Personal Message
roleplayed by -euphoria.
throw me to the wolves
and i will return leading the pack
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer varius mattis risus, eget ultricies eros tincidunt eu. Vestibulum sodales malesuada laoreet. Praesent quis mauris at nisl mollis accumsan quis non est. Mauris fermentum at urna at finibus. Integer maximus fringilla purus at malesuada. Fusce porttitor a odio sed euismod. Vestibulum nunc velit, tincidunt a metus eget, elementum ultrices orci. Maecenas viverra felis erat, in facilisis quam congue vel. Duis consequat urna nisi, at ullamcorper nibh vehicula at. Suspendisse tempor ultricies metus non fermentum. Nullam nisi justo, sollicitudin vitae aliquet consectetur, tempor sed felis. In ornare accumsan fringilla.
he can manipulate that amount of devotion the entranced individual has toward the user to the point they may do things they may not usually do to please their “god”. he may only enchant an individual if they look directly into his eyes. people only remain under his spell if they are in close proximity. he can also only put a few people under his spell as his powers drain with each enchantment.
devotion sense
kim jongin
twenty two
Prince of Orisis
Devotion Sense
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❖ jongin was born on the planet orisis, where his mother was the queen or the ‘goddess’ as she preferred to be called.
❖ he was the youngest of seven children, but because he had inherited his mother’s power he was the heir to the throne.
❖ due to his mother’s partiality towards him, his older siblings despised him. at first, he tried hard to gain their kinship, but after constantly being reviled by them, he too used his mother’s affection to his advantage.
❖ his mother never said no to him and it made him disgustingly spoiled.
❖ when he was eighteen, he discovered that his father was still alive and well with the help of a psychic; he was a human male living on earth.
❖ for the first time, his mother refused him, not allowing him to leave. he was taken aback. he begged and pleaded but she was obstinate.
❖ he tried, but he couldn’t shake his father from his mind. in the dead of the night, jongin absconded from his planet. ❖ on earth, he was detained and only released on the condition that he would serve the human race and attend sora academy.
❖ upon discovering his escape, his mother tried to cajole and negotiate with him, but he declined her offers. enraged, she sent his siblings to bring him back at any cost.
❖ while growing up, jongin was quite selfish and entitled. he regarded most people with indifference, only revealing his kind nature to a few individuals.
❖ when he arrived on earth, he found his charm less effective with his cold persona. coming to the school and being surrounded by so many powerful students humbled him farther.
❖ at sora academy, he’s a bit of a chameleon, changing he personality to suit whomever he’s engaging with.
❖ he’s very observant, always studying those around him. he rarely devotes someone to him without researching them.
❖ generally, he’s very kind and funny. with his enhanced charm, he’s very popular amongst his peers.
❖ most aspects of his personality have changed for the better, but he’s still a very self-serving, rarely hesitating to use others for personal gain.
❖ enchantment: by looking at an individual in the eye, jongin can increase the level of devotion they have for him. currently, they will remain devoted if they are within five hundred foot radius of him.
❖ devotee detection: he can sense those that he has enchanted within a thousand feet radius and call them for assistance if they are within five hundred feet.
❖ devotee linkage: those that are devoted to him can sense each other if they are within five hundred feet of each other and jongin is within close proximity.
❖ enhanced charisma: while he has the power to enchant people, he’s naturally very charming, easily gaining the trust and loyalty of others.
❖ expert swordsman: while he has trained to use multiple weapons, he has mastered the twin blades. out of all his siblings, he’s the best at hand to hand combat.
❖ expert marksmanship: he’s trained to use a variety of guns.
❖ Expert strategist
❖ enhanced speed: he’s more agile than an average male.
❖ enhance strength: he’s stronger than an average male.