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Shin Kyubin (KB)
30 years old
Hamster (ears on top of his head and a nub of a tail but he hides it plus his teeth semi stick out) - omega - hay with a hint of fruitiness
- He can be very shy and gets anxious, this makes him very sensitive and will get hurt easily.
- He also doesn't like to be touched unless he's comfortable with you then he's always trying to find a way to cuddle.
- If he gets too cold, he'll go to sleep but if he gets too hot, his stomach will start to hurt.
> He's always been anxious and shy but it was worsened when he was abandoned at a development age and was placed in foster care. While in foster care he was bullied for being thin and was treated like a Cinderella because of his second gender. He was also bullied because he was a late bloomer up till he was just about to be exited out of the system.
