Personal Message
No Memories Unlocked
Donec vitae rhoncus ligula. Pellentesque massa leo, tempor at diam eget, egestas blandit purus. Fusce finibus fermentum arcu. Morbi lorem dolor, aliquet eget euismod in, malesuada nec ante. Aliquam faucibus nisl ac nulla placerat suscipit. Donec a consequat neque, vitae sagittis felis. Praesent dignissim rutrum facilisis. Nullam nec semper neque. Donec turpis mi, pulvinar ut arcu id, luctus dapibus magna. Proin laoreet iaculis tempus. Quisque tempor dui vitae lectus sagittis, nec dictum neque venenatis. Duis euismod nibh in nibh lacinia accumsan. Proin congue, mauris vitae dapibus venenatis, ex libero volutpat elit, quis mattis lorem lectus vel nisi.
She'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.
— Billy Joel.
#music #tired #overit
personal quirks
"So we feed ourselves lies to submit to the shadows cause we just wanna dance under our pretty perfect halos." - Rats by Motionless in White
positive traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para! everything will adjust as you need it too!
negative traits
trait here, here, and here, you can keep it simple by writing characteristics or you can go fancy with writing a short para!
vaping, vodka, sketching, adventures, rock music, art, guitars, black, silver, violet, roses, neon lights, scary movies, storms, the night sky, climbing trees.
country music, art without meaning, idiots, cocky s, people who ridicule her work.
listening to music, playing guitar, singing, drawing up new tattoos, baking, watching movies, finding new places to hang out.
flowers & set of buttons on her left wrist (play, stop, rwd, ff), stars on the back of her neck, a tribal moon on her right thigh.
lobes x 2 (both), upper lobe x 2 (both), bellybutton, right cheekbone, tongue, upper helix x 2 (left), industrial (right).
punk dresses, torn jeans, flannels, sheer tops, combat boots, tbc.
fatal flaw
when her mind is set to something, she becomes rash and risks getting herself killed.
#aboutme #boring #ignore
the lady of the night
chapter one: the first star
from the beginning, something didn't feel quite right to seora. the kims, a surgeon and psychiatrist respectfully, did their best to shower their daughter with all the love they could provide. the best meals, the finest schools, whatever she could want. no matter what the girl had her hands on, she felt a sense of numbness. a cold, dreary feeling that would awaken her in the middle of the night with sweat on her brow and tears down her cheeks.

was there something wrong with her?

for the sake of her parents, seora did what she could to pass through school. friendships in elementary school were forfeited in favor of studying and learning what she could about feelings. not like anyone would want to be friends with a girl who couldn't feel anything.
chapter two: descent into the dark
when she arrived in high school, things changed. instead of this time being the end of the beginning, it started to become the beginning of the end. seora decided to drown herself in whatever vices the upperclassmen would allow her to get a hold of. she believed that if these substances could make her feel something, anything, then maybe...just maybe she'd be okay. maybe she wouldn't be broken. all-nighters full of homework were intermixed with shots of vodka or a steady drag from a cigarette. late night escapades to the library were replaced with parties and meaningless hookups that only made her fall into a deeper state of loneliness.

to everyone's surprise, she managed to graduate high school and attend college for a business degree.

she only lasted two years under the university's microscope before she was sick of it. instead, she dropped out and became the apprentice of a local tattoo artist.

she'd always had nightmares since she was a child but being in the shop brought her a sense of peace.

when she'd come home though, the dreams would continue in more vivid detail and occur more often.

images of stars and moons would soon adorn her body, the sight of them settling her racing heart as she fell into herself.
chapter three: constellations
after two years of creating art on the human form, seora finally decided it was time to ask. she approached her mom's office in silent fear and found acceptance. was this the real dream?

she would then unload an array of questions upon her mother. what happened? were these dreams blocked memories? had she had a traumatic childhood somehow?

her mother would explain that she'd been researching it for years and found nothing.

she did, however, find a place called moirai city. it was seemed a place for people like her with missing memories. it wouldn't be a cure-all by any means, but maybe it was a start.

seora took the very next plane to get there and never looked back.

well, sorta. she still writes back to her parents every now and then.


It starts in darkness like all things do. And unlike most nightmares where darkness brings fear and terror, it instead brought comfort and peace. It felt was a part of her. Faceless people also greet her eyes in the dream, their touches kind as she embraces them in her arms and remind them how much she loves them. But who are they? Why does she love them? They soon disappear, leaving behind the kind of ache a mother felt when her children were no longer around. But she wasn't a mother. Hell, she never wanted to be one and yet she felt as though she'd always been one.

nameme, myself, and I
dateday of month, year
to be written
— me.
#doesntexist #what #who
kim seora
played by xicewolf
out of character
timezone: Gmt-6
writing format: 3rd para or longer
activity: 7/10
muse: 8/10
speed: 7/10
‣ writing style
My writing usually consists of 3rd pov that goes anywhere from para to novella. Detailed 1st may also be on the table if that is your preference but my writing isn't the best in it.
‣ plotting
Basic plotlines, skeleton prompts, and connects are more than welcome. We can also random on the fly plots if one happens to blossom within the chat. I don't have to have it all planned out but a general idea would be great.
‣ reply speed
I'm going to be completely honest here. It varies. I just finished my phlebotomy course and I'm looking for a clinical site while working full time as a bartender. Replies on the weekends will be spotty and replies during the week for the time being are considerably faster. Be patient with me and if I haven't replied in over a week without reason, please send me a quick hello and I'll get right on it. My 3am brain usually remembers what replies I need but it doesn't always execute them.
full name
kim seora
tattoo artist
r/s status
motionless in white
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active
muse name
• Location
• Status: active