Personal Message

lee minho
i naturally look mean, but im okay with that. it keeps weak people away.
lock and key
getting to know him
being the favorite child is a burden minho never wanted, and has spent every waking moment of his life trying to get rid of. coming from old money, his family took pride in their name and where they came from, so of course they were invested in where they were going. the weight of the family's name fell on minho, depsite having a younger sister (lee ahin). in his eyes, she was everything he wasn't. she wanted the life he had, their parent's attention and time. but minho? no, he wanted something more...

despite having accepted his fate as a child, things began to change for him as he aged. minho had gone from his parents' perfect child to someone with their own thoughts and feelings, forced to watch himself become more of a shell. he was raised to be selfish and rude, to step on top of and over people to get what he wanted. he was taught to never back down or accept no as an answer -- as if anyone would say no to lee minho. he knew nothing except to be cruel when needed, only look out for himself, and work people to his advantage.

and so he did. but as he grew up, his parents had to bribe him to stay their perfect little child. it started with dance lessons throughout his childhood and teen years, then soon evolved to photography with all of the best cameras. even though he was outwardly their prized possession, minho was always giving up his opportunities to his sister when he could, letting her have the spotlight she so often craved.

he wants to be more. he wants something more from his life, to experience the world without crushing expectations weighing down his shoulders. every day, it gets harder for him, to be oh so perfect for his family. his sister can see it, and probably his best friend, too. but to everyone else, he is lee minho, heir to the family name and face of everything the family means. but he will never break free of that, especially not without a shove off the metaphorical cliff he's been teetering on for years.
despite her being "the boss" of him, he is the older of the two (something he holds over her often). they have a bickering-type relationship, but they care for each other under all the rivalry. he will always be the overprotective brother, though he doesnt try to show it too often. and minho isnt afraid to call her out on her bull, or go against her rules.
best friend.
they never should have been friends, but perhaps minho took pity on the shy little boy he met. so he befriended him, took him under his wing, and found it easy to use him to his advantage. unfortunately, he's been unaware of any growing feelings from hyunjin, and just treats him as his best friend. he does, however, know he has influence™ on the boy.
minho was immediately drawn to the piece of art that was christopher (was he the art or the artist?), even despite the knowledge that he looked at minho the same way everyone else did. but he couldnt help himself, because even if the words hurt, the feeling that came with being around him made him feel more alive. though, those feelings are a bit... complicated...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et tellus non massa feugiat pulvinar. Praesent faucibus turpis eget orci scelerisque consectetur. Nulla posuere, justo rhoncus tempor mattis, purus odio dignissim justo, quis blandit leo eros quis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et tellus non massa feugiat pulvinar. Praesent faucibus turpis eget orci scelerisque consectetur. Nulla posuere, justo rhoncus tempor mattis, purus odio dignissim justo, quis blandit leo eros quis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
chxrming mirror selfie
chxrming camera shy
gmt -7
preffered style
anything detailed
reply speed
00.00.00 — lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel risus aliquet, imperdiet leo id, tristique risus. Integer posuere arcu at velit egestas, id scelerisque erat ornare. Loremm ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel risus aliquet, imperdiet leo id, tristique risus. Integer posuere arcu at velit egestas, id scelerisque erat ornare. Nulla nec leo dapibus.
generally seen with some shade of brown to black hair. 3 ear piercings (2 on the left lobe, one on the right). 172cm. often scowling. always adorned in accessories.
extremely charismatic. not very friendly, except for when he wants to be. by default, is generally rude and unkind, the type  to bully. unfortunately extremely loyal to his family. quite a bit different deep down, but that is a rarity, even for himself.
iced coffee. white roses. photography. candid smiles. people who actually try. late night drives. loud music. attention.
early mornings. pushovers. people who give up easily. being told what to do. photobombers. not being taken seriously. people taking pictures of him without his permission.
note: you do not know these things ic unless talked about.

doesnt want to be defined by his clique status. wants to break away from his family. literally longs for something more in his life. is acutally kind of insecure about himself (hence not liking candid photos of himself).