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눈부신 아침🌞
lee eun
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basic information
01 : full name
kim sejeong
02 : date of birth
August 28, 1996
03 : location
honolulu, hawaii
04 : occupation
postgraduate student
05 : orientation
06 : love interest
Lee Eun lost her parents when she was two years old. Since then, she has been living with her uncle's family, the Lee's, who have treated her as their own daughter. They showered her with love, and she gained an instant younger brother named Yi Jion.

From an early age, Lee Eun displayed an interest in movement, always jumping and challenging herself to be more flexible. Impressed by her natural abilities, her parents enrolled her in rhythmic gymnastics classes, unaware that she would grow up to become an exceptional gymnast.

Her dedicated mother fully supported her throughout her short but successful career. Lee Eun won numerous medals, and her crowning achievement was a bronze medal at the junior Olympics. However, shortly before the national gymnast selections, she stunned everyone by announcing her retirement. People questioned if she had suffered an injury, but it was actually her brother who had been hurt. Unable to bear the sadness in his eyes, she made the decision to end her career and dedicate herself to helping him recover by pursuing to study in physical therapy.

Lee Eun is the kind of friend that brings joy and positivity into your life. She is always there for you, going the distance to support and stand by your side. She has no regrets about the decisions she has made, believing that life is about continuously challenging one's talents. She embraces mistakes as opportunities for growth and knows that perseverance will always lead to open doors of opportunity.
01 : likes
cooking - eating - dessert - travelling - photography - driving - gymnastic - party - beach - summer
02 : dislikes
anyone who dislikes her, kidding - rude and mannerless people 
03 : hobbies
she wishes she could have more time to sleep and hence, she makes sleeping as a hobby!
04 : talents
former south korea rythmic gymnast and bronze medal junior olympic
05 : family
uncle, aunt, her cousin (yi jion)
@name here
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