Personal Message

> shy
> usually locks himself up in his room when he falls into his little space since he was always told that he shouldn't when he was already the age of being called an adult
> "Grow Up" is his most hated phrase


Don't tell me to grow up, because apparently I never will.

baby boy / 19
student & florist
basic information
  • Nickname(s): woo, wookie.
  • Date of Birth: 08/17.
  • Current Residence: lmm den.
  • Occupation: florist.
  • ual Orientation: homo.
  • Romantic Orientation: homo.
  • Relationship Status: single.
history / persona

Woohyuk is a shy little boy. Ever since he was a little child, he had been bullied a lot not only because of his smol-ness but also his tendency to be what people call a 'little'. He never thought it to be a problem until his parents began to think of him falling into little space was a problem and a sort of a mental disorder. They sent him to mental institutes, therapy, and all they could do to make him stop but gave up when they couldn't find a 'cure' to his 'illness'.

my daddy
name here
martial status
00 month 2020

Message to your lover goes here. Type as much as you might want or need to. Hit enter for a new line.


> I'm always online but I'm mostly on my phone (used to be... now I'm in a nation-wide quarantine so I'm on my laptop)

> I'm normally pretty good at replies but if you see me talking but not replying to you please do poke me, I won't get annoyed!

> Please keep walls free of ooc. Walls are for actual roleplaying. PM me if you want to plot something or talk to me ooc! Or tag me in the ooc room :)