
basic information

  • Nickname(s): wonni, hyuki
  • Date of Birth: 2/22/02.
  • Zodiac Sign: pisces.
  • Place of Birth: seoul.
  • Occupation: performer (strip + drag) and .
  • ual Orientation: homoual.
  • pronouns/identity: he/they demiboy.
  • Relationship Status: single.

personal info

  • Height: 181 cm.
  • Weight: 63 kg.
  • Piercings: ear, stomach, lip.
  • Clothing Style: andro/fem.
  • smoke: yes
  • drink: yes
  • pets: none
  • kids: none
  • diet: omni
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hyuk always wanted to be a performer. inclined to the arts, to putting on shows, the boy loved stepping into different personalities. and i mean, he had a lot of practice. the only son of a seoul politician, he had been raised to play the role of prim, proper, cultured chaebol. he played it well for a while, but it started falling apart once he hit his teens. he started experimenting with friends, the "wrong crowd," and so his father sent him abroad for a year, hoping the private school would keep him in place. all the boys only private school taught him however, was degenerate in nature. he returned to korea even less inclined to play the part. it didn't. and it led him to being splayed in the pages of a trashy tabloid, a teen outed to the country for some cheap gasps. it wasn't long after that he was disowned, the story that he was sent abroad again to attend college at an expensive institute. in reality he was stuffed into a nice little penthouse with a year's rent as his parting gift. hyuk was used to the expensive tastes though, not wanting to give up the spoils of.. well, being spoiled. so he decided to do something that would support that lifestyle. he was an adept performer, afterall.

  • strip + drag performer
  • bit of an addict
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Quote text goes right here. Say as much as you want, but try to keep this short too because quotes can get unweildy if too long and stuff.

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personality information


a bit bratty but good hearted underneath. personable but keeps most at an arm's length. has drug issues and self destructive tendencies but romanticises it. a performer at heart. deeply desires true friendships and love but would flay himself over an open flame before admitting it.


sweet drinks, getting high, making music (doesn't show it to people), puppies, strawberries, anime


tomatoes, heart to heart conversations, condenscending people


dancing, writing music, playing video games。


woudln't you like to know, weatherboy。



bad habits

not enough space or time to list。

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title or subtitle...

paragraph text goes here. if you need another paragraph, just hit enter and it will be automatically spaced for you. i don't really know what to say, so I'm just gonna type filler text after this paragraph ends.

  • dating since 00 month 0000.
  • engaged since 00 month 0000.
  • married since 00 month 0000.

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

23 notes。

all to you

sabrina claudio

23 notes。

before you approach me...

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

writing/plotting style

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

activity reply speed

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it

location preferences

  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it


  • this is a bullet list
  • you don't have to use it
  • but it's here if you need it
23 notes。



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