Personal Message


I've soaked under your skin, into your veins, and I sense I need to get out. I'll fade away through the depth of your wounds. Your universe will be at peace.

park chanyeol
park chanyeol
The reality without us will be perfect
Nicknames: Yoda, eggyeolk, dobbyeol, chanyeobo, YOLO, yeollie pollie, yodel, chanyolk, chanyeller, bleachan, umbryeolla, chanyolas cage, embryeol, charging yolk.
most favorite nickname: loey (don't call me this one unless we are married with 3 kids >:)
Likes: friends, music, loyalty, seafood, meat, fun and games, freedom, hoodies, physical activities, tattoos
Dislikes: intimidating people, pressure, boredom, spicy food
OOC stuff:
- 1st pov prefereed but can do 3rd one too
- gmt +1
- over 18
Exo member
27 years old
The dork loser
single and looking
looking is all i do tho
Mike Perry - The ocean
name here
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