
choi san

Impurities, show you my impurities.

mood 47%


muse 70%


writing quality 64%


reply speed 70%


choi san!


shorthand info

age // 24 ]

date of birth // 10071999 ]

orientation // pan/polyam ]

marital status // single ]

occupation // here ]

user profile



posted 1 day ago

Originally from Circuit City, San had grown up as a human with a number of guardians and caregivers. He had been weak as a child and into his teenage years (and it was when he was around 15 years old that he found out that that had been the reason he had been left there in the first place by his biological parents). Through stubbornness and some kind of need to prove that he wasn't weak, he trained hard for many years, growing muscles, receiving enhancements throughout his body, and learning everything there was to be a strong person. As he matured, he realised that being physically strong and intelligent wasn't everything.

Wanting more than to simply live his days where he was comfortable, San found out about the magical land, Central. It was unlike Circuit City in many many ways. There was a charm about it though, and so, he packed up his belongings, bidding farewell to his loved ones, and made his way over to Central. He found that his skills would come in handy for a job like a guard there, and so that was what he applied for. His patience had yet to be outmatched, his strength was desirable, as well as his many enhancements which allowed him to be extra aware of his surroundings, the people within the walls of the prison, as well as keeping a record of visitors. The way that Central ran was very different from what San was used to, but he would make sure to help in whatever way he could in this strange city without much technology.

He visited Circuit City every so often when he could since it wasn't a very far place, and he occasionally did feel a tad homesick. But with each day he spent at Central, he found himself falling a little in love with the city anc its people.

- Physical enhancements (reflexes, Strength, sight, speed, etc.)
- understanding and controlling technology easily
- holographic projector from eyes or palms
- excellent combat fighter and marksman
- eyes glow a silvery colour when using his abilities
- has a mix of blood, bones and flesh along with wires, metal, and other things within his body



posted 1 day ago

Despite his sharp features and intense gaze, San can be quite chill. He is serious when need be, a little crazy occasionally when prisoners call upon that side of him, and he can come off as being a bit... intense. But outside of work, he tends to be quite an explorer, loving to walk down paths and alleyways, discovering new people and things.

His less than human parts allow him more room to be a little risky, and sometimes that does mean he has to go in for a repair or two every so often. He can be a bit clumsy too if he's not focused. Far from the intense guard at the prison.



posted 3 days ago

kang daesunglocal pubstarted

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status

who where status



posted 6 days ago


name: here.

date: here.

status: here.

Mauris hendrerit augue purus, id varius arcu iaculis eu. Suspendisse semper lectus ac condimentum tempus. Donec accumsan urna ac ligula egestas, a consectetur elit pharetra. Vestibulum fringilla egestas hendrerit. Nunc congue nisl ac dignissim mollis. Proin at felis quam. Quisque molestie lacus eget viverra lobortis.


out of character!

posted 1 week ago

I. I prefer 3rd pov over anything else. Reply speed varies on muse. Length varies from one para to multiple.

II. I'm a uni student and working so I'm on and off. I'm also GMT+11, so I'm in a pretty different tz to everyone else.

III. Only poke after a week of no reply thanks.

IV. Threads start with whoever it makes sense to start with. Plot >>> Winging.

V. Please read about San before asking to rp, I will do the same.

VI. Rooms >> Walls >> PMs. I use PMs for plotting.

VII. I have a life outside of rpr so please be kind, patient and respectful to not only me, but everyone <3



posted 2 weeks ago

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

Nulla sapien enim, semper id nisi quis, mollis interdum augue. Phasellus orci augue, tincidunt sit amet felis eget, tincidunt semper eros. Quisque aliquet mollis mollis. Cras vehicula justo ex, vel mattis libero ornare non. Integer venenatis congue libero, ac sagittis ipsum fermentum sit amet. Praesent quis tristique arcu, eu imperdiet tortor. Curabitur euismod urna vitae ligula posuere efficitur. Duis id arcu at sapien interdum facilisis eu sit amet lorem. Sed venenatis tempor lorem, et scelerisque diam consequat eu. Nam ac ipsum cursus, ullamcorper massa eget, pulvinar sem. In ut interdum nulla. Ut tincidunt, nulla a feugiat egestas, risus urna laoreet nulla, sed varius nibh elit sed elit. Cras elementum sapien a turpis gravida, sit amet lacinia ipsum mollis.

scenario title // genre, rating, status, etc.

In ut laoreet sem, in porttitor arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam eget sapien ligula. Etiam mollis cursus varius. Morbi non dapibus nisi, non accumsan est. In a hendrerit odio. Cras est enim, molestie non sagittis vitae, fringilla at quam. Sed turpis magna, suscipit id elit sed, varius bibendum tellus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent egestas condimentum lectus, eu lacinia mauris lobortis ut.



posted 4 weeks ago

now playing . . .

♫ space man – sam ryder ♫














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