Personal Message
role :  mafia
job: doesn't have one other than being in the mafia.

gang : avaddon 
position : second-in-command 
seungyoun surely wasn't born into the mafia life, but he was practically raised and grew to be an imporant part of it to the point that he doesn't remember what his life was like before he was /taken in./ He barely has any memories of his childhood, and he doesn't remember a lot including his parents and the way he lived with them.

back in the days, he lived in a tiny house with his younger sibling and parents, his mother was an office worker with a somehow high salary, she was a loving woman who took a good care of both her children, but his dad.....god, the older man was a total different story. The man was an alcoholist who couldn't deal with reality. He has been diagnosed with severe depression and was showing symptoms of  'did'. so to put it in other words, the man was triggered by alchohol and turned into a total crazy person once he had it inside of his system. yet in the morning once he's all sobered up, he insisted on how it wasn't him who was drinking and causing troubles but it was his other 'persona' whom he was afraid of and couldn't stop him from coming out to wreak havoc whenever he pleased. and that's how the occurrence of his father breaking things around the house, screaming at the kids, and even hitting his wife turned into an usual sight. and it happened so much that it became a part of their normal daily lives.

so they all got used to the craziness, to the abuse, and took it all in, until one night when the moon was full and enough was enough. During that night, two souls were lost, but to anyone who knows the truth, it was a sacrifice of three souls for another one to be born. Seungyoun obviously doesn't remember a single thing from that night, but things went down like this: his father got too drunk, again, started assaulting his mother, yet again, but this time he had no control over himself what so ever and by the time he snapped out of his daze, the woman's lifeless body was laying next to him on the floor. during that night, seungyoun who was only 8 years old woke up from the noise and his sibling's fear, so he went to check on his parents, but the sight he was met with broke something inside of him and it was as if this lock that was keeping away all the darkness from him was suddenly removed. his vision was tainted with red and blue, he couldn't see any more colors, and so he held the knife that was on the floor tainted with his mother's blood, only to taint it again with more blood but this time it was his father's. So he stabbed the helpless man who couldn't move from the shock of what he had commited, and the knife entered his body, once, twice, three times and even four times before it was dropped down on the floor.

by the time the police arrived, both adults were dead and seungyoun was just sitting in the middle of it all holding his younger sibling. and after further invistigation, it was ruled out that seungyoun did what he did out of self defence and both children were moved to an orphanage where later they were seperated by ending up being taken in by different families and then seungyoun ended up running away from his foster family and lived in the streets for a year in search of his sibling.

it was until a year passed of him memorizing the streets before he was taken in by a man who noticed how smart he was. The man turned out to be one of the important people in
 the avaddon gang and he helped seungyoun learn the tricks of surviving in the real world. So the young seungyoun started out by running small errands like delivering drugs to who was supposed to sell them because no cop would suspect a kid of being involved with drugs, and then he ended up raising in rank with time until reaching the title 'second in command' only at the age of 20.


overall seungyoun is not as scary as people may think he is. he jokes around a lot and he's the type to smile a lot, yet a lot of people claim that his smile is one of the reasons why others are scared of him as it sends chills down their spine. they say it reminds them of the joker when he's smiling in serious situations because his lips will lift into a smile yet his orbs were so dark that they showcased no emotions what so ever.

when he's not working he's usually staying at home and just enjoying his alone time, as he's surprisingly not a party person and would prefer to laze around his house than to go outside clubbing and things like that. he also spends a good amount of time in trying to search for his younger sibling's whereabout.

but when it comes to work he could get really cruel, and he's capable of doing anything and everything, and he's not afraid of anyone, be it the boss or anyone else, because in the end he wasn't afraid of death, if anything he may crave it in a way or another.

just like his father, seungyoun suffers from a double identity disorder, but he's unaware of that. His other personality is much more harsher, much more scarier and pretty much a psychopath. It usually gets triggered to appear by the sight of blood.

His other personality calls himself woodz, and god have mercy on whoever gets to meet him because not a lot survive their encounter with him.

woodz was the one responsible for seungyoun's father's death. he was the one taking control whenever seungyoun hesitated, whenever he was afraid and whenever he panicked, because woodz was made to protect seungyoun, at least that's what he whispers in his ear late at night at 
times where seungyoun thinks that he's losing his mind.
cho Seungyoun
august 05, 1996
Second in command

"you're a psychopath."
"I prefer the word 'creative'"
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