Personal Message



- barista, 25

- taken by ong seongwoo; engaged

- met him when she was a part time barista and she spilled coffee on him

- that's when she saw his mark

- but she was shy and a little scared and only told him about her matching mark after a while

- so was he so they took 6 months to finally be together

- asthmatic it's not even funny

- coffee helps control her symptoms but it's not a cure (sadly)

- she likes little animals but their dander might kill her

- so will cigarette smoke

- parents are potato farmers from gangwondo

- she's broke 

- will do exams and essays for you for ₩ 

- white chrysanthemum flower

scroll up!
about me
Name go younjung
date of birth 04.22.1996
orientation hetero
timezone gmt +8
occupation barista
writing style 3rd
❛ now playing : love someone - lukas graham
"my destiny is you"
younjung was born in gangwondo, south korea to potato farmers. at the age of 15, she moved to seoul on her own to attend highschool and go to college. during her college days she worked multiple jobs to pay her tuition fees. at happiness cafe, she discovered her love for coffee and the therapeutic effect it had on her asthma. she also met her soulmate, seongwoo there. after graduation, she started working full time as a barista there. she lives in a small rental flat with seongwoo and although they don't have very much, she's contend with what they have.
Special people
ong seongwoo
her soulmate, fiance and boyfriend of five years. ♡

her boss and close friend. ♡

her friend and part timer at happiness cafe. ♡
a friend she knows from her childhood back in gangwondo, also her close friend's ex.
a friend she dated for a short while back in her 2nd year of uni before she met her soulmate. they amicably decided they were better off friends.
- feel free to interact with my chara on sns!  
- I try to reply within 24hrs, poke me if it has been over 3 days.
- Always open to pms, and plotting! :)