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 [A]7:49:49 PMReply 

*^* jaems dp 

enjun [A]7:52:51 PMReply

jaem ur dp is so soft can i

no [A]5:39:20 AMReply

but you’re cuter

no [A]5:53:10 AMReply

dfhdjd dw jaem u fill my whole hart

hyejoo6:08:34 AMReply

ok i think renjun is sort of rubbing off on me

but fine,

i love you guys, all you dreamies :<

 [A]6:20:29 AMReply

aw if u wanna look at something else thats pretty take a good look in the mirror

o [A]6:23:02 AMReply

cups jaemin’s cheeks and presses several kitheth on his forehead, down to his nose, and lastly on his lips

o [A]6:26:43 AMReply

presses more kisses to jaemin’s lips >___>

jeno [A]6:55:02 AMReply

nomin world domination

jeno [A]1:13:13 AMReply

huang renjun [A]00:12:51Reply
everyone: h-
jaem: u no care abt me

 [A]11:55:56 AMReply
no one:
not even the dice:
u: ⚰ ⚰ ⚰ ⚰
e sian 1 hour ago Reply 
kisses jaems anyways iG
sian 51 minutes ago Reply 
sits on jaems lap and kisses him
sian 30 minutes ago Reply 
kisses jaems forehead and holds him close oh no
n 19 minutes ago Reply 
kisses jaemin sweetly
eno [A]10:07:47 PMReply
jaemin ur profile made me tear up TT
ee jeno [A]10:09:01 PMReply
lee jeno [A]10:08:24 PMReply
ur too
no [A]10:14:11 PMReply
ew <333
 [A]10:16:27 PMReply
hakuna natata
manoban10:15:22 PMReply
na simba...
na jaemin10:15:13 PMReply
kim mingyu10:14:58 PMReply
na simba
ngyu10:25:04 PMReply
and the baby laughing is jaemin
s uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu10:34:37 PMReply
jaemin baby .
 uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu10:38:22 PMReply
jaemin the j in your name stands for baby ..
yu11:11:14 PMReply
jaemin is my nct bias next to haechan
uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu11:00:13 PMReply
jaemin thats because youre the sun !!
yuck 9 seconds ago Reply 
nuuu you are the cutest D:
jeno [A]1:12:35 PMReply
cups jaemin’s cheeks and gibs him a kith on his cute lips
ungwoo1:51:38 PMReply
-gives jaemin a fat juicy smooch on the lips-
gwoo1:58:08 PMReply
you are still a prince!
no [A]8:38:31 PMReply
idol!jaemin who i only know carpenter!jaemin
hyejoo6:33:47 PMReply
ᵒᵏᵃʸ ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵃⁿ ᵉˣᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦᵒⁿ
hyejoo6:34:54 PMReply
ᶦ ,, ᵈᵒ ᵗᵒᵒ, ᶠˡᵘᶠᶠ but u didn't hear anything from me
oo 22 seconds ago Reply 
[ jaemin voice ] we're back, no more brakes, modu da sit back
 [A]7:06:27 PMReply
[jaemin voice] let’s roll
 uwu ♡ nana s aegi8:22:40 PMReply
and I've got a retired dad (jeno) , chaotic mom( jaem) and brothers. (dreamies.)
coleman9:04:15 PMReply
jaemin doesn't know his own rp anymore ?
hin ryujin ♡9:29:22 PMReply
jaem's dp is superior srry
eno [A]2:11:27 PMReply
nabaka ////3
enjun2:20:35 PMReply
presses a kiss to jaem's both cheeks
njun2:23:41 PMReply
glittery gardening tool na jaemin
no [A]3:30:54 PMReply
smooches jaem on the same spot w my lips instead >__>
eno [A]3:35:20 PMReply
he didn’t reject it i stole your heart jaem
renjun3:38:03 PMReply
so your love is reciprocated, jaem
huang renjun3:37:43 PMReply
so yeah i was bullying you and bullying is our love language
enjun4:56:21 PMReply
a guide by na jaemin
huang renjun4:56:01 PMReply
staying in the freezer: 1st step to survival
njun5:10:07 PMReply
pulls jaem into a loving chokehold <33333
renjun5:11:20 PMReply
oh yeah jaem can dig like artifacts up
lee jeno [A]5:11:03 PMReply
if u think that’s dedicated then u should see jaemin
renjun5:23:30 PMReply
the most handsome hypeman in fact :o
enjun5:31:22 PMReply
yeah no need jaem its just facts
una12:36:59 AMReply
jaem : hwind wldwl rifnw
ryuj : ok nevermind
njun12:58:16 AMReply
jaem dont b dramatic you are loved
ryujin1:49:55 AMReply
na jaemin [A]1:49:18 PMReply
heart ? been broke ? so many times ⏰ 

part five
njun1:51:37 AMReply
takes jaem's hand into mine and laces our fingers together uvu
n [A]2:57:10 PMReply
jaem has The Vision
jun [A]8:24:01 PMReply
im not rlly surprised you are pretty though, just for the record
 for you #2 1 second ago Reply 
wraps my arms around your guys's waist in a loose hug. ⁿᵒ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ᵘ ᶠᵒʳ ᵖᵘᵗᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵘᵖ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵐᵉ ᶦ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ ˢᵃʸ , ᶦ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜᶦᵃᵗᵉ ᵘ ᵍᵘʸˢ :ᵖᵘᵏᵉ:
no [A]10:37:36 PMReply
sike (2)
cups jaemin’s cheeks and gibs them a kith on each side
no [A] 21 minutes ago Reply 
kitheth jaemin’s nose uwu
eno [A]12:07:20 AMReply
the only pink i accept is on jaemin’s hair
isung12:08:39 AMReply
lee jeno [A] 1 second ago Reply
stoberi yogurt prince
lee jeno [A]12:08:15 AMReply
stoberi prince
park jisung12:08:01 AMReply
huang renjun [A]12:07:54 AMReply
jaem's pink hair rlly suited him tho
enjun [A]12:12:35 AMReply
yeah jaem stop being so handsome u make jeno blush
eno [A]12:15:43 AMReply
yea stop breathinf before i die of heat >//////>
na jaemin
nct dream
biual lean male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque at diam at justo malesuada varius. Pellentesque volutpat elementum nisi pharetra viverra. Maecenas ac nibh nec massa condimentum vestibulum non ac ex. Suspendisse ac fermentum lorem, et dignissim sem. Donec lacinia quis urna a sollicitudin. Cras luctus dui vitae sollicitudin commodo. Aenean sit amet cursus odio, vitae molestie lorem. In id dolor at odio facilisis fermentum.
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+8, glitter hoe and coffin clown ig jfsddjl. also keyboard smashes like she means it.