Personal Message
Memories Unlocked
Donec vitae rhoncus ligula. Pellentesque massa leo, tempor at diam eget, egestas blandit purus. Fusce finibus fermentum arcu. Morbi lorem dolor, aliquet eget euismod in, malesuada nec ante. Aliquam faucibus nisl ac nulla placerat suscipit. Donec a consequat neque, vitae sagittis felis. Praesent dignissim rutrum facilisis. Nullam nec semper neque. Donec turpis mi, pulvinar ut arcu id, luctus dapibus magna. Proin laoreet iaculis tempus. Quisque tempor dui vitae lectus sagittis, nec dictum neque venenatis. Duis euismod nibh in nibh lacinia accumsan. Proin congue, mauris vitae dapibus venenatis, ex libero volutpat elit, quis mattis lorem lectus vel nisi.
love is a powerful thing. it can bring gods to their knees.
king and lionheart
of monsters and men
the parks led a tech titan legacy and welcomed a healthy baby girl into their family who they hoped would continue on their family's work once she was of age. but the only thing she did on her 19th birthday was pack up a single suitcase and leave the only home she ever knew. this high class life was all she was accustomed to but chaeyoung knew that it didn't suffice her with everything she wanted. her parents had kept her under their thumb as helicopter parents for far too long. all the limits and rules were too much and even from a young age, chaeyoung knew she was destined for something greater than controlling mother boards and their creators. 

the moment she left home, she escaped into the underground music world of struggling artists and loners. it wasn't long before she founded an indie band as both the leader and vocalist called "venus". the undeniable charm she carried easily grasped the attention of any listener. every new music release came with new fans and a higher debuteon the music charts. early on in her career she had thought this was everything she wanted: to be seen and loved by everyone - something her parents had held her away from by not letting her see the spotlight. but nothing felt right.

at an utter loss for why she felt so lonely and empty even when surrounded by hundreds of fans, she called for a hiatus in hopes of finding what she truly needed and wanted in life as she worked on her next album. and that's when the city opened up before her - moirai. 
seo youngho
kim nahee
best friend
wong yukhei
et vous êtes?
soulmate: locked
memory: locked
likes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce egestas maximus tellus, nec bibendum eros tincidunt nec.

dislikes. Maecenas malesuada sapien eros. Phasellus vel quam non justo tincidunt feugiat a eget nibh. Nulla nec lacinia mauris, in varius ipsum.

hobbies. Fusce porttitor ante odio, sed tincidunt sem pretium ac. Nulla fringilla, purus ultrices aliquam aliquam, mi nulla hendrerit magna.

four. eget euismod metus erat nec dolor. Donec id neque gravida, gravida mauris sed, aliquet tellus. Maecenas vel lacus finibus elit feugiat interdum.

five. Aenean sed suscipit lorem, eu cursus diam. Nulla interdum ante et lacus faucibus malesuada eget et odio.

six. Aliquam dictum molestie quam ut suscipit. Ut fermentum turpis lectus, vitae vestibulum nibh viverra sed. Sed et scelerisque nunc.
park chaeyoung
reincarnation of aphrodite
love, beauty, pleasure, passion
23 young; biual
tech titan heiress born
runaway indie band vocalist
pm to plot!