
Character’s full name: Park Jimin
Character’s nickname: Jims, Jimmie, Jiminnie
Age: 27|28
Birth date: 13th of October 1994
Nationality: Korean
Side: West
The current place for living: Seoul
Job title: Idol, Musician, Dancer? One of those.
Employing company: MY Entertainment
Income: Too much
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Straight, I swear
Languages: Korean, Some English and Japanese
Background: Jimin has never been in a position where he has had to worry about much of anything. He grew up in a nice house, with loving family and enough money to give their kids anything they wanted. Even when he was young he was often given the things that he wanted. Despite his family being more liberal with their money he was still taught the worth of the things he wanted and owned. He was given much of what he wanted but he made sure to work for it as well. He spent much of his childhood making sure he did well in school, doing his homework and following his passions, and for that his parents were happy to reward him.

Jimin was young when he found his passion for Dance and not much longer when he discovered his love for singing. His love for performing and bringing joy to everyone, even more so. His parents were happy to let him follow those dreams, supporting him as best he could. Jimin worked hard to make sure he did as much as he could on his own, winning himself a scholarship to attend one of the most prestigious art schools. The school was exactly the kind of environment that Jimin excelled in. He made many friends, worked very hard and quickly found himself as one of the best students, along with his best friend. Taehee had quickly become a close friend for Jimin, perhaps even a little more if he really let himself think about it. She was sweet and kind and worked just as hard as Jimin did. He'd often go to Taehee for advice or for a confidence boost.

Before he finished school Jimin decided to try and audition for a new company that had started recently with one of the older students at the school. He'd roped a few of his friends into doing so as well and managed to get the word out to give their friend as much of a chance as they could. Surprisingly, for Jimin at least, he'd ended up actually being signed and recording an album very quickly. His parents were proud of him but he promised he would finish his schooling despite the sudden drop into idol life. With this Jimin got busier, doing shows, recording, practising and school work left him exhausted most days, but he made sure to still find time for his friends.

Somehow through it all Jimin managed to make it through school, and keeping up his life as an idol. It was after school that he got the shock of his life to that point though, when his best friend let him in on her secret... or his. Taehee had actually been Taemin all along. After finding out the reason for the deception Jimin wasn't bothered by it at all. He knew how hard it was to afford places like this, and how hard it was for people to really change their lot in life. He Swore to keep whatever secrets needed to be kept and still stays close to Taemin to this day. Most of his days now consist of rehearsals, comebacks, and the occasional trip tot he other side of the tracks to meet up with his friends, very few of which really know who he is, or how popular he is. He's only even really told Taemin about it.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: Some people say I look younger than I am. I don't know... I can have a bit of a baby face I guess but I think I look like I am in my 20's at least.
Weight: 129lbs (58.6kg)
Height: 5'8.5" (174cm)
Body build: Slender, toned.
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: Contacts sometimes
Skin tone: Pale.
Hair color: Currently Blonde
Hairstyle: Medium length? Somewhere between short and medium I guess
Voice: People say Angelic. So lets go with that
Overall attractiveness: I work hard to look good, so I think I look alright.
Physical disabilities: None
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern
Usual fashion of dress: Comfortable Fashion? Is that a thing. Most of the time someone is styling me so I just wear what I am told. Otherwise... as long as it breathes and I can dance in it I am alright.
Favorite outfit: I don't think I have one
Jewelry or accessories: Again, I am normally just given things to wear. I don't think I own any of my own any more.
Tattoos: 'Youth/Growth' ambigram behind left ear. Crescent moon on neck/back. '13' On left inner wrist. 'Nevermind' on right ribcage. 'Young' on left arm above elbow. 'Forever' on right arm above elbow.

Good personality traits: Loyal, Dedicated, Hard worker, Trustworthy, Reliable, Kind, Caring, Honest... Honest as much as an idol can be when they need a little breather you know...
Bad personality traits: Neglects my own health, Works too hard, People pleaser.
Mood character is most often in: Tired? haha. I am joking, though I am tired often. I'm pretty happy mostly.
Sense of humor: A little... warped? Or a little slow.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Performing. I am the happiest and most at ease on stage performing.
Character’s greatest fear: Not being able to perform or letting my fans down.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil: Not being able to perform. I don't know what I would do if I couldnt perform
Character is most at ease when: On stage, or dancing.
Most ill at ease when: Waiting for the comeback. I hate waiting to see what fans think of the new song. It's so hard waiting for the drop.
Enraged when: People hurt my fans, friends or family.
Depressed or sad when: I haven't performed in a while
Priorities: Making the fans happy. Thats all that really matters
Life philosophy: "Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistance"
If granted one wish, it would be: a 24 hour concert. I wouldn't perform the whole time. But... basically a big party with my fans. We can all sing, and dance, and hang out... Wouldn't that be fun.
Why: I want to get to know my fans better... closer. There is always so much space, or so few that I get to talk to. So I'd like to be able to open it up to more fans, a chance to meet more of them and thank them all.
Character’s soft spot: My Fans.
Is this soft spot obvious to others: Pretty obvious, I am not really trying to hide it.
Greatest strength: Honestly, I dont know... Do I really have one when you look at the things I have said. Anything I think might be a strength is really a negative on my own health though. So, I don't know
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: This is the opposite, there are so many to list. So many things that could mess me up a lot with pretty limited cause. Taking away my ability to perform, or hurting my fans... God I would feel so guilty if that happened. I don't think I could handle it.
Biggest regret: Not telling my few real friends who I actually am. I have to hide it all the time.
Minor regret: The lies I tell my fans sometimes. Sometimes I just need a break, or I say what I think they will like. I feel bad about it, but I'd rather not worry them or anything.
Biggest accomplishment: Probably debuting?
Minor accomplishment: Somedays just getting out of bed. haha. Honestly... Probably just debuting as well
Education:  I finished school, it was hard after I debuted, but I did it. 
Intelligent or not: I'm not stupid, though I can see it. I was actually doing really well in school before I decided to debut instead.
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist mostly
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious: I have to be pretty careful... but I am a bit of a daredevil
Logical or emotional: Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Disorderly and Messy.
Prefers working or relaxing: Working. 
Confident or unsure of himself: Confident, though, like I said before. When waiting for the new comeback to drop I can be pretty unsure.
Animal lover: Yes  

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: There are things I could do better, better for myself and for others. There are things that I am rather good at, things that people enjoy. I don't hate myself, I wish I could do better... but I am pretty content.
One word to describe himself: Determined
What does the character consider his best personality trait: Probably my persistance? 
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: Being a people pleaser.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: hmm, my body?
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: My face... mostly my cheeks
How does the character think others perceive him: They think I am some angel, an angel driving them all to sin. Something like that.
What would the character most like to change about himself: My ability to forget or ignore my own needs 
Self-Confidence: I'm pretty self confident in all honesty 
How does the character cope with fury and rage: Sudden outbursts.
… with unhappiness: Internally 
… with rivalry: Work harder, Always work harder to try and be better
… with new situations: Curiosity and acceptance
… with trouble: depends on the kind of trouble. I try and make sure things are ok... But I don't know.
What’s his meaning of life: Performing
What would he like to change in his life: Nothing right now. I am pretty happy how I am 
What things motivate the character: My Fans
What situations scares the character: Walking around alone
What makes this character happy: Performing
Is the character often biased: I can be but I try not to be
Does the character prefer to give or to take: Give
Is the character rather nice or rude: Nice

Drives and motivations: To do better for my fans. To keep trying to do better and better every time I perform, or for each comeback.
Immediate goals: Get ready for the next comeback
Long term goals: Be able to one day settle down and feel content with that decision
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Keep working hard until that time comes
How other characters will be affected: I don't think anyone will be affected... Maybe Yoongi I suppose.

First memory
Most important childhood memory
Childhood hero:
Dream job
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about
Character’s darkest secret
Does anyone else know

Least favorite color:
Form of entertainment
Mode of transportation
Most prized possession

Good Habits:
Bad Habits
Plays a musical instrument:  
Plays a sport:
How he would spend a rainy day
Spending habits
Other drugs
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases:
What does he do too much of:
What does he do too little of:  
Extremely skilled at
Extremely unskilled at
Nervous tics
Usual body posture:

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general:
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others:
Person character most hates:
Best friend(s)
Love interest(s):
Person character goes to for advice:
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of:
Person character feels shy or awkward around:
Person character openly admires:
Person character secretly admires:
Relationship with her:
Relationship with him:
Relationship with them:
Relationship with him/her:
Relationship with them:
Other important family members:
Sisters or brothers:
Wife or husband:
Other relationships with other characters: