
Character’s full name: Kim Hyunsoo
Character’s nickname:
Age: 27
Birth date: 12th of April 1995
Nationality: Korean
Side: West
The current place for living: Seoul
Job title: Programmer
Employing company: NC Soft
Income: Approximately ₩50,000,000 a year
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Panual
Languages: Korean, English

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: I still hold a bit of my 'baby fat' so I look a little younger than I am. But I can easily use a little makeup to change that
Weight: 60kg (132lbs)
Height: 176cm (5'9")
Body build: "Marshmallow Belly"
Eye color: Dark Brown
Glasses or contacts: Neither, Sometimes I will wear the blue light glasses though. Mostly when I've spent too long looking at too much code and its straining my eyes too much
Skin tone: Pretty pale, I like to use makeup to look a little more tanned.
Distinguishing marks: small mole under my right eye. Mole on my neck, on the left side.
Predominant features:  Pouty lips? Almond Eyes?
Hair color: Currently dirty blonde? Or Light Brown. I'm unsure of the real difference.
Type of hair: Semi thick.
Hairstyle: Short and straight
Voice: Unique, Husky. Don't know if it counts for here but... heavy Daegu dialect.
Overall attractiveness: I would say I'm... cute I guess. I'm certainly nothing to stop on the street but, I do have those charactristics that grandmothers seem to love.
Physical disabilities: None
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern
Usual fashion of dress: Stylish but fashionable. I spend most of my time sitting at a computer but I like to look good still. I tend to wear slightly baggy clothes though.
Favorite outfit: Simple dress pants, nice dress shoes, a loose button up white shirt. It's comfortable, plain and safe.
Jewelry or accessories: Top of left ear pierced, wears a simple silver stud in it. Left earlobe pierces, wears a similar simple silver stud on the rare occassion I wear it.
Tattoos: None

Good personality traits: Generous, Friendly, Responsible, Warm-hearted
Bad personality traits: Envious, Perfectionist, Spoiled
Mood character is most often in: Stressed or tired.
Sense of humor: I'm too oblivious for that stuff.
Character’s greatest joy in life: Singing. I feel so free when I sing
Character’s greatest fear: Blood
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil: Loosing my job would probably do that a bit...
Character is most at ease when: In my room, doing my own thing. It's my safe place.
Most ill at ease when: Pretty much any social situation. I am really not all that good at dealing with people. There is a reason I work doing what I do.
Enraged when: People pick on people for not being 'perfect' at something they enjoy. You don't have to be good at it to enjoy it. If you want to dance, then dance, sing, then sing. If you want to date the same gender do it, want to wear make up, do it. Do what you love and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also... when my code isn't working becuase there is one small character missing somewhere.
Depressed or sad when: When I have to find that one missing character in thousands of lines of code. It makes me sad just thinking about it.
Priorities: I suppose my work is my top priority. Without it I have no income so... I suppose, as much as I have a bad relationship with my family if they needed me I'd probably go help them over everything. Probably....
Life philosophy: Do what you love and love what you're doing.
If granted one wish, it would be: A raise? I really don't think there is anything I want to 'wish' for.
Why: I mean, who doesn't want a raise. More money makes it easier to live. Plus, I could work less hours, and then I could spend more time singing. Becuase at the moment.... many coding takes so damn long.
Character’s soft spot: Cats, and when you can see somene has a true passion for what they are doing.
Is this soft spot obvious to others: Maybe? Cats yes. The other one, I don't know.
Greatest strength: I don't know, the fact that I can learn languages quickly? Coding ones at least. I am also pretty good at fixing random bugs and stuff that come up sometimes. But I really don't know something that is beneficial to anything but a computer system.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: The fact that I am a perfectionist. I have pushed pretty much everyone in my life away because of that fact. It's something I need to work on.
Biggest regret: That I wasn't able to help my siblings get out before it was too late for them all. Well most of them. I might be able to get the youngest one out.
Minor regret: Pushing evenyone away from me.
Biggest accomplishment: Getting away from my family and their abusive self depeciating spiral.
Minor accomplishment: Probably my youtube stuff. People seem to like watching me sing so, thats nice.
Education: Surprisingly... not at lot. When I moved I made sure to finish highschool, one test at least. Everything else is self taught, and I learnt a fair deal just from being at work. They send us to seminars and stuff. I've worked hard on my own to get here. 
Intelligent or not: I'd say I am. In my own unique way. I like to learn and better myself so...
Optimist or pessimist: I can seem very pessimistic but I actually do like to see the optimistic side in everything. There is always a way out.
Introvert or extrovert: Introvert.
Daredevil or cautious: Cautious
Logical or emotional: Mostly logical. But I am known to have emotional outbursts, isnt everyone?
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Methodical and Neat. Though... Organised Chaos suits me as well
Prefers working or relaxing: Working, I find my work relaxing though. Order, process, it's nice. 
Confident or unsure of himself: I'm pretty unsure but I don't like to show that. Letting people see that you are unsure gives them reason to doubt you, so... just seem confident and everyone else will be at ease too.
Animal lover: I love cats the most, but yes  

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: There are a lot of things I could work on, that much I know for sure.
One word to describe himself: Commited
What does the character consider his best personality trait: Probably being Friendly... no, Responsible. It's definately my responsibility.
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: Perfectionism. I mean it's good too, I know I am doing good work and things, but... It's also crippling at times.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: My eyes. I actually like my eyes.
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: My entire body... I really could be a little fitter...
How does the character think others perceive him: They probably think I am this neurotic pain in the ... or a psychopath.
What would the character most like to change about himself: I'd like to get some kind of control over my perfectionism I guess. I
Self-Confidence: I can fake it, lets say that. I always doubt whether I am doing well enough, or what people are really thinking about me though.
How does the character cope with fury and rage: It depends a little. I guess I can snap at people, I am often still rather calm though. I don't often fully blow up at someone.
… with unhappiness: I try to ignore it. It will pass. If I focus on it I will just struggle and get stuck in my own head. Best to just move on and ignore it. 
… with rivalry: Work harder, do better. I am my own worst rival though.
… with new situations: Tentative curiosity? 
… with trouble: Hide... If I can. I don't like to face conflicts. This is why I rarely have emotional outbursts. I fear the repercussions too much
What’s his meaning of life: At the moment, It's just to make a better life for myself. To step away from where I came from and the horrors of my past. Thats enough for me.
What would he like to change in his life: Apart form the perfectionism thing... Maybe my confidence, my body... All little things. I am rather content.  
What things motivate the character: Living. The knowledge that if I don't do things, the hell I would have to return to is far worse than anything I will face here. 
What situations scares the character: Conflict, medical emergencies... Bugs...
What makes this character happy: Singing.
Is the character often biased: I mean... yes. I think everyone is. Anyone that says they aren't are lying.
Does the character prefer to give or to take: Give... Well neither. I'd rather not have attention on me in that way. But, Give for sure.
Is the character rather nice or rude: I try to be nice. I just, don't come across that way all the time when I attempt to kindly point out flaws in people... Its a horrible habit that I need to fix.

Drives and motivations: A better life. And if I get lucky enough, a better life for others as well.
Immediate goals: Stay alive? Thats about it.
Long term goals: If I could be lucky enough, I'd love to get a place where people in bad situations at home could get away. A safe place for people.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Money. I need a lot of money for that. So... It's really a dream more than a goal I guess
How other characters will be affected: If they have a troubled background, or abusive parents... hopefully their lives will get much better. Hopefully I can give them a start, like I had to make for myself.

First memory: I was... 5 or 6 I think. I remember my sister coming in to my room carrying my only younger sister at the time. I could hear my parents yelling at something... someone? My sister was bleeding from her head at the time. She handed me my sister and wrapped us both in a blanket. Then we left the place we were staying... a 13 year old, a 5 year old and a 1 year old... Walking through the streets wrapped in a tattered blanket. We spent two nights hiding on the streets before our mother found us and brought us home...
Most important childhood memory: Maybe a few years after that first one. It's not a good memory really but it was a turning point. Sujin was kind of in charge of looking after Jisoo and Kyungsoo at the time. But she was also old enough that she was included in the bull choices of my parents. I think I was 8 at the time. Sujin had been forced awake most of the night with my parents getting drunk and High, I didnt realise that at the time, but I know thats what it was now. Kyungsoo was crying, I think he was probably hungry. My parents had a hangover or something, or just couldnt stand his screams for attention, and my sister was struggling to really do anything. That apparently didn't matter to my parents. My mother started abusing Sujin. I'd never witnessed it before. I knew it was happening, it was happening to us all, but I'd never seen it myself. I couldn't just sit there and watch my mother lay into my sister while she could barely stand there because of everything they'd given her the night before. So I acted. I didn't think I just acted. Unfortunately my father was still around so the two good hits I got off on my mother meant very little when he started to join in. I saved Sujin from abuse that day, but I didn't save myself. I remember that much of the memory, I remember the pain, I remember literally seeing red as blood went just about everywhere. I am pretty sure I was laying in what could be considered a pool. Head wounds bleed a lot over something so superficial sometimes. Sujin couldnt help me, Jisoo was maybe 4. I remember seeing her crying and hiding under the table. Kyungsoo was 1 at most... It was the bravest I had ever been, letting them take their anger out on me to save my siblings.
Why: It was when I first realised that if I didn't do something I was going to be stuck in this reality. It was the first time I found my voice with my family... and the start of my dislike for blood. That got worse after the time I took to me with a knife. I could never save them from everything, or a few years after that Sujin started to join them in abusing us all. But it was a turning point for me, I knew then I needed to do something to change it.
Childhood hero: I never had one. There was no one there that I could look up to. For a few years it had been Sujin before she started to turn into the same kind of person as my parents. But, in the end. There was no one to look up to, there was only me.
Dream job: I am pretty happy with my job honestly. There isn't a lot I really want to change with it. I mean, I'd love a job where I could sing, but I dont think I could deal with the fame. I'd also like a job helping youths like me, but again... I am not good with people and I tend to be a little... crude so. Not the most ideal for me. If there was a job that was 'give people a lot of money to do the things you wish you could but cannot all while being a famous singer with no one seeing your face'... That.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: I feels bad even just saying this... but the fact I couldnt kill my parents when I had the chance. That's horrible to write down, but I should have done it before I left.
Why: I could have spared my siblings from more toture, I could have stopped the cycle. But also... I couldn't have helped them then, so... perhaps its for the best.
Character’s darkest secret: My entire background? I don't tell people where I came from. I mean I say Deagu, it's hard to really hide that much, but still. But I suppose all the crimes I commited back there before I left... One day I am sure I will have to answer to the robberies and murder.
Does anyone else know: If they do, I don't know about it.

Color: White or Black
Least favorite color: Red.
Music: Anything with feeling. A Song that means something even if its just a meaning you yourself have found in it... thats enough.
Food: Pretty simple things really. Nothing too heavy, a good balance of meat and vegetables. I'm not one for a lot of processed foods.
Literature: I spend my time reading code. I don't have time for anything else.
Form of entertainment: Singing, Music, I like a good movie every now and then too. Oh, and games. I test the games a lot so I do quite enjoy it.
Expressions: A blessing in disguise
Mode of transportation: My feet.
Most prized possession: I guess my computer. Without it I have no work

Good Habits: I work hard, I am clean, neat, I eat well. Are they habits?
Bad Habits: Not sleeping....
Hobbies: Singing
Plays a musical instrument: I mean, I can make decent noise on one, but I cannot play. 
Plays a sport: Nope 
How he would spend a rainy day: Same way I spend every day. Sitting and working. Or... I suppose singing. If I had nothing to do... Curl up at the window, listen to my favourite songs, and drink a nice warm hot chocolate.
Spending habits: I am frugal... Very. I buy things only when I need them. I admit I tend to buy expensive things when I need them, but I am as careful as I can be to make them last as long as possible.
Smokes: Nope 
Drinks: Nope
Other drugs: Nope
Addictions: None
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases: None that I know of. Then again, where I came from and my parents... anything is possible. 
What does he do too much of: Work
What does he do too little of: Sleep 
Extremely skilled at: Coding, Singing
Extremely unskilled at: Talking to people... Anything athletic.
Nervous tics: picking at the skin on my fingers, or lips
Usual body posture: a little slouched, trying to make myself... smaller
Mannerisms: Tendancy to mumble, Mutter to myself, biting the inside of my cheeks, looking everywhere when talking to people, tracing scars without thinking.
Peculiarities: Raspy/Husky voice, always wearing makeup, fidgets when talking to people.

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: Some are good, some are bad. I wont just people without knowing some about them first. No matter what they have done on the surface.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others: Yes, Often
Person character most hates: My parents. Both of them. Equally
Best friend(s): No one
Love interest(s): No one
Person character goes to for advice: No one
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: It was my siblings, but I left them so... No one
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Everyone
Person character openly admires: People doing what they love, when you can see their passion.
Person character secretly admires: No one
Mother: Kim Minah
Relationship with her: Horrible, Absolutely horrible. I hate her.
Father: Kim Seongmin
Relationship with him: Horrible. Aboely horrible. I hate him
Siblings: 6 siblings...
Relationship with them: Strained at best. Though I wish it was better
Spouse: None
Relationship with him/her:
Children: None
Relationship with them:
Other important family members: None
Sisters or brothers: Kim Sujin - Older Sister 35, Kim Jisoo - Younger sister 24, Kim Kyungsoo - Younger Brother 20, Kim Soohyun - Younger Brother 16, Kim Misoo - Younger sister 15, Kim Jungsoo - Younger brother 12
Wife or husband: None
Children: None
Grandparents: None
Grandchildren: None
Other relationships with other characters: None yet.