Personal Message
out of character
read before you approach
FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference.

TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 22+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.

WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script, but I'm not used to it anymore.

GENRE LIMITS. The main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romance. Kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.

TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.

BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.
basic information
standard facts & trivia
☼ ⁞   Basic Trivia Concerning Mark.
  • Alias(es): Minhyung (korean given name), Markly, Mork, ad0nis (online/gamer name), Adonis (music name).
  • Date of Birth: 02 August 1999.
  • Zodiac Sign: Leo, Rabbit.
  • Place of Birth: Toronto, Canada.
  • Current Location: Halcyon Academy in South Korea.
  • Current Year: Third Year
  • Major: Music Production/Composition.
  • Known Languages: English (native), Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Mandarin (conversational).
  • Occupation: Student (current), Founder of SensUs Media (current), Game Designer (former), Recording Artist at SensUs Media (on hiatus).
  • Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Heteroual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.
  • SNS: @ad0nis (public, professional, music, gaming), @markmywords (private, personal), @chisldcheeks (secret account).
☼ ⁞   Appearance Trivia Concerning Mark.
  • Height: 176 cm (5'9").
  • Hair Color: Naturally black; changes every so often.
  • Eye Color: Dark brown.
  • Piercings: Right eyebrow, lobes.
  • Tattoos: has the words “wiz kid” written in tiny script just under his nape; “> ♡ > ∆” just under his left peck; a tiny stack of books on his right wrist; “π” just above his pelvis; the word “nelipot” above his left heel.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: here.
  • Personal Style & Aesthetic: here.
☼ ⁞   Mark's Notable Relationships.
  • Parents:
    • ( Father )
    • ( Mother )
  • Siblings:
    • ( Older Brother, deceased )
  • Children:
    • None yet.
  • Lovers:
    • ( Ex / Amicable )
    • ( Ex / Bad Breakup )
  • Friends:
    • Message to work out a dynamic and be added!
  • Pets:
    • Otto ( robot dog )
    • Riley ( bearded dragon )
personal history
the sparknotes version
☼ ⁞   What's past is prologue.
TW/CW: Brief mention of death.
Bullet listed account of his history thus far.
  • He was born to two tech geniuses and two tech billionaires as their second son and the future inheritor of his mother's robotics company. His parents made sure to provide him and his older brother with a happy and healthy home, but also provided the two of them with plenty of opportunity to challenge themselves, even in the things that they loved. From a young age and for both boys, that happened to be video games, but they were too young and too unfocused to commit to it at that age.
  • Fast forward ten years and the brothers decide to take things a little more seriously about video games, wanting to create their own game and gaming system. Their parents, as supportive as they were, did not want them to get their hopes up and encourage the boys to do this at such a young age only to realize how hard it would be. This only made the boys want to try even harder though.
    • Secretly, the boys would come together and draw up plans as well as test out their ideas in the basement of their parents’ guest home.
    • Mark and his mom decided to make a bet: If Mark won the science fair that school year, then she would guide and support the boys in their dream. Mark actually did win the science fair by creating an autonomous robot dog (later named Otto), so his mom started lending a hand in their experiments and trials. Well, at least in the sense that she’d help them think through what they could be doing right or wrong.
  • They didn’t have any significant breakthroughs until Mark hit age 14. His brother made the first ever full-dive VR helmet (later named the “snsr” helmet) that worked. It was compatible with the few VR games that existed then, which was great, but why stop there? This prompted the boys to start working on their own video game.
    • During this time, Mark and his family moved from Canada to North America.
    • Also during this time, Mark and his brother founded SensUs Games—the first major branch of his company later.
  • After another 4 years of hard work, Mark and his brother made their first video game titled “Clout9” that was set to hit the market after the final round of tests. Unfortunately, however, Mark’s older brother passed away in an accident and this incident delayed the release.
  • Mark stopped working on their project for the next two years due to various reasons, but mostly due to the loss of his older brother. His family moved from North America to South Korea in this period to be closer to other family and maybe allow Mark some more space to breathe.
    • It was during his depression and search for something familiar to remember his brother that he found out his brother’s secret journal, full of plans for their game on Mark’s 20th birthday. Before they set out for Korea for the funeral and whatnot, Mark took this journal with him and started working with his teams in America (via video and voice chat) to change the game up to suit his brother’s vision.
  • On Mark’s 19th birthday (a year before scheduled), he officially dropped Clout9 and released it to the public the way his brother would have envisioned.
    • Clout9 before was an idol-based game where people would entertain their way to the top in various idol-like challenges in order to earn the top spot on a global leaderboard as the world’s most famous idol. They would earn LSD (Life, Social, and Drive) points to help bolster their chances at making their dreams come true in-game, and within the game were little easter-egg competitions for players to earn real-life achievements/currency. All these things still carried over to the game as it currently is today, but with minor tweaks.
    • The Clout9 that was released to the public was essentially the same, only it was designed for mature audiences. The currencies changed to Love, , and Diamonds, and the main goal of the game was to be the most drama-prone, scandalous, or talked about idol in the world. The more scandals or drama under your belt that you’d get away with in the game, the more you’d succeed as an idol. These scandals, of course, had to have reasonable limits on them and were primarily harmless (meaning they could not be crimes that harmed another person/player).
    • The game was surprisingly more successful than he thought it’d be, but Mark wasn’t satisfied with that.
  • After a year of running the game and SensUs Games, Mark thought to try his hand at creating a new branch under the company (SensUs Media) and start a career as a musical artist. In order to learn more about this as well, he decided to enroll in Halcyon Academy to pursue an education in Music.
if looks could kill
INTPs are philosophical innovators, fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and design. They are preoccupied with theory, and search for the universal law behind everything they see. They want to understand the unifying themes of life, in all their complexity.

INTPs are detached, analytical observers who can seem oblivious to the world around them because they are so deeply absorbed in thought. They spend much of their time focused internally: exploring concepts, making connections, and seeking understanding. To the Architect, life is an ongoing inquiry into the mysteries of the universe.
Moral Alignment — Chaotic Neutral
A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it. Chaotic neutral is the best alignment you can be because it represents true freedom from both society's restrictions and a do-gooder's zeal. However, chaotic neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all authority, harmony, and order in society.
Strengths: Imaginative. Creative. Observant. Laid-back and easy-going. A go-getter. Openminded. Tolerant. Flexible. Independent. Brave. Curious. Artistic. Direct. Loving. Loyal. Resilient. Can be charming.

Likes: To learn, to understand, and to know. Freedom of expression. Excitement (bit of a thrill-seeker). Loose plans. Creating. Books and reading. Teaching and playing with children. Plants (specifically succulents, buttercups, and the calico aster flower). Food (hot tea, ramen and pasta, chicken, cran-grape juice, pomegranates, citrus fruits, nachos). The colors mauve, rose gold, coral pink, blue, black, beige, white, and sage. Drawing and sculpting. Video Games. His dog.
Weaknesses: Second guesses himself a lot. Absentminded. Can be insensitive. Private and a little withdrawn. A little too independent. Can be somewhat unpredictable or spontaneous. Sometimes very easily stressed.

Dislikes: Hard rules & traditions. Stagnancy. Inauthentic socializing. Long, drawn out stories and explanations. Wasting time when he has things to do. Crowds and crowded areas. Excessive physical contact with people he doesn’t know or trust well enough (he will react drastically). People who can’t keep secrets and making friends with them. Clingy and high maintenance people. Lack of personal space. Being told no or that he can’t do something.
Hobbies & Habits
Hobbies: Reading. Writing. Watching movies (particularly ones that cause a lot of afterthought, action movies, adventure movies and psychological thrillers). Gaming (likes games similar to his movie interests). Listening to music. Making music. Working out. Sketching and painting. Rapping. Volunteering. Babysitting (mostly his younger family members). Reading. Boxing. Having existential crises. Sightseeing. Going out to new places and exploring. Couponing. Knitting. Running or going on walks. Playing instruments (harmonica, piano, guitar, violin). Playing puzzle and card games like sudoku and solitaire.

Good Habits: Positive self-talk, keeping his mind busy, putting in effort to stay relatively healthy, stretching and meditating, practicing his hobbies, self-grooming/care, taking "me time" as needed.

Bad Habits: Being guarded or holding up too many walls, drinking late at night when emotionally vulnerable or when highly stressed in general (also a former alcoholic), biting his nails when nervous, late night snacking, bottling his emotions, touches his stomach or holds a hand to it a lot when hungry, scratches his face when hiding something or lying, stress eats, smokes on occasion.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets He'll Share: He sometimes sleep talks and drools. Cries easily. Not too experienced in the romance department despite having two exes.

Secrets Kept to Himself: Former graffiti artist. Wants to get married and have kids soon because he has an odd feeling he's going to die young.

Known Fears: Dying young. Being trapped in an elevator. Mannequins with faces. Escalators. Falling down the stairs. The dark. Small spaces (very claustrophobic). Worms. Puppets. Clowns.

Unrecognized Fears: Here.
Other Personality Information
Has a terrible sense of direction. Clumsy and accident prone. Ambidextrous with a slight preference for his right side. Ears turn red when he's flustered (seldom does he get flustered though). Has terrible handwriting. Known to sneak up on people because he has rather quiet footsteps (sometimes tries to combat this by singing, talking, and humming so people know he's near).
official as of 07 jan 2021

Message to lover goes right here. Can be as long or as short as you want it to be because this box stretches.
the sparknotes version
☼ ⁞   What's prologue is for the party.
TW/CW: None.
List of activities he does outside of school.
  • Clubs.
    • Gaming.
    • Music.
  • Sports.
    • Boxing.
    • Dance.
  • Volunteering.
    • Game time @ Retirement Home (on certain weekends).
    • Playing with and grooming puppies @ Animal Shelter (on certain weekends).
  • Social.
    • Performer (rapper, instrumentalist, dancer) at a small underground arcade/nightclub.
    • Party goer on occasion.
    • Member of a gaming team.
penned by pixels

quick note

So, I know this profile is kind of a mess, but I'm trying my best and trying to make sure I get things done. I will be editing it every so often and letting people know if there are any major or significant changes to Mark and his character as we plot and establish some sort of relationship between our muses.
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a pixel product ● 2021—   scroll →