
Character’s full name: Jung Wooyoung
Character’s nickname: Wooyo, Woo, Younggie
Age: 22|23
Birth date: 26th of November 1999
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: The Streets, or anywhere he can sneak into. Occasionally in a drug den
Job title: 'errand boy', 'Whipping boy', part-time everything boy.
Employing company: Gang - The Hunters
Income: Sometimes he gets clothes, sometimes he gets drugs, and most of the time he just doesn't die.
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: "I can't be picky"
Languages: Korean, though sometimes that's even a little debatable.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: Depends on the day and how high he is or has been. If he's been alright and isn't strung out suffering withdrawals he looks a little younger than many people think, but on the flip side, he tends to look older, weathered, gaunt and unwell.
Weight: 42kg | 92lbs
Height: 173cm | 5'8"
Body build: Slim, gaunt even. Seems to be rather weak and frail.
Eye color: Dark brown
Glasses or contacts: Used to wear grey cosmetic contacts but he can't afford them anymore so he doesn't wear them, but he wishes he could
Skin tone: rather pale, often a little grey even.
Distinguishing marks: Mole under his left eye. Various scars on different parts of his body from the many fights he's been in.
Predominant features:
Hair color: Black
Type of hair: Wavy
Hairstyle: Semi long, wavy, but also ratty and unkempt most of the time.
Voice: Rough with disuse and the damage from the constant alcohol, drugs, and fights.
Overall attractiveness: "beauty is in the of the beholder"
Physical disabilities: Nothing disabling, but many aches and pains from mishealed broken bones and other injuries that were never looked after.
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Probably more outmoded, but not by choice
Usual fashion of dress: tatted and torn, messy, grungy. Prefers the 'punk' style but can't often be picky about the things that he gets to wear.
Favorite outfit: Doesn't really have one.
Jewelry or accessories: a scatted assortment of piercings in his ears, left lip, tongue, right eyebrow. All seem slightly off, might have been done by himself or in less than idea situations.
Tattoos: Crosshair over a bloodsplatter on the left side of his chest representing the gang. Chain tattoo over his wrists. a few other nonsensical markings over his hands, arms and thighs.

Good personality traits: Observant, Quick, Resiliant.
Bad personality traits: Addictive, Emotional, Unstable
Mood character is most often in: Tense or on edge
Sense of humor: Dark, or nonexistant
Character’s greatest joy in life: The times when he can remember the good times with his friends.
Character’s greatest fear: Something else happening from his addictions.
Why? He's often aware of just what damage he is doing to himself, mentally and physically. He knows the risk and how easy it is to go too far. He's had to deal with the way he acts and how emotionally unstable he becomes. Suicide, Overdose, or hurting people he cares about are all high risks that he fears.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? He already feels like his life is in complete turmoil. He doesn't really know anything else anymore.
Character is most at ease when: He gets into a place for a night, High enough to be calm and as stable as possible but still numb to his memories.
Most ill at ease when: Dealing with the Gang. Becuase of his past actions it's rarely a good time.
Enraged when: Ignoring the obvious (in withdrawls), when people are threatening or hurting the people he cares about. To the point that hearing someone bad mouth his old friends and the band, will cause him to act out aggressively.
Depressed or sad when: Remembering his actions, realising how alone he is now.
Priorities: At this point, just staying alive.
Life philosophy: "Never Give Up"
If granted one wish, it would be: Turn back time to when he's young again and make different choices
Why? He attributes most of his problems to early decisions in his life, mostly involving his decisions to use drugs.
Character’s soft spot: His best friend, not that he really talks to him any more.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? On a surface level, not very. He rarely mentions anyone in his life. However, if anyone even says a bad thing about his bestfriend he's quick to retaliate, normally physically.
Greatest strength: His ability to go practically numb to the physical damage he's taken and then his ability to push through it to complete his task. No matter what it is.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His addiction. No matter how he tries to shake it he never can and always crawls back to substance abuse.
Biggest regret: At a surface level the attack on his best friend, but deeper down, his disregard for how addictive drugs could become and him constantly agreeing to get high.
Minor regret: burning the bridges within the blue gang and ending up working with the hunters.
Biggest accomplishment: Survivng?
Minor accomplishment: Also Survivng?
Education: Only what he's learnt within the Hunters, which is mostly enough to finish the jobs he's given. From being a runner, to murder, to ion. He knows nothing that will help him outside the gang.
Intelligent or not? On paper no, keeping himself alive on the street... mostly.
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist
Introvert or extrovert? Introvert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and Messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Depends on his mental state. If he can't get high he prefers to work to keep himself distracted.
Confident or unsure of himself? Seems confident
Animal lover? Doesn't even think about that stuff

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: Most of the time he hates himself. Every fibre of his being, everything he's done in his life and how completely ed his future is because of it. There is nothing he can see in himself that is redeeming or worth saving.
One word to describe himself: Failure
What does the character consider his best personality trait? ability to commit
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Inability to rationalise emotions
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Eyes?
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? His body
How does the character think others perceive him: A waste of space.
What would the character most like to change about himself: Everything.
Self-Confidence: 0
How does the character cope with fury and rage? Lash out violently and then regret it later
… with unhappiness? Lash out violently and then regret it later
… with rivalry? Lash out violently and then regret it later
… with new situations? Lash out violently and then regret it later
… with trouble? Lash out violently and then regret it later
What’s his meaning of life? His best friend.
What would he like to change in his life? Everything
What things motivate the character? His best friend
What situations scares the character? Failure. If he fails it means everything was for nothing
What makes this character happy? Watching his best friend perform. Always from the shadows.
Is the character often biased? Yes. Though it's mostly internal and many people may not see it.
Does the character prefer to give or to take? Take.
Is the character rather nice or rude? He often seems rude, and he plans on keeping it that way. However, if you've managed to become important to him he can be very sweet.

Drives and motivations: As the Hunters constantly remind him "A life is in your hands, do you want to be the one to crush it". What better motivation is there than a life.
Immediate goals: Whatever the gang wants, or getting his hand on some drugs
Long term goals: Getting out of the situation he's in, without getting anyone killed that doesn't deserve it. If not that, getting the life in his hands out of the situation and into a safe place.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He has no idea right now.
How other characters will be affected: Hopefully, they will be affected in a positive way, Even if he has to say goodbye forever.

First memory: Running through the streets, carefree and laughing, with his best friend beside him, just enjoying the day, the sun and the endless possibilities before them
Most important childhood memory: Finding out about his best friend's situation and stepping in to save him from that.
Why: It was the first time he had really felt a sense of purpose within the world. He was strong, and able, and he had a reason to push through even the darkest of days, as long as he could keep his friend safe, everything would be fine.
Childhood hero: His best friend. Suffering what he did and still standing tall through it all is more than he could have ever imagined for himself. Who better to look up to.
Dream job: Bodyguard?
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: The many times he was not strong enough to 'face it. The times he tried to kill himself
Why? After looking up to his best friend for so long, being so weak as to try and take his life for situations he put himself in seems so cowardice. After everything, he did it to himself so he has no reason to want that kind of escape. And because of what he did there is no reason for him to be free of the hell he is in.
Character’s darkest secret: Because of stealing from the Hunters he put up his best friend's life as 'collateral' until he could 'pay them back. Now it's simply something they hold over his head to keep him working for them, mostly for free.
Does anyone else know? Apart from the high-ups within the gang. No.

Color: Black
Least favorite color: White
Music: Secretly anything that can make him feel. Otherwise, rock, alternative etc.
Food: Whatever he can get his hands on. At this point, he's excited when he finds a slice of bread.
Literature: He can't read.
Form of entertainment: Music mostly. But the hallucinations can be kind fo cool. Dancing
Expressions: "You Only Have Yourself To Blame"
Mode of transportation: Foot
Most prized possession: A broken base string that he managed to snag from his best friend a while back. He keeps it wound tightly around his wrist most of the time but it has been around his neck, and even his ankle a few times. And a bloody scrap of material that sits in his pocket.

Good Habits: Uh... none?
Bad Habits: Drugs
Hobbies: Drugs, Dancing
Plays a musical instrument? He did. Drums
Plays a sport? Does running count?
How he would spend a rainy day: Either sitting in the rain or sitting undercover, probably high.
Spending habits: He has no money... The rare times he gets it, drugs or maybe food.
Smokes: Yes, when he can
Drinks: Yes, when he can
Other drugs: Yes
Addictions: Yes. If he's had it, he probably wants it again
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? As far as he knows he's healthy, minus the malnutrition, being severely underweight, addictions, and a bunch of mental issues anyway.
What does he do too much of? Running, Drugs, Murder, fighting... illegal things mostly
What does he do too little of? Basic human care, eating, sleeping, you know... the normal
Extremely skilled at: Running, ignoring pain, getting what he needs and doing what he's told. Getting himself into and out of trouble. Finding his way around the town without getting himself caught
Extremely unskilled at: Basic human care, eating, sleeping, you know... the normal. Not flying into a rage over small things, being in reality...
Nervous tics: He's often picking at a sore, digging his nails into his skin or biting his lip in situations that make him nervous. Often to the point of drawing blood.
Usual body posture: Depends on the situation, mostly he stands tall, confident, but also very unapproachable, or standoffish to keep people away from him. Other than that, he's most often trying to hide himself away and be as nondescript as possible.
Mannerisms: Can appear 'jittery'. Often on edge. Plays up the druggo a lot.
Peculiarities: wears arm warmers, or has his forearms wrapped in 'bandages'.

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are s. They are only there to beat you down, use you and abuse you.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? He does his best to. He can hide most things easily. Apart from his weakness from above.
Person character most hates: The gang. But there is little he's found that he can do about that yet.
Best friend(s): Love interest(s): Person character goes to for advice: Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Person character feels shy or awkward around: Person character openly admires: Person character secretly admires: Mother: Relationship with her: She's Dead
Father: Relationship with him: He's Dead
Siblings: Older and younger brother.
Relationship with them: Both dead
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Sisters or brothers:
Wife or husband:
Other relationships with other characters: