
Character’s full name: Seo Changbin
Character’s nickname: Binnie, Bin Bin, Teddy Chang/Teddy Bin/Teddy Binnie, Little Bear, ChangTeokkie/Bunny Chang, Baby Bull, Piggy, Piglet
Age: 29
Birth date: August 11, 1994
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: With Hyunjin
Job title: Rapper, Songwriter & Producer
Employing company: Crown for the Preachers. (Previous) Diamonds in Moonlight.
Income: He's taken care of thanks to Hyunjin. Otherwise, he would barely get by.
Relationship status: Single.
Orientation: Let's just say he'd know better if he stopped scaring off every potential love interest.
Languages: Korean... barely. Other languages, namely just English and Japanese, are even worse.
Background: Changbin was much like the other kids growing up in the East. He had parents, of course, but then, suddenly, he didn't. The most that he remembers from the start of it all is fire, and a lot of it. He doesn't know it but a fire was set to the house to burn the dead bodies of his parents who had crossed the wrong person. Feeling sorry for the kid, the arsonist got him out of the house and to safety. He cried a lot and clutched his teddy to his chest. Most people, namely people from the West, don't believe there are emergency services in the East. There are. They just aren't as responsive. Changbin was taken to a police station after some volunteer firefighters put out the fire, although not before the fire spread to the houses on both sides. Changbin wasn't the loudest of kids and all he really knew how to do was to ask for something to eat, something to drink and a blanket. He ended up making something of a home of one of the jail cells in the small police office, which lasted the kid a few years before the police station was shut down thanks to some higher ups in the East had considered the precinct to be a waste of money. He was out on his own in the streets, 5-years old, with no relatives to care for him.

Changbin wandered around, stealing food and just trying to survive. It was pretty easy for him to get food and temporary shelter since most people felt sorry for the young kid, even more so since he didn't seem to know many words. He kept his teddy bear with him the entire time, refusing to let it out of his sight and hold since it had become something that kept him calm; It earned him all of his bear-related nicknames. Even by the time he was 12, he was still only asking for food, drinks and blankets, only introducing himself as Binnie as it was easiest for him to remember and repeat, although he never forgot his actual name. How he survived, or even why, didn't make sense to him or anyone else. Changbin couldn't read or write and he had no one to take care of him, hiding out in empty buildings to sleep when he could. That was until he found a home that he thought was empty, only to meet Hyunjin. It started with Hyunjin just giving him a blanket and a meal but that was enough to cause Changbin to keep coming around since he felt comfortable and safe with the other. Meeting Hyunjin changed Changbin's life around and, for the better. He's unaware that he turned Hyunjin's life around for the better as well. Their repeated meetings, which were really just Changbin asking for some food and a place to sleep, grew into Hyunjin taking time to teach Changbin to read and write; the younger began looking out for him as well. Changbin became more expressive the more he learned and understood, though yelling as though he's still a child has stuck with him. When he gets too emotional, he can't think straight and he's not the best at forming sentences to convey his thoughts and emotions, which is why he tends to be more physical in such instances.

Thanks to Hyunjin, Changbin has gotten to try a lot of things he never thought he could do. That includes things small things like trying new foods and actually reading books on his own to learning ways to channel his emotions although he still has trouble sometimes getting them out calmly with his words. It's one reason why both he and Hyunjin have so many tattoos. Changbin was also adamant about giving more and more to Hyunjin because he realized that Hyunjin wouldn't scratch at the tattoos, meaning his best friend wouldn't hurt himself. Music became another one of the easiest ways for him to express himself. It was even easier with Hyunjin supporting him and financing things for him along the way. Changbin was always excited to get out and show his music and learn from others. Thanks to Hyunjin's grandfather, Changbin was able to go to music shows in the West and meet with and learn from various artists. Being from the East made it a bit difficult to keep in touch with all of them but, thankfully, there were also some from the East. One of his most notable connections, a guy named Christopher, earned him a spot in the band, Diamonds in Moonlight.

Being a member of the band was where he learned more about producing and playing and maintaining instruments. He and Christopher got very close, very quickly, but things weren't at their high forever. As things seemed to grow tainted in their paradise, Changbin grew closer to Jungkook and they eventually left the band together. They've been together ever since. They couldn't leave music altogether though so they eventually worked on starting a new one together. Thus was Crown for the Preachers born. Although Changbin considers the band, Hyunjin and Hyunjin's grandfather as family, they are also like two different worlds for him. He takes on much more of a father role when he's with the band, wanting to protect all of his kids, while he's more in baby mode with Hyunjin.

Physical appearance
How old does he appear: A little older. Until he opens his mouth, then people assume he's much younger than he actually is.
Weight: 68 kg | 150 lbs.
Height: 167 cm | 5'8"
Body build: Buff. A thick kid.
Eye color: Brown.
Glasses or contacts: No.
Skin tone: Warm.
Distinguishing marks: Light burn scars over his forearms. 
Predominant features: Arms.
Hair color: Black.
Type of hair: Straight.
Hairstyle: Shortish. (x)
Voice: Warm, until he gets loud and then it's really loud. His voice gets raspy if he's been making too much noise.
Overall attractiveness: Pretty high until he opens his mouth. 50-50 chance after that.
Physical disabilities: None.
What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern.
Usual fashion of dress: Dark, but he tries other styles, namely when he's at home or traveling to the West with Hyunjin.
Favorite outfit: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Jewelry or accessories: Anything that Hyunjin gets him, especially if they have a matching pair of something.
Piercings: Eyebrow | Ears | Lip
Tattoos: (Places he couldn't reach were done by Hyunjin) Below Adam's Apple, Above Collarbone: x | Right chest: x | Left ribcage: x | Left inner wrist: x | Right inner forearm: x | Lower back, along spine: x || Couple/Matching Tattoos with Hyunjin - Outer side of left ring finger (pinky side): clear sun, dark moon | Left inner elbow crease: no matter what | Right inner elbow crease: i will follow | Upper left arm: beast | Right hip: butterfly | Across shoulders: no matter what

Good personality traits: Protective. Considerate. Playful. Trustworthy. Loving.
Bad personality traits: Loud. Aggressive. Physical. 
Mood character is most often in: Full Volume.
Sense of humor: Unless he's in work mode, he's very playful.

Character’s greatest joy in life: Playing and making music. Making Hyunjin proud.
Character’s greatest fear: Losing Hyunjin. Losing his ability to create music. Losing another band family.
Why? He doesn't have much anyway. Without what he has, he wouldn't know what to do, especially since he's had it all for what feels like so long now.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Losing Hyunjin.
Character is most at ease when: He's with his band or he's with Hyunjin. Performing.
Most ill at ease when: When he's alone.
Enraged when: People not heeding his warnings, especially when he's clear about things he's okay with and not okay with.
Depressed or sad when: Someone he cares about is hurt, even more so if it's because of something he did.
Priorities: Hyunjin. Band. Music. Fans.
Life philosophy: Just persevere. Just endure.
If granted one wish, it would be: That nothing can ever harm his loved ones.
Why? Sometimes, when he's alone, he becomes much more aware as to how dangerous the East really is. He just wants to make sure those he cares for don't fall to the darkness.
Character’s soft spot: Hyunjin. Band.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? It's safe to say yes.
Greatest strength: His stubbornness.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His stubbornness.
Biggest regret: Not watching out for Christopher properly and leaving him to go through his drug addiction alone. Not being able to do anything for Jonghyun either.
Minor regret: Not pulling Yeonjun away from Wooyoung sooner when he saw the same habits and actions as Christopher. Not being able to properly protect Yeonjun from Wooyoung.
Biggest accomplishment: Learning to read and write thanks to Hyunjin.
Minor accomplishment: Being able to learn all that he has after coming from nothing at all to his name.
Education: None aside from what Hyunjin has taught him.
Intelligent or not? He gets by.
Optimist or pessimist? Pretty optimistic though he typically seems otherwise.
Introvert or extrovert? Surprisingly extroverted.
Daredevil or cautious? Tends to be a bit of a daredevil.
Logical or emotional? Emotional.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy but there's a method to his madness.
Prefers working or relaxing? Working.
Confident or unsure of himself? Eh... In between.
Animal lover? He's never come across any animals so he doesn't know. He can barely name them.

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: He doesn't feel he has much to offer the world so he's thankful for what he has.
One word to describe himself: Fighter.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Aggression.
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Scary.
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Arms, thighs and .
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? Just height in general sometimes.
How does the character think others perceive him: Scary.
What would the character most like to change about himself: Being able to actually talk out his thoughts and emotions more coherently.
Self-Confidence: Slightly below average, not that most people can tell.
How does the character cope with fury and rage? Screaming and yelling, usually getting physical somehow.
… with unhappiness? Hiding away somewhere at home with his teddy bear.
… with rivalry? Doesn't understand it.
… with new situations? Just jumps in.
… with trouble? Depending on the situation, he'll either hide or face it head on.
What’s his meaning of life? Hyunjin. His band.
What would he like to change in his life? He's pretty happy as things are now.
What things motivate the character? Making his loved ones happy.
What situations scare the character? Not being able to protect someone he cares about. When he can't think straight and messes up his words.
What makes this character happy? Hugging his teddy bear. Clinging to Hyunjin or his band members.
Is the character often biased? Somewhat.
Does the character prefer to give or to take? Give...?
Is the character rather nice or rude? Tends to lean rude without meaning to.

Drives and motivations: Hyunjin's support. The support of his band family.
Immediate goals: Just survive another day.
Long term goals: Doesn't have one.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Just trying his best.
How other characters will be affected: Not so much either way really. They'll be happy to have him around though.

First memory: Fire. Lots of fire.
Most important childhood memory: The first time he was given a meal when he was out on the streets.
Why: Although most people didn't bother him, most people ignored him all the same and so it was hard sometimes to have any sort of food or water without crying or yelling for it.
Childhood hero: Hyunjin.
Dream job: He's doing it now.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: His inability to read and write.
Why? He struggles enough just remembering it himself. He doesn't want someone feeling sorry for him or trying to use it against him.
Character’s darkest secret: Doesn't really have one, unless Christopher stabbing him counts.
Does anyone else know? Hyunjin, Christopher, Hun, Jungkook, CyA

Color: White, because of his polar bear plush
Least favorite color: Doesn't really have one.
Music: All kinds.
Food: All kinds.
Literature: The picture books he reads from Hyunjin.
Form of entertainment: Working on music.
Expressions: Doesn't have one.
Mode of transportation: Mostly walks everywhere.
Most prized possession: His teddy bear.

Good Habits: Watching over his loved ones and making sure they're taken care of first. Learning to write out his feelings if he feels like he can't say it without screaming.
Bad Habits: Has a tendency to forgo the writing and just screaming when his emotions are high. Pretending things are okay so no one feels bad.
Hobbies: Making music. Reading picture books.
Plays a musical instrument? Drums. Guitar. A little piano.
Plays a sport? No but likes soccer balls.
How he would spend a rainy day: Inside... Doing who knows what.
Spending habits: Doesn't actually spend any money. Well, he spends Hyunjin's money but doesn't realize that's what he's doing. Doesn't understand the concept of spending money.
Smokes: No.
Drinks: Pretty often for fun.
Other drugs: No.
Addictions: No.
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? Healthy.
What does he do too much of? Yelling. Getting physical first, asking questions later.
What does he do too little of? Just talking things out.
Extremely skilled at: Composing and producing music. Songwriting.
Extremely unskilled at: Pretty much everything else.
Nervous tics: Bouncing his leg. Hugging his knees. Keeping his head bowed, even when he's talking.
Usual body posture: Erect but comfortable.
Mannerisms: You'd think the kid was a dumb jock stereotype which isn't too far off.
Peculiarities: Has to find things in the places he left them or where he can easily find them or he feels like crying; He'll feel like he forgot or lost something and that he'll get in trouble for it.

Family & Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: He's wary of strangers but open to meeting them.
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others? Not really.
Person character most hates: Probably Wooyoung. Maybe a dash of Christopher.
Best friend(s): Hyunjin
Love interest(s): N/A
Person character goes to for advice: Mostly Hyunjin or Hongjoong. Sometimes Jungkook, Taemin and Yeonjun.
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Hongjoong, Hyunjin, Jungkook, Taemin and Yeonjun.
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Wooyoung. After meeting Yeonjun's brother, Chanhee, too. Both for very different reasons.
Person character openly admires: Hyunjin.
Person character secretly admires: Hongjoong.
Mother: Dead
Relationship with her: Non-existent, even when she was alive, really.
Father: Dead
Relationship with him: Same as his mother.
Siblings: Not that he knows of.
Relationship with them: N/A
Spouse: N/A
Relationship with him/her: N/A
Children: N/A
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: N/A
Grandparents: He considers Hyunjin's grandparents his own though, much like Hyunjin, he's only close to Hyunjin's grandfather.
Grandchildren: N/A
Other relationships with other characters:
They became best friends easily and they both thought that would never end, especially with all the work they did together in music. After Jonghyun's passing, their paths just seemed to start to split and it ended up with Changbin being stabbed when he tried to talk the other through it. Changbin kind of regrets giving up so easily on being there for him but it was clear that Chan had made up his mind and chose his addictions over him. He hasn't spoken to him since that day.

Jungkook: Changbin treats him like a baby and Jungkook soaks it up even though they're much older now. They met in DiM and haven't split from each other's sides since then. They started their current band together and plan to stay together for as long as they can.
Hun: Members of DiM together before the big split. He thought highly of Hun for sticking through things and watching over the group. He knows that Hun had something to do with Chan going to rehab. Although he keeps in touch with Hun, he doesn't ever talk about DiM with him or Chan.
CyA: They didn't really get the chance to know each other, even more so with how young CyA was when they met and the fact that Changbin was leaving the group around the time of the younger joining. He doesn't talk to him much only because they don't know each other all that well but he's made it clear on more than one occasion that CyA's welcome to talk to him if he ever wants to.

Taemin: Baby number two for Changbin. Taemin gets as much babying as Jungkook does even though Taemin is the same age as Changbin. They're much closer than people think and, when they all crash together somewhere for a night, such as to be closer to a venue for a show, Taemin is one of two that are usually found curled up with or near Changbin. The other would be Jungkook.
Hongjoong: He isn't Changbin's kid but feels a lot like his other half on most days. It's like they're the parents of their band, with Hongjoong feeling like Changbin's parental figure when Hyunjin isn't around. Changbin is very glad the group found him and feels like he was the missing piece. He tells Hongjoong often that he's thankful for the other being there for all of them all the time. He doesn't know the entirety of Hongjoong's story but knows he's been through a lot and is just thankful that he keeps a level head for the rest of them.
Yeonjun: Kid number three. Yeonjun is the kid that, if they all were an actual family, people would expect him to grow up like Changbin. They're very playful with one another and go back and forth with friendly bickering from time to time, though it's always in good fun. They both can be quite aggressive and have a tendency to wrestle one another on any given occasion. Changbin thinks highly of him just like he does his other's members. He feels like he'll never be able to forgive himself for Yeonjun getting hurt by Wooyoung, wishing he'd gotten them separated somehow sooner when he could see the telltale signs of Wooyoung's addiction problem.
Wooyoung: Changbin wouldn't necessarily say he hates Wooyoung but it's pretty darn close. He used to love and adore him like he was another one of his kids but, when Wooyoung ignored his warning and chose addiction over their band family, he already began to cut ties and suggested that Wooyoung be removed from the group to work on himself. In the midst of it all, Wooyoung ended up somewhat reenacting his scene with Chan and it both scared and broke him, even more so since it felt like he was reliving his situation with Chan all over again.