Personal Message

medium // guest

gmt -4


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basic information

So, your section text would go right here. You can still type as much as you want and still hit enter for a new line. I put a bullet list for basic trivia.

  • Nickname(s): alex
  • Place of Birth: new york.
  • Current Residence:Havenwood
  • Occupation: medium
  • Spoken Languages: english latin
  • ual Orientation: biual
  • Romantic Orientation: poly
  • Relationship Status: single.
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#they can be long or short!
history / persona

It wasn't until Alexandra's teenage years that her latent abilities began to manifest. One evening, during a thunderstorm, she experienced a vivid dream in which she found herself standing in a mist-shrouded forest, surrounded by shadowy figures whispering secrets in ancient tongues. Awakening with a start, she felt a tingling sensation coursing through her veins, a sign that something within her had been awakened.As the days passed, Alexandra's visions became more frequent and intense. She began to see apparitions of long-departed souls, hear voices echoing from the beyond, and feel the presence of unseen entities lurking in the shadows. Frightened and confused, she confided in her grandmother, who revealed that Alexandra came from a long line of mediums, gifted with the ability to bridge the gap between the living and the dead.

Training and Mentorship:

With her grandmother's guidance, Alexandra embarked on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. She learned to hone her abilities through meditation, ritual, and the study of ancient texts, gradually gaining mastery over her newfound powers.Under her grandmother's tutelage, Alexandra developed a deep respect for the spirit world and a profound understanding of the delicate balance between the realms of the living and the dead. She learned to communicate with spirits, interpret signs and omens, and offer guidance and solace to those who sought her help.

She heard rumors of the supernatural phenomena at Havenwood Manor. Despite her grandmother's protests, Alexandra went anyway, and after stepping foot into the manor, she found that she was unable to leave. She has been attempting to use her gifts to communicate with the spirits here to find a way to break the curse and go back home.

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#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!
their beloved
name here
martial status
00 month 2020

Message to your lover goes here. Type as much as you might want or need to. Hit enter for a new line.

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#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!
section title

If you need an extra section for like... OOC info or maybe plots, here is one. You can do just about anything you want here. This was intended to be a small layout though, that's why I'm not adding in a lot of sections. If you want or need more, you'll need to make more.

#tags go here!
#oh yes!
#they can be long or short!