
Character's full name: Kang Yeosang
Character's nickname: Yeo, Sanggie, Rose
Age: 23
Birth date: June 15th, 1999
Nationality: Korean
Side: West
The current place for living: West
Job title: Tattoo Artist, Piercing Technician?
Employing company: Inksignia
Income: More than enough
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Unknown
Languages: Korean, Some English, Chinese and Japanese
Background: Yeosang was one of those lucky kids that had everything growing up. His parents are understanding and supportive of everything he does. He never wanted anything as they always had the money to buy him everything that he wanted. He had friends growing up, was good at school, and overall enjoyed his life. Only he felt different to everyone else around him. Surrounded by people with ambition or just those who were snobby because of their money, he often found himself fading into worlds of his own creation. He would often spend hours a day reading, writing or drawing different fantasies in his mind. Unlike many parents who wanted their children to follow in their footsteps and take over family businesses, Yeosang's parents supported and even encouraged him to follow his passion for art when it started to form.

Because he felt this difference to everyone else around him, he felt himself differing in other things as well. Where his friends began to wear crisp designer suits or lavish dresses he turned to more baggy dark clothing. Rather than attending events held by rich parents, he took to exploring the nights on the streets and eventually days as well. He took to spending time along the border of the East and West fascinated by the difference in the way they lived. It was here that he first learnt about skating. Some Eastside kid had spotted him watching and offered to show him what it was all about. Yeosang was hooked in an instant.

Like everything else in his life, his parents were happy to support this new passion. They were worried about where he was with it but trusted him to know what to do and to be smart enough to keep himself alive. And Yeosang was. More often than not in the early days, he came home with ripped clothes, bloody lips and something stolen from him, but he refused to give up. Eventually, they came to respect him, despite his upbringing he was proving to be as resilient as those he was spending his time with. He formed new friendships, finished school and told his parents of his desire to open his own Tattoo business. A few years later and Inksignia was open in the East. The shop front itself was small, with Yeosang offering many people the option of him going to their place rather than making them travel. He still lives on the West, but he does have a small place above Inksignia if he finishes late or has to start early.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: About his age
Weight: He doesn't weight himself so he doesn't know.
Height: 174 cm (5'9")
Body build: Muscular. Though he hides it really well
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: Contacts
Skin tone: A little on the pale side
Distinguishing marks: []
Predominant features: []
Hair color: Currently Blonde
Type of hair: []
Hairstyle: med length? Kinda wavy?
Voice: Deep and a little breathy
Overall attractiveness: He wouldn't say unattractive but he also doesn't care
Physical disabilities: N/A
What's the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern, Punkish
Usual fashion of dress: Punkish
Favorite outfit: this or this Or Similar
Jewelry or accessories: Depends on the day
Piercings: Multiple in his ears, Tongue, Had his nose once
Tattoos: [x] Right side from top thigh to rib cage, [x] Inner arm (From Yuchan)

Good personality traits: []
Bad personality traits: []
Mood character is most often in: []
Sense of humor: []
Character's greatest joy in life: []
Character's greatest fear: []
Why: []
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil: []
Character is most at ease when: []
Most ill at ease when: []
Enraged when: []
Depressed or sad when: []
Priorities: []
Life philosophy: []
If granted one wish, it would be: []
Why: []
Character's soft spot: []
Is this soft spot obvious to others? []
Greatest strength: []
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: []
Biggest regret: []
Minor regret: []
Biggest accomplishment: []
Minor accomplishment: []
Education: []
Intelligent or not: []
Optimist or pessimist: []
Introvert or extrovert: []
Daredevil or cautious: []
Logical or emotional: []
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: []
Prefers working or relaxing: []
Confident or unsure of himself: []
Animal lover: []

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: []
One word to describe himself: []
What does the character consider his best personality trait: []
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: []
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: []
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: []
How does the character think others perceive him: []
What would the character most like to change about himself: []
Self-Confidence: []
How does the character cope with fury and rage: []
... with unhappiness: []
... with rivalry: []
... with new situations: []
... with trouble: []
What's hismeaning of life: []
What would helike to change in his life: []
What things motivate the character: []
What situations scares the character: []
What makes this character happy: []
Is the character often biased: []
Does the character prefer to give or to take: []
Is the character rather nice or rude: []

Drives and motivations: []
Immediate goals: []
Long term goals: []
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: []
How other characters will be affected: []

First memory: []
Most important childhood memory: []
Why: []
Childhood hero: []
Dream job: []
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: []
Why: []
Character's darkest secret: []
Does anyone else know: []

Color: []
Least favorite color: []
Music: []
Food: []
Literature: []
Form of entertainment: []
Expressions: []
Mode of transportation: []
Most prized possession: []

Good Habits: []
Bad Habits: []
Hobbies: []
Plays a musical instrument: []
Plays a sport: []
How he would spend a rainy day: []
Spending habits: []
Smokes: []
Drinks: []
Other drugs: []
Addictions: []
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases: []
What does he do too much of: []
What does he do too little of: []
Extremely skilled at: []
Extremely unskilled at: []
Nervous tics: []
Usual body posture: []
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family and Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: []
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others: []
Person character most hates: []
Best friend(s): []
Love interest(s): []
Person character goes to for advice: []
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: []
Person character feels shy or awkward around: []
Person character openly admires: []
Person character secretly admires: []
Mother: []
Relationship with her: []
Father: []
Relationship with him: []
Siblings: []
Relationship with them: []
Spouse: []
Relationship with him/her: []
Children: []
Relationship with them: []
Other important family members: []
Sisters or brothers []
Wife or husband: []
Children: []
Grandparents: []
Grandchildren: []
Other relationships with other characters:
[Character 1]:
[Character 2]: []
[Character 3]: []
[Character 4]: []
[Character 5]: []