Personal Message

▹ jeon heejin。9:20:26 PMReply

yiren: felt cute might bite someone

▸ flora dai。11:15:23 AMReply

nana's charries >>>>

Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. ― Shel Silverstein
basic information
posted 3 hrs ago
 basic of basics
full name
wang yiren.
date of birth
december 29, 2100.
student journalist.
demiromantic biual.
love interest
zodiac sign
capricorn, dragon.
now playing
posted 3 hrs ago
about me
posted 5 hrs ago
One look at Wang Yiren and anyone would have thought that she had everything. Born to a life of luxury under two of the most powerful politicians in Mainland China, she had never had to bat an eye when asking for things, as they would have been given to her regardless of how expensive they would be. One could say that she had grown without having to feel the difficulties and hardships that others would have felt, so how was it that she ended up on the path of a journalist, vowing to bring justice and truth to the surface no matter how much it took?

Simple. She grew up with a heart that knew how to sympathize; with a pair of eyes that allowed her to learn the world outside the mansion she lived in. These were something that her parents had lacked, and these were something that Yiren's personal maid, an elder woman named Jingyi, made sure she learned as she grew up.

For most of Yiren's years in China, the mansion she had grown up in was always empty and cold, spacious with only fancy furniture and decoration to give the place life. But even then, it didn't work. Whenever she would come back home from school, there would be no one to greet her than the servants that would talk behind her back, and Jingyi who had treated her like her own child more than Yiren's own parents.

Jingyi taught Yiren the beauty of life even at a young age, and the cruelties of it when she was eleven years old. Jingyi showed Yiren the reality outside the safety net of her mansion, and at thirteen, Yiren vowed to change the world — or try to, at least.
"What do you mean you want to go to Korea?" Yiren's father asks with a stern look one night before Yiren's graduation from highschool. She was sixteen, a few months away from her seventeenth birthday, a week before her graduation.

"Are you not happy here at home?" comes her mother's next words. Yiren has to bite her tongue to prevent herself from saying anything that would further curve her father's lips downwards into a bigger frown and would wrinkle her mother's forehead even more.

"It's... not that I'm not happy," is what Yiren settles for instead, lying through a more relaxed facial expression than she expected. She knows how to lie well — after all, she's learned from the best: her father who wears a mask as though it's his second skin; her mother who possesses a tongue so sweet, so smooth no one has ever questioned her lies.

"I just wanted to experience new things, and China is... Well, it's not giving me the new things I want." Oh, the girl lies so well she's almost disgusted. But it's what she needs if she wants to get what she wants, because if they find out what she wants to do, then she would never be able to escape from their clutches.

First, she needs to lie.

And second, she needs to do something that will force her parents not to lay a hand on her. For that, she needs to be far away. For that, she needs to be independent.
Convincing her parents had never been this easy. Weeks after her graduation, she flew to Seoul, South Korea to study for college. However, there was one thing her parents didn't know — they hadn't known that she was going to take journalism, instead of a pre-law course (though how she managed to convince her parents to let her study in Korea instead of China, she herself doesn't know either). 

It was too late to drag her back — Yiren had made it known publicly that she was looking forward to studying journalism, making sure to expose her parents' names as she did so. There were little things they could do about it, not when their reputation was at stake.

A few days after her birthday, however, January 1st, she was caught up in the outbreak while she was on-site looking for a particular individual that would have proved vital to a piece she was working on.

Five months later, she found out she was infected — it was in the smallest of signs, the slight hunger for flesh, her favorite food not even tasting the same to her anymore. Nightmares growing more and more frequent, and really, the symptoms were there and she wasn't dumb enough to ignore.

She, however, decided to keep it a secret to herself. She would fight the urge for as long as she could, and decided to write down her experience on a personal journal she would bring with her everywhere — so that if she died before a cure could be made, she hoped her experiences would help in finding it.
posted 7 hrs ago
posted 8 hrs ago
— likes
cold weather — fashion — dressing up — comics, webtoons, mangas — films (she's quite the film nerd) — winter — free time — writing essays (she is motivated purely by spite) — thunderstorms — cats — stuffed toys — sweets & pastries — late night talks — oversized tops (but she rarely wears those nowadays just to be safer) — stargazing —poetry, novels — documentaries.
— dislikes
too much heat — sweating — broken promises — stress — loneliness — being micromanaged (though she does have her own streaks of perfectionism) — conforming to unreasonable traditions — anything bitter to the taste — the smell of human flesh & the taste of blood (even if her body says otherwise; it doesn't right with her morals).
— hobbies
writing down her experiences on a small journal she brings with her everywhere — dressing up (she tries even if she can't as much; who says she can't be fashionable while fighting?) — reading — watching (both shows and people, she likes to observe).
— secrets
her being infected — her background, though it's not necessarily a secret; more so like something she prefers not to talk about.
— fears
being found out and isolated for it — hurting the ones she truly cares about, especially when she can no longer control herself. she'd rather die a human than become a monster and hurt her loved ones.
Yiren is more street smart than she's a booksmart, though she still does fare well in academics with little effort — she is, however, passionate about journalism. She is almost too cheerful for such a time, but this comes with her own desire to motivate herself not to give up despite knowing full well that this might not end well for her. 

She has a way with words that come from watching her parents time and time again, and observing humans. Her knowledge about emotions and perceptive nature come in handy with dealing with others. Her wits are sharp and quick, and she's also incredibly stubborn and strong-willed, never one to back down unless she really has to.

A troublemaker through and through, she doesn't hesitate to disobey the law if she finds it unreasonable. She holds strongly to her beliefs.
— favorite movie
dead poets society.
— favorite book
crime and punishment.
— favorite color
— favorite season
— favorite singer
allie x.
posted 9 hrs ago
No. I don't want to lose the only thing that's separating me from becoming one with the mindless Infected. If I absolutely have to eat human flesh, then I'd rather end my life than lose my last sense of humanity.
anonymous asked
would you eat a corpse if you really had to eat?
out of character
posted 10 hrs ago
 important + please read
•.*★ before you approach me

important。 Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. I am open to brainstorming, but please do not come to me completely empty-handed. Reading my profile is important.

•.*★ writing and plotting style

writing style。 3rd pov only. My length ranges from a single paragraph to a whole novella, depending on how high my muse is for the thread. I do get carried away often times, but it doesn't have to be mirrored.

plotting style。 I prefer plotting over winging, even if it's just a small backbone of what we're supposed to be doing. This is why you should read my profile first and come to me with an idea in mind. I often do the same.

Starters are based on who seems to make the most sense to start. If it makes more sense for my character to start, then I will write the starter, and vice versa.

•.*★ activity and reply speed

important。 I rarely ever poke people, and do not like being poked. 10 days. Please only poke me after 10 days. I usually know who I'm writing with, and if I haven't replied to you yet, that means either of the two things: a. I don't have enough muse for it yet, and; b. I'm busy. Often times, it's a mixture of both. Please don't use my replying to other threads faster than yours against me. It's a simple matter of which of the threads I have more muse with.

I'm usually fast with my replies, sometimes with regardless of the length. But again, it depends on the muse. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in the chat infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this.

•.*★ location preferences。 I definitely prefer the rooms to keep the rp active! If it's not possible to get a room for it, then walls we go! My PMs are only for OOC business. Please don't post on my walls unless I allow you to.