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Hongjoong grew up in a very well known family. They were rich, numbering exceeding beyond his ability to count. He never paid attention to things like that, though, never found joy in the fact that he had more money that he needed to. His parents, however, were the opposite. From extravagent parties hosted for absolutely no reason other than to show off how rich they were or buying a ridiculous amount of sports cars for his dad to show off. Hongjoong preferred to keep his wealth to himself and never spent much of it, only during times when he needed to. Even when he got his first car, he bought something typical and common; something he could easily blend in with. His parents didn't like that, of course they didn't, but he didn't care.
Hongjoong just didn't like to stand out. It was already considered "weird" that he was a hybrid.
However, it wasn't just the money issues that made Hongjoong uncomfortable in his living environment. It was also his parents. They weren't religious by any means but they were severely against the LGBT+ community. So much so that they would often attend PRIDE events and hire so many people to hold up a mass amount of signs written with homophobic slurs and derogatives.
In short, his family was known as that family. That family that were too rich beyond belief that they showed it off at any given moment or chance. That family that saw no wrong in their actions or behaviors. That family that was proud of being homophobic and would state it with their entire chest.
Jokes on them, right? Being homophobic then finding out their only child was gay.
The outcome was cliche. Hongjoong got beaten severely before he was dumped on the streets, left to die. As a hybrid, no one came near him. No one trusted him. No one liked him and quite frankly, Hongjoong was peacefully accepting the fact that he'll die on the streets sooner or later.
He lasted there alone for about 7 months (maybe longer, he eventually lost track at some point) before he realized he was becoming ill. Very ill. After experiencing his first heat alone, and winter setting in, Hongjoong knew if he didn't find shelter and medical care, he wasn't going to make it through the night. But then again with his experience, he wasn't trusting of people either - human or hybrid. It was nearly midnight and he could feel the darkness creeping up. That was when he met Yunho, a male human that took him in despite the hybrid's (weak) protests. It took some time but Hongjoong was nursed back to health under his care, given proper showers, meals, and a bed to sleep on. Turns out his first heat was a nasty one and it took a large toll on his body and health - first heats were always like that but if experienced along then it's dangerous. It just so happened at his first heat was unbarably painful and he could often times find himself blacking out in the middle of an alleyway.
Hongjoong speculated that it was because of the changes of lifestyle he had endure. From rich to barely scraping by. Or maybe it was for some other reason, either way, it brought Yunho to him. And for that, the hybrid can now say he's thankful for.
Hongjoong prefers to keep to himself and away from large groups of crowds. He likes isolation and the peace the silent brings him, being an introvert by nature, but once he's in a setting of familiarity with people he knows, he's very out-going and energetic. Cracking jokes left and right, basking the laughter and comfortability in such a welcoming setting.
Being a wolf hybrid was a little difficult to manage at first. How can one adapt to being able to sense things 10x better than normal humans? Being able to see, smell, and hear things better might seem like a good thing but it eventually made Hongjoong get down with sensory overload and quickly become hyper-sensitive.
When Hongjoong is comfortable around someone, he'll often find himself sticking close to their side and initating any kind of skinship with them when he normally shies away from it. However, if he trusts someone and feels secure, he will scent them.
Preset Plots
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 )
Senserit laboramus mea eu, ea per veri nihil maluisset. Et illum scripta corrumpit pro, sed minim patrioque no, duo te prompta accommodare. Eu usu iriure tritani sanctus, sea nibh antiopam an. Ea salutandi repudiare usu. Vis ei munere ocurreret, duo cibo conceptam ei, mea ne illud tollit feugait.
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 )
Quidam impedit voluptaria his id, pro ut natum fabulas invidunt. Vis omnesque posidonium eu, et dicam homero salutatus eam, no verterem iudicabit vim. Paulo habemus philosophia duo ut, agam partiendo salutandi eam et. Offendit noluisse molestiae eu vim, ad est nemore percipit.
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 )
Consequuntur signiferumque mediocritatem eam et. Fabellas necessitatibus ea. Te movet sanctus elaboraret quo, eu dolore utroque usu. Ius cu eligendi temporibus, omnes exerci philosophia vix ex, ei amet doming nam.
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 )
Vim ex harum inermis ullamcorper, in nam suas illum dictas, an sit efficiendi appellantur. Sed eros viris partem ut. Posse tation feugait ea est, est an suas percipitur. Vitae tation iudicabit at per. Ocurreret splendide cu vel, eirmod sanctus usu ea. An inermis concludaturque nec. In sea vide vituperata temporibus.
Plot Name. Genre. Gender. ( 0/1 )
Assum electram ex, quidam voluptatibus ei eum. Te vis falli aliquam constituam, est wisi bonorum molestiae et. Graeco persius an pro, an velit viris dicant his. Vis ea tamquam omittam, etiam ocurreret mei an.
Yunho. 08/16/18
In sumo dolore vel, ipsum nemore mentitum ne nam. Eu augue eruditi denique vix, consul legimus honestatis mel ut, ex graeci epicuri gubergren vix. Case quando in vim, dolorum cotidieque deterruisset eum et. Ius no nominavi qualisque, ipsum simul adipisci ut usu, in summo utinam usu. Vix amet assueverit et, id quo dicta postea. Te nibh summo iudico sed, an error populo eum. Cu utinam omnium latine per, dicat iriure sadipscing ut his. Qui no aperiri veritus efficiantur. Et vidit instructior, melius omittam eu sea. Ius vitae aliquam ut, et pro ancillae oportere qualisque.
Beloved Friends
Out of Character & Misc
Writing Style: 3rd POV
Preferred Method: Plotting
Muse: 4/10
Reply Speed: 3/10
01. In sumo dolore vel, ipsum nemore mentitum ne nam. Eu augue eruditi denique vix, consul legimus honestatis mel ut, ex graeci epicuri gubergren vix.
02. Case quando in vim, dolorum cotidieque deterruisset eum et. Ius no nominavi qualisque, ipsum simul adipisci ut usu, in summo utinam usu.
03. Vix amet assueverit et, id quo dicta postea. Te nibh summo iudico sed, an error populo eum. Cu utinam omnium latine per, dicat iriure sadipscing ut his.
04. Qui no aperiri veritus efficiantur. Et vidit instructior, melius omittam eu sea. Ius vitae aliquam ut, et pro ancillae oportere qualisque.
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