

jeon jungkook


22 years old


grayson & koriand'r


emotion based power (very limited)

relationship status



gmt +10

writing style

i do all writing styles

History / about

will be made cohesive later.

childhood to mid teen years.
- born on earth to grayson and koriand'r of tamaran.
- parents seperated when he was a young child due to conflict in raising him; his father wanting to raise him as he was whereas his mother wanted to give jungkook a normal childhood.
- his father was awarded custody due to his mother being off planet often but she always made time to spend with him no matter what.
- spent 50% of his time living with his father, 25% of his time with his adoptive randfather(bruce wayne) and the remaining 25% with his mother either on earth or tamaran.
- both parents have had an on and off relationship as he grew up which often messed with his head but both were fantastic parents to him. 

late teens to now.
- has adopted the robin mantle and works with the batman in peace keeping(though there is generally not much to watch over due to euphoria being fairly safe)
- currently in university studying criminology with a specialty in forensice science.
- has a part time job working in the university library.
- generally spends most of his time participating in parkour groups, studying, or watching the 'bad guys'. ("just in case")

Personality / Quirks

personality junk 

Likes 70's and 80's music. peppermint tea mixed with honey. curly fries with bacon pieces.  neopets. 

Dislikes being mistaken for his father. his mothers cooking. waking up before 10 am.

Hobbies collects superhero mugs. riding his motorcycle on a cliff-side highway. training(duh). visiting tamaran.

Secrets likes to perform in his fathers circus from time to time.

Fears afraid that he's not as fearless as he likes to act. afraid of not upholding his parents(and subesequent adoptive grandfather) reputation.

The Quirks 
— generally takes after his father in looks, abilities and personality but, like his mother, has tamaranian powers based off of his emotions(very limited).
— powers tend to fluctuate and aren't reliable(in the sense that they sometimes don't work); the only constant is tamaranian strength. has the ability to fly and survive harsh conditions like his mother, also has her starbolt powers but much weaker(akin to being punched and usually results in 1st-2nd degree burns). excluding his strength, his abilities only work 5% of the time.
— says parkour when he does anything remotely acrobatic.
— likes to remove prefixes from words.
— can't drink coffee to save his life.
— has a thing for 'sweater paws'.
— if you look hard enough; you'll find a secret tattoo somewhere on his body.
— is the latest robin incarnation but currently works on his own for independence.
— suit looks like this: here.

My Beloved





Ut blandit, nibh vel auctor imperdiet, nulla tortor mattis quam, eget luctus magna lectus vel nunc. Praesent nec ullamcorper dui, sit amet tincidunt leo. Morbi tempor pellentesque sapien, non mollis nibh bibendum quis. Proin eu egestas odio, eu hendrerit quam. Donec at leo lacinia, tristique eros eu, eleifend nibh. Phasellus consequat, risus semper sollicitudin condimentum, neque justo egestas urna, vel suscipit lorem turpis vel elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis nunc ac est ullamcorper dictum sit amet in ligula. Nam eu odio eget odio pellentesque posuere in et arcu. In ut rhoncus nisl, vel posuere odio. Praesent luctus semper orci a porttitor. Pellentesque lacus libero, finibus sit amet ex sed, rutrum congue est. Nulla commodo imperdiet malesuada. Fusce interdum nibh justo, et facilisis sem viverra et. Praesent tempus sollicitudin neque, vitae pellentesque risus blandit at. Cras placerat libero in sapien elementum ornare.

Out of Character

ONE. i'm slow as . seriously, i sometimes don't get to replies until well after a week despite being active in the ooc room. do not come @ me with complaining about not replying to you cause it makes me less inclined to do your reply. 

TWO. if you do need to poke me, please do it after a full week has passed. i genuinely do not mind being poked, i need the reminder sometimes, but i don't like being poked a day or two after you have posted cause i have a somewhat busy life as well as other roleplays to attend to.

THREE. i do all writing styles. just tell me what you're comfortable with and i'll do it.

FOUR. i quite enjoy writing starters so i'm more than happy to do so unless it makes sense for you to start.

FIVE. my timezone doesn't really mean anything. i'm online at random times( i am currently writing this at 1:12 am as we speak).

SIX. i would prefer if we pre-plot , please and thank you. romance i'm happy to wing but tbh i tend to lean towards the polyamorous side of things in roleplays like this so plotting romance is a-ok with me as well; just be aware i might be romantic with others as long as they don't mind either. my romance stance might change in the future, who knows?

SEVEN. i have next to no hard limits when it comes to genres, kinks, etc. feel free to let me know where you draw the line and i will do the same. 


Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Pellentesque dignissim pulvinar orci ac ultricies. Praesent eget gravida mauris. Suspendisse non justo lacinia, luctus elit vel, vulputate enim. Morbi semper auctor massa, vitae pulvinar dolor venenatis sed. Curabitur et quam non neque porta placerat. Ut consectetur mauris magna, sit amet dapibus tortor hendrerit eu. Cras in magna sed lacus sagittis molestie non ac ante. Vestibulum nec urna eu diam finibus pellentesque. Maecenas sed pulvinar ipsum. Fusce maximus nisi ex, nec vestibulum tellus suscipit ac. Maecenas a semper nisi, eu ultricies ante. Proin pretium convallis ante ut ullamcorper. Donec sit amet diam non elit consectetur porta. Ut tempor sapien magna, id elementum mi hendrerit eu. Quisque ultricies lobortis condimentum.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Nam varius augue vel hendrerit fringilla. Suspendisse sit amet massa vulputate, pulvinar enim in, molestie nunc. Donec viverra auctor egestas. Integer id commodo metus. Nam cursus odio nisi, sit amet fermentum tellus tempor in. Cras consectetur, libero vitae luctus efficitur, mi leo tempor massa, at rutrum lacus nunc non dolor. Duis porttitor est nec velit convallis, quis pulvinar ex bibendum. Nam id diam id felis rutrum imperdiet sed sit amet elit. Sed posuere viverra purus eget lacinia. Ut tempor tellus et faucibus sollicitudin. Mauris in dictum nisi.

Cura te ipsum.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Aliquam vitae arcu sem. Sed pretium mi vitae diam dictum hendrerit sit amet at tortor. Integer aliquam dignissim dui sit amet consequat. Nulla nulla sapien, mollis sit amet erat sit amet, porta volutpat arcu. Nullam lobortis, dolor nec consectetur sollicitudin, sapien ex luctus purus, luctus finibus lacus dolor id augue. Maecenas eget placerat lorem. Curabitur ac nulla aliquam est pharetra tempus. Curabitur magna urna, dignissim sed maximus in, suscipit eget turpis. Donec id elementum sapien.

Friends / Icons