet gravida. Aliquam in mi justo. Ut posuere convallis viverra. Integer condimentum metus nec ipsum tincidunt tristique. Fusce metus quam, lobortis vel scelerisque lacinia, suscipit id nisi. Nunc pellentesque ipsum tincidunt nulla fringilla auctor. Mauris aliquam luctus aliquam. Integer tempus ligula non cursus scelerisque.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat mattis dolor, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend consectetur. Nullam pulvinar in quam sit amet gravida. Aliquam in mi justo. Ut posuere convallis viverra. Integer condimentum metus nec ipsum tincidunt tristique. Fusce metus quam, lobortis vel scelerisque lacinia, suscipit id nisi. Nunc pellentesque ipsum tincidunt nulla fringilla auctor. Mauris aliquam luctus aliquam. Integer tempus ligula non cursus scelerisque.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat mattis dolor, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend consectetur. Nullam pulvinar in quam sit amet gravida. Aliquam in mi justo. Ut posuere convallis viverra. Integer condimentum metus nec ipsum tincidunt tristique. Fusce metus quam, lobortis vel scelerisque lacinia, suscipit id nisi. Nunc pellentesque ipsum tincidunt nulla fringilla auctor. Mauris aliquam luctus aliquam. Integer tempus ligula non cursus scelerisque.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat mattis dolor, ut imperdiet dolor eleifend consectetur. Nullam pulvinar in quam sit amet gravida. Aliquam in mi justo. Ut posuere convallis viverra. Integer condimentum metus nec ipsum tincidunt tristique. Fusce metus quam, lobortis vel scelerisque lacinia, suscipit id nisi. Nunc pellentesque ipsum tincidunt nulla fringilla auctor. Mauris aliquam luctus aliquam. Integer tempus ligula non cursus scelerisque.
you doing okay, sis? 
Of course! 
Good! I'm trying to transfer, so your big bro will be there soon for you.