
“I'll get to the bottom of this.”

- Lee Dohyun.

I believe that the journalism which succeeds best — and best deserves success — fears God and honors Man; is stoutly independent, unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power, constructive, tolerant but never careless, self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice; is unswayed by the appeal of privilege or the clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance and, as far as law and honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting international good will and cementing world-comradeship; is a journalism of humanity, of and for today’s world.

- the journalist's creed

please make sure to read my entire profile if you're interested in interacting with me. 



tragedy at the manor?

report by lee dohyun:

Last updated 04/05/23.

a quiet and private estate tucked away in hampshire, a peaceful non-metropolitan county, the tudor manor stands surrounded by the most idyllic sights. famed for its beautiful architecture the house boasts an equally luxurious interior. 

upon arrival every guest is greeted by the carriage house, the mirage - like courtyard and decorative fountain that welcomes you as though you yourself are royalty. its many hallways and seemingly endless pathways only lend a sense of grandeur to the estate. regardless, it's difficult to retract the beauty of something so timeless.   

the black family have owned the tudor manor for many years. colloquially known to the locals as the boddy estate, tragedy struck the estate when mr samuel boddy and his wife, mrs margaret boddy, met an untimely end. the house was passed down to her brother, sir hugh black, along with her son.  

no official details have been released about the deaths, though its not difficult to think what sort of fate met the rich and wealthy homeowners. there are theories about the deaths, mostly local hearsay that suggests something of the sordid kind. 

that suggests something morbid. If one were to hazard a guess, it wouldn't be such a stretch to suggest that there was foul play involved. rumours circulated of sir hugh black's swift inheritance of the estate...

Editor's notes: It needs something more, dohyun. this is boring and won't sell. 




Getting to know who they are.

Last updated 04/05/23.

occupation journalist, reporter, investigator, professional nosey person.

age 28 / April 11, 1995.

orientation Demi (-ual/-romantic)

likes gossiping, watching people, appearing out of nowhere, asking inappropriate questions, going through people's things, fond of whiskey but is a lightweight, interested in people and how they work

dislikes inhaling smoke, cats (allergies), basically anything that sends him into a sneezing fit.

habits fidgets a lot, always jotting something down thinking about the next big story, taps the clicker of his pen repeatedly, clumsy.

The Quirks Fun Facts About him.
— has the common sense of a wet sponge.
— constantly writing in his notebook.
— gets startled easy.
— giggling to himself.
— like sunshine, but when you stare directly into it sort of sunshine.
— enjoys wearing formal dress as much as he can.




the man.

Last updated 04/05/23.

dohyun is a journalist who heavily researched Sir Hugh Black and the Black family, publishing many scandalous articles about their life and business. He's confused why he was invited to the mansion, but perhaps Sir Hugh Black had another motive? 
Is he there to study or is he there to make the biggest newsworthy buzz?



Out of Character.

The typist's notes and guidelines.

Last updated 04/05/23.


please pm to plot and when you do please have an idea in mind of what you'd like to do. even if its a small idea, it's better than nothing. if not, I will have some prewritten plots written up soon.


my responses are slow. i will warn you about any expected extended period of inactivity, I expect the same in return. gentle pokes are appreciated if it's been over a week. 


don't mix ic and ooc. only post ic on my wall thank you. ooc in the pms.


no romantic relationships unless heavily plotted. i do not improvise romance or . 




PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I'M A MATURE ROLEPLAYER OOC SO PLEASE APPROACH ME APPROPRIATELY. NO MINORS OOC or ic. if you withhold your character's age i won't approach you. It's your responsibility to be sensible about this.


thank you for reading. if you have any questions feel free to pm me.



Scenarios / Storylines.

Plots & situations for the character.

Last updated 04/05/23.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

In luctus, ex vitae pretium accumsan, lacus tortor sollicitudin ante, at placerat massa massa vitae odio. Quisque tincidunt tellus a tellus molestie tempus. Donec enim ligula, mollis sit amet felis eu, gravida egestas nulla. Aenean quis felis non nisi semper dignissim. Curabitur imperdiet, nunc eget auctor rhoncus, odio ligula efficitur quam, sit amet egestas justo neque eget nisi. Vivamus vitae odio nisl. Nunc egestas vel mi vitae lacinia. Etiam dapibus velit cursus eros interdum tincidunt. Aliquam dictum blandit metus, ac semper urna cursus nec. Sed dapibus facilisis velit, non lobortis nisi ornare a. Ut consectetur accumsan porta. Etiam vulputate ut lacus id venenatis. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque, molestie erat non, pretium leo. Vestibulum blandit turpis ac metus lobortis, in cursus augue placerat.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Fusce sed dolor nec libero pulvinar egestas. Etiam sed pretium mauris, et interdum erat. Morbi sapien diam, tincidunt sit amet lacus a, fringilla pretium lorem. Donec ut vehicula lacus, cursus maximus libero. Morbi consequat laoreet interdum. Ut ullamcorper eget arcu vitae aliquam. Nunc augue nisl, vestibulum vel dui id, feugiat tempor lectus.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.