
Character's full name: Son Dongmyeong
Character's nickname: Young Master Son, Myeonggie
Age: 22
Birth date: January 10th, 2000
Nationality: Korean
Side: West
The current place for living: West
Job title: Currently doesn't have one. He's working in almost every area of the business to learn how they all work so that he can take over as COO and then CEO
Employing company: SonSon
Income: Far too much
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Forcing himself to be Straight
Languages: Korean, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, English
Background: Like many of the rich kids that exist out there, Dongmyeong grew up with everything he could ever want and then some. He, and his twin Dongju, had very happy childhoods, playing and just enjoying life as it be. As he got older, Dongmyeong and Dongju both began to learn about the family business, but Dongmyeong knew that Dongju had other things that he would rather be doing so slowly he tried to take more of the business studies on his shoulders. He did it as discreetly as he could at first until Dongju was taken. Being without his brother for that time, and then the seeming comfort Dongju had on the other side of the city Dongmyeong took more on his shoulders once again. He took it on his shoulders and convinced his father to give Dongju a little more freedom, it had taken some convincing, but he'd managed it.

Taking on these additional duties kept him rather busy, and always exhausted but he always makes sure to keep a smile on his face when Dongju is around so as not to worry him at all. On top of his duties within SonSon he's made it his job to do everything he can to get Dongju where he wants to be, covering for him when he's not home or finding ways to get him out if he is. 

Physical appearance
How old do they appear: Maybe slightly older
Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs)
Height: 173 cm (5'8")
Body build: Slim
Eye color: Brown
Glasses or contacts: Neither, sometimes contacts, sometimes blue light glasses if he's been looking at screens too much
Skin tone: Slightly Pale
Distinguishing marks: N/A
Predominant features: Eyes
Hair color: Currently Medium brown. Something that's still normal but allowed him to help Dongju practice.
Type of hair: Straight
Hairstyle: Slightly long? For me anyway
Voice: Mid tone, sometimes get a little high. Smooth. Calming
Overall attractiveness: Nothing compared to my brother. maybe like a 6
Physical disabilities: N/A
What's the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern, "boring"
Usual fashion of dress: Suits, unless he's at home and not feeling very well, then he will 'copy' Dongju's style with oversized jumpers and simple track pants and tee's
Favorite outfit: Doesn't have one
Jewelry or accessories: Doesn't get to wear things very often. A nice watch, a ring or two, and maybe a necklace
Piercings: Ears
Tattoos: None

Good personality traits: Hardworking, diligent, self-sacrificing, Honest
Bad personality traits: Overworks, little immature at times
Mood character is most often in: Focused and serious
Sense of humor: can be very dry humor. When he's around Dongju though he's very childish (most of the time)
Character's greatest joy in life: Watching Dongju find something he enjoys and seeing him do that.
Character's greatest fear: Something happening to Dongju again. Not being able to protect those he cares for. Letting down his family
Why: The time when Dongju was kidnapped still plagues Dongmyeong with nightmares, not that he tells anyone. Being without his twin and not knowing what happened was the first terrifying thing that ever happened to him, and nothing has made him feel that fear again. Despite only being 1 minute between them he feels more like an older brother to Dongju and wants to be able to protect him from those things. Family is the most important thing to Dongmyeong so if he was to let them down it would be the greatest failure he could commit.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil: Either something unspeakable happening to Dongju or being kicked out of the family
Character is most at ease when: Dongju is safe. Whether that's at home with him, or with Hanse (who he knows will keep Dongju safe).
Most ill at ease when: He can't get in contact with Dongju. Even when he knows where he is, if he can't connect him he starts to freak out.
Enraged when: People treat him like a child within SonSon.
Depressed or sad when: Dongju is sad. 
Priorities: Family, Work
Life philosophy: If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort
If granted one wish, it would be: For Dongju to get his wish
Why: The only thing Dongmyeong wants more than anything is for Dongju to be happy and content in his life. No matter the sacrifice he needs to make to achieve that.
Character's soft spot: Dongju
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes
Greatest strength: Determination. Nothing can stop him if he's determined to do something.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Dongju? Really anyone in his family. There is nothing he wouldn't do for them so it could easily be used against him
Biggest regret: Not being the one that was kidnapped, not making sure Dongju was safe then. Not being there for him.
Minor regret: Probably some mistake at work last week, it changes often
Biggest accomplishment: Convincing his father to train him for CEO and allow Dongju a little more freedom
Minor accomplishment: Waking up each day, honestly.
Education: Finished Uni with a double degree in Business and Accounting
Intelligent or not: Intelligent
Optimist or pessimist: Mostly an optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious: Cautious
Logical or emotional: Mostly logical
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Organised Chaos. At work (in the office), it is very much Methodical and Neat though.
Prefers working or relaxing: Relaxing, but he'd never let anyone know that.
Confident or unsure of himself: Mostly confident
Animal lover: Yes

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: That he needs to do more. He needs to try harder. He needs to make sure everything goes perfectly, but... he's not there yet
One word to describe himself: Selfless
What does the character consider his best personality trait: Determination or loyalty
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: Hesitance
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: Hands
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: Arms
How does the character think others perceive him: Hardworking kind of guy who never has any fun
What would the character most like to change about himself: Nothing. Unless it needs to be changed for his family.
Self-Confidence: Relatively high
How does the character cope with fury and rage: Short outburst of either yelling or something physical before breaking down and crying
... with unhappiness: If he can't ignore it, he will curl up in his bed, wrapped in blankets and will it to go away before anyone sees him
... with rivalry: Work harder, prove myself
... with new situations: Open-minded, try and understand all sides before experiencing it, and seeing how it goes
... with trouble: Try to diffuse the situation as best as possible
What's his meaning of life: Currently, Dongju
What would he like to change in his life: Nothing
What things motivate the character: Making sure Dongju can continue to have his freedom. Proving himself to his father
What situations scare the character: Not being able to contact Dongju, getting a "Come to my office" from his father for seemingly no reason
What makes this character happy: Seeing Dongju happy. Also, praise from his father
Is the character often biased: Yes
Does the character prefer to give or to take: Give
Is the character rather nice or rude: Nice

Drives and motivations: Protecting his family, making his parents proud.
Immediate goals: Surviving the trial period he's currently in
Long-term goals: Running the company as well as his father has.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Keep working hard. Keep his head down and keep working
How other characters will be affected: Maybe Dongju, but probably not

First memory: Playing with Dongju through the house
Most important childhood memory: When Dongju was kidnapped
Why: It was the first time he started to take on more responsibilities.
Childhood hero: His parents, Dongju
Dream job: He's never thought about what he /wants/ to do, only thought about what is best to make sure Dongju can follow his dreams
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: So many mistakes that he has made that ended up being put on someone else, before he learnt to speak up
Why: He feels bad about other people getting in trouble for his mistakes and being too scared to take responsibility for them. He's made sure to learn from that now
Character's darkest secret: He often pays to have someone trail and follow Dongju to keep him safe and to know where he is at all times.
Does anyone else know: Only who he hires (Currently undecided lol... maybe Hyunjin?)

Color: Blue
Least favorite color: Orange
Music: Something Classical... or Instrumental.
Food: Friend Chicken
Literature: Many fantasy series. It's his escape
Form of entertainment: Reading
Expressions: "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do"
Mode of transportation: Car
Most prized possession: Floppy dog plushie he has had since he was born (x)

Good Habits: Early Riser, hard worker
Bad Habits: forgets to take care of himself a little too often
Hobbies: []
Plays a musical instrument: N/A
Plays a sport: N/A
How he would spend a rainy day: Ideally, sitting on one of the comfortable seats in the library with a blanket and a book. But... most often he just works.
Spending habits: He doesn't get a lot of time to spend money. But he does buy a fair deal online, nice clothes, electronics, anything he thinks that Dongju might like.
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Other drugs: No
Addictions: None
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases: Healthy
What does he do too much of: []
What does he do too little of: []
Extremely skilled at: []
Extremely unskilled at: []
Nervous tics: []
Usual body posture: []
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family and Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: []
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others: []
Person character most hates: []
Best friend(s): []
Love interest(s): []
Person character goes to for advice: []
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: []
Person character feels shy or awkward around: []
Person character openly admires: []
Person character secretly admires: []
Mother: []
Relationship with her: Good
Father: []
Relationship with him: Good
Siblings: Dongju
Relationship with them: Perfect
Spouse: []
Relationship with him/her: []
Children: []
Relationship with them: []
Other important family members: []
Sisters or brothers []
Wife or husband: []
Children: []
Grandparents: []
Grandchildren: []
Other relationships with other characters:
[Character 1]:
[Character 2]: []
[Character 3]: []
[Character 4]: []
[Character 5]: []