
Character's full name: Kang Taehyun
Character's nickname: Tae, Hyunnie, Specter
Age: 20
Birth date: February 5th, 2002
Nationality: Korean
Side: East
The current place for living: East, decent apartment
Job title: No known job. Is a Hacker under the name Specter
Employing company: Someone
Income: Whatever he wants
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Who knows
Languages: Fluent - Korean, English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese. Others - French, Spanish, German, Russian
Background: Unlike most kids that grew up in the East, Taehyun excelled in his life here. He learnt at a young age to keep his head down, stay out of the gang and he'd be fine. If he witnessed something, he walked away. Heard something he put his fingers in his ears. He made sure that everyone knew they didn't need to worry about him. He was perfectly fine to just drift through his life. Only, drifting wasn't something that Taehyun was very good at. From a young age he showed incredible understanding in rather complex topics, and from there taught himself what he could. His parents couldn't understand where he was learning these things from, or how he was picking them up so fast but he continued to do so. 

His parents couldn't afford to send him to school, and no one with enough intelligence to teach him adequately within the east was in their budget. The west was of course out of the question, at first. His parents found out about a lovely lady in the west who taught kids from the east once a week. Taehyun of course fell into these lessons head first. Before long she was offering to teach him more, for longer. She offered for him to attend a school in the west, but his parents were a little worried about that. So they saved up to get him a computer so that he could connect to the classroom and learn that way. The teacher had helped as much as possible so that this could happen. Once again, class held his attention as long as it could before he had exceeded its learning. So he just started on his own. He researched his own topics and taught himself.

Taehyun was only 12 when he pulled off his first successful Hack. Something simple that just about anyone could do. Then he tried more, and more, slowly doing more dangerous things to test his luck. It was around this time he found his love for learning anything. Languages, instruments, sports, literally anything he could get his hands on. Taehyun learnt early to stay out of the gang , but Spectre could act for him. He made sure he was safe, and protected, and he started working for some low-level people, slowly getting into higher things, and bigger gangs. Nothing was too hard for him. Each person he came across that was hard to beat, he practised and bested until he was the best. The best apart from one other. Shadow. 

Taehyun managed to avoid interactions with Shadow for some time, but eventually, they were bound to crash and crash they did. Taehyun had never come so close to his identity being found out. He'd severed the connection, and found a new home. Then he worked to make sure it would never happen again. And it never has. Now he actively searches for Shadow to play around with him. They both know they can't beat one another, not yet, so its just a way for Taehyun to play around and torment Shadow while he's working. He'd never tell a soul but he almost worships Shadow, his skill and technique are the very way Taehyun was able to hold him off for so long, using that to learn and adapt. Since studying Shadow's hacks, Taehyun has been able to get better himself once more.

Now he works for 'someone' though as far as the world knows he is completely unattached from any of the gangs. He rarely seems to take tasks from the bigger gangs unless there is a valid reason, in his book, as to why he should help them. Money rarely buys his services if he doesn't trust you, or doesn't trust in the mission.

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear: A little younger. Baby faced
Weight: 55 kg | 121 lbs
Height: 179 cm | 5'10"
Body build: Slim
Eye color: Dark Brown
Glasses or contacts: Neither. Though he wears blue light glasses
Skin tone: Light tan
Distinguishing marks: []
Predominant features: []
Hair color: Currently Silvery Blonde
Type of hair: []
Hairstyle: (x)
Voice: []
Overall attractiveness: Depends what you like
Physical disabilities: None
What's the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): Modern
Usual fashion of dress: Comfy, skater/punk
Favorite outfit: (x)(x)(x)(x)
Jewelry or accessories: []
Piercings: Snake bites, Ears, Tongue
Tattoos: Right Shoulder Blade (x), Left hip (x), Right inner Forearm (x), Right Neck (x), Down his spine (x)

Good personality traits: Positive, Kind, Always up for a good time. Hard worker
Bad personality traits: Jealous, Envious
Mood character is most often in: Playful
Sense of humor: Probably only things he finds funny in all honesty.
Character's greatest joy in life: Skating.
Character's greatest fear: Getting caught and having his empire crumble
Why: Currently it's his claim to fame. There is no one better than him, equal to him, sure, but better no. If someone were to best him and pull it all out from under him he will have nothing. That and a lot of people want him for things he's done as Spectre... The last thing he needs is everyone knowing that's who he is.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil: Getting found out
Character is most at ease when: Either skating or at home in front o his computer with all his protections in place.
Most ill at ease when: He's actually having to work to keep himself hidden.
Enraged when: Someone tries to hack his system, or talks down about him
Depressed or sad when: When something goes wrong and someone gets hurt
Priorities: Keep the systems of those who employ him safe, and getting any information he's asked to get. 
Life philosophy: If I can find it, I can keep it.
If granted one wish, it would be: []
Why: []
Character's soft spot: "cute things"
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Probably, if they knew what to look for
Greatest strength: His mind
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His cockiness and greed
Biggest regret: Before he kind of settled down on who he worked for he took a job for a client that seemed so simple. Get some information on a person. The only thing he didn't find out was what the information would be used for. They used it to track the guy's family and torture them before killing them. This included the guy's two young kids a 5-year-old boy and a 7-year-old girl. He still doesn't know why he decided to look into that family again one day, but he did and he's regretted it since. 
Minor regret: making friends with some people more well off than he is before skimming a little of their money to keep himself afloat while he has no jobs. At least before he started working with Soobin.
Biggest accomplishment: Teaching himself basically everything he knows. Which is a lot.
Minor accomplishment: Every job he does
Education: No formal education. He's taught himself everything he knows. He's a quick learner and seems to have no problems learning anything from just watching it.
Intelligent or not: Highly Intelligent
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist
Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert, mostly.
Daredevil or cautious: Cautious, though he seems like a daredevil
Logical or emotional: Logical.
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: Methodical and Messy
Prefers working or relaxing: Working
Confident or unsure of himself: Confident
Animal lover: Eh, either way

Self Perception
How he feels about himself: Too good at what I do
One word to describe himself: Reliant
What does the character consider his best personality trait: Kindness, or happiness
What does the character consider his worst personality trait: Pride?
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic: Eyes
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic: Nothing
How does the character think others perceive him: As Taehyun, a cute overly happy kid just making the most of the situation he's in. A Spectre, a nuisance. 
What would the character most like to change about himself: His need to always be the best
Self-Confidence: Too high
How does the character cope with fury and rage: Digital attacks, normally
... with unhappiness: Go skating
... with rivalry: Torment, belittle, and prove he's better
... with new situations: Jump in head first and learn everything
... with trouble: As Taehyun, run, as Spectre, well... Run
What's his meaning of life: Create a little anarchy here and there, but mostly just have fun
What would he like to change in his life: Nothing
What things motivate the character: A job, a rival, learning something new
What situations scares the character: Most interactions with Shadow, someone getting close to knowing who he is
What makes this character happy: Skating
Is the character often biased: Yes
Does the character prefer to give or to take: Take
Is the character rather nice or rude: He can seem Rude at times, mostly just because he doesn't think, but he's actually a sweetie

Drives and motivations: Just keep working, Just keep having fun
Immediate goals: Have fun
Long term goals: Have more fun
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Just keep going with what he's doing
How other characters will be affected: Depends really

First memory: Sitting on the floor of his parent's apartment as they watched him solving complex maths problems they'd never been able to understand themselves. Followed by hearing them talking later that night about what to do with him and his obvious abilities.
Most important childhood memory: The first time his parents had managed to save up to get him a computer. It was old, second-hand, but it worked for Taehyun. It got him in online classes, which he quickly excelled in, gave him his first job, tutoring, and eventually became his livelihood.
Why: It started everything for him. Gave him something of a better life and a purpose in life
Childhood hero: His father
Dream job: Hacker.
Past failures he would be embarrassed to have people know about: The few times the information he's got has been bad for either innocents or people he actually cares about
Why: He understands that what he does is bad, and that it can do a lot of bad. He doesn't want to drag in innocent people, like his family, who are just trying to make ends meet. Not everyone is someone that deserves whats coming to them.
Character's darkest secret: As above. The information that resulted in that family being killed
Does anyone else know: Soobin.

Color: Green
Least favorite color: None
Music: Crown for the Preachers

Food: If's he's not working, mostly healthy things. Nice stirfry etc. When he is working, a pack of chips is good
Literature: Ghost in the Wires - Kevin Mitnik, Neuromancer - William Gibson
Form of entertainment: Music, Skating, Computer Games
Expressions: []
Mode of transportation: Skateboard
Most prized possession: His Skateboard and the first computer he ever had. (which has been converted into a fish tank)

Good Habits: Eats well, Exercises well, tries to always be kind
Bad Habits: Doesnt sleep well
Hobbies: Skating, hacking
Plays a musical instrument: Dabbles in a few
Plays a sport: Not really, played a few though
How he would spend a rainy day: If he had no work, gaming or reading. With work, he just works
Spending habits: Jumps between being frugal and spending frivolously. There is no in between
Smokes: Socially.
Drinks: Socially
Other drugs: Tried it once, didn't like it
Addictions: []
Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases: Healthy
What does he do too much of: Torment his rival
What does he do too little of: Sleep
Extremely skilled at: Hacking, pretty much anything he decides to try and be good at
Extremely unskilled at: most social situations, though he's surprisingly not bad at those either
Nervous tics: Starts talking faster, Twitches his head to the side slightly
Usual body posture: Swaps between slouching over his keyboard (or a 'relaxed' stance when moving around, to straight and stiff
Mannerisms: []
Peculiarities: []

Family and Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: They are pretty cool, and fun to play with if they are smart enough
Does the character hide his true opinions and emotions from others: Mostly yes
Person character most hates: The guy who hired him to torture that family
Best friend(s): None
Love interest(s): []
Person character goes to for advice: Soobin, Yeosang
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: []
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Shadow
Person character openly admires: Shadow, Soobin
Person character secretly admires: Shadow
Mother: Kang Minah
Relationship with her: He loves his mother a lot. She's always been there for him and he tries to be there for his parents as much as he can do now as well. Most of what he earns goes to his parents.
Father: Kang Junghwa
Relationship with him: He looks up to his father, and is so thankful for everything he sacrificed to give Taehyun everything he could want in life.
Siblings: []
Relationship with them: []
Spouse: []
Relationship with him/her: []
Children: []
Relationship with them: []
Other important family members: []
Sisters or brothers []
Wife or husband: []
Children: []
Grandparents: []
Grandchildren: []
Other relationships with other characters:
One of the only people he completely trusts to not him over or abuse the information he gets, hence why Soobin is the only person who knows just who he is. While Taehyun doesn't walk around swearing loyalty to Soobin under either of his names, he has told Soobin privately before that his priority is what Soobin needs and keeping those Soobin wants safe, safe.
Shadow: His Rival, and sadly probably the closest thing to a best friend that Taehyun has. Because of the whole secret identity thing, it's hard to let people in, but with Shadow, they are both at that point already. Both are good enough to hold one another off but not good enough to best the other. Personal data doesn't matter, not to Taehyun anyway. Shadow is a game, a challenge, and the only person that could probably understand half the things Taehyun goes through, or talks about. While he wants to one day beat Shadow, he really doesn't want that either, because then he has no one again.
Yeosang: Another person that Taehyun trusts pretty well. He'd never admit to who he is, but he does use his skills as Spectre to make sure Yeosang is ok quite often, and has reached out to him as a hacker before. On the outside, they are just skater boys who one conveniently is a piercer/tattoo artist and the other loves those things. Their friendship is a little strange but it works
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