Ten Lee
Chittaphon Leechaiyakul
Omega Wolf
Twenty-Five Years
Outside of Pristine Capital
Born with the birth name of Chittaphon Leechaiyakul, this man is better known as Ten Lee. He is a single father to an adopted human daughter, Saengroei Leechaiyakul, nicknamed Ray. The girl is now six years old. 
A humble man living a quiet life in District One, he takes up the job of a tattoo artist. Being a former chainsmoker, he now has a knack for on lollipops instead. He always picks up his daughter from school and will spend the rest of the day accompanying her.
Although an omega wolf, Ten is in fact a defect. He is unable to give birth, though the reality doesn't bother him. Ten is content with just having Ray by his side.
There is an ugly scar on Ten's abdomen. When questioned upon its existence, Ten will answer that he sustained it during a horrible accident in the past. Although, if you tried asking him how it happened, he can't recall it clearly.
Not much is known of the man Ten Lee. What everyone on District One knows is he's a friendly tattooist who also acts as a loving father to his only child. As for where he came from, no one bothered to know. 
Ten has no memory of the couple who brought him into this world. The only parental figure he knew of growing up was the previous kingpin, a fearsome assassin from Ares. The man took Ten under his wings and treated him like his own child, providing him care and knowledge.
Although on the surface the man seemed to be a devoted father, underneath the veil Ten was in fact being trained to be the next best assassin after his pops. Raised to be apathetic and unafraid, Ten became a killing machine that won't hesitate to take even an innocent animal's life. The kingpin was pleased with how his son grew to be and valued Ten like a prized possession, presenting the boy to be his pride and joy.
The kingpin had every right to be gratified, however. After all, where else could you find a boy, barely the age of fifteen, who won't bat an eye as he shoots someone's head off? The man couldn't ask for a better youth to call his own child.
Which was why, it turned out to be a shame when Ten revealed to be an omega wolf. Rendered into a mess due to his first heat, a sixteen year old Ten discovered what being vulnerable felt like. The feeling of being utterly helpless and at someone else's mercy as he writhes in pain. 
The kingpin wasn't happy by this revelation. In fact, he was ashamed. The son, who he boasted about to his colleagues and friends, saying that nothing could stop a bloodthirsty murderer like Ten, became an utter wreck because of his own body. 
This won't do. The kingpin can't allow his son to have any form of weakness. He needed to uproot the problem before it further ruin his legacy. 
So, hiring some illegal surgeons, the kingpin ordered for the removal of his son's womb. Ten was strapped down, forced to watch as strangers cut him open and prodded his insides. The surgery was brutal, with no anesthetics used as the surgeons extracted his womb.
The poor boy felt everything. He was only sixteen, and he had to go through the horror of having something from within him being pulled out. The shock was so intense, his brain completely shut off the memory and locked it away.
Ten suffered from PTSD and Dissociative Amensia ever since that ordeal. In order to wrap his mind around what had been done unto him, his brain fabricated a memory. He was a defect omega since birth, and that the scar on his abdomen was caused by a tragic accident. 
Not much was known of what happened after that. The kingpin was killed, and his pride and joy disappeared. No matter how much the members of Ares searched for the kingpin's son, they just couldn't find him.
They assumed the boy to have died alongside his father and had since pronounced him to be dead.
Out Of Character
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