phys. age: 31
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Woo do-hwan
It just comes so natural, it just comes automatiC.
Such as folklore recites, dohwan, a demon of crow descent, is a harbinger of deAth; a reincarnation of damned souls. at surface level, he seems like an approachable individual. people tend to gravitate towards him due to this outgoing and warm facade, but in hindsight, he finds the presence of living beings repulsive, mortals especially. dohwan lures his victims in with the offer of comfort and care, forged relationships, and charm- only to steadily deplete them of energy, their souls into a void of endless suffering.

dohwan's dark roots began as a child, having experienced endless cycles of the twisted foster care system. one abusive caretaker after another turned him to the life of a runaway. years of street fighting, drug deals, and work led to his succumb of hatred and spite. only a couple more deals, was the false security that kept him going.

slowly, but surely, dohwan worked like hell in pursuit of a new life. small success in the industry led to his biological family reaching out. and being of naiive nature at the time, dohwan allowed them into his life. he quickly came to the harsh realization that he was being used for the glimmer of his soon-to-be fame. for face apprearance, he agreed to wire the scroungers money in exchange for the image of a perfect family. 

it wasn't until one wretched night, walking back home from the studio that his past would come back to bite him. 
laid sopped in his own blood, he submitted himself to death. stabbed by an ex-client. visage turned black, an eery caw filled his senses. with the promise of life and revenge, his soul bound to the demon's word. 
- transformation: hones the physical ability to sprout wings for flight, crimson red eyes, and an unsightly beak, should he choose to forgo masking

- energy/soul binding: can latch onto spirits in order to feed sadistic hunger

- time manipulation: crows possess strong ties to the spirit world, and being of the shadow realm, he can weave through muddled time and space

- oracle properties: projects messages of news (bad luck/good luck). it is for the individual in question to decipher what his presence represents.  
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