Personal Message
✱ OOC AGE ⸺ mid twenties !
✱ TIME ZONE ⸺ gmt-7 !
✱ WRITING STYLE ⸺ script & para !
✱ POV PREFERENCE ⸺ 3rd pov !
✱ FC NAME ⸺ xiao or alatus !
✱ FC MEDIA ⸺ genshin impact !
✱ FC AGE ⸺ in his 20s physically, 2000+ actually !
✱ OCCUPATION ⸺ pending !
✱ ONE WORD DESIRE ⸺ peace !
✱ MORAL ALIGNMENT ⸺ neutral good !
my profile!
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xiao ⛓
The ever #VigilantYaksha now has a social media account! Read on to get a glimpse about his character.
Horizon, RPR
Joined March 24

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • 1h
✶ FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference. Also, I honestly don't like plotting a lot so please approach me with something in mind (even if it's totally random) that we can work with. It doesn't have to pertain to my muse and can just be something you want to write here in the rp, but do try to keep my muse in mind before suggesting anything plot-wise.
✶ TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. I am just getting back into the swing of RP after being away for a while, so I may be even slower. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem. Also, on the off chance that I respond in like an hour ( because that does happen sometimes ), don't feel pressured to respond as fast. I might just be inspired at that time.
✶ OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 18+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.
✶ WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script ( in 3rd person ), but I'm not as used to it anymore.
✶ GENRE LIMITS. The main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romantic relationships unless they are not long-term and not official. Pre-plotted romantic relationships that are just for the sake of the plot or plot-relevant are fine with me. Chemistry is a big proponent in both romantic and ual relationships for me, so please keep that in mind when suggesting plots and things. Also kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.
✶ TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.
✶ BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.
✶ FOR PLOTTING. Please pm me if you're interested in plotting with me. You don't need to do brackets because I don't really write in personal PMs (I use group PMs for threads), but you can if that is your preference. Also, I honestly don't like plotting a lot so please approach me with something in mind (even if it's totally random) that we can work with. It doesn't have to pertain to my muse and can just be something you want to write here in the rp, but do try to keep my muse in mind before suggesting anything plot-wise.
✶ TIME ZONE & PACE. My time zone is GMT-7 and I'm generally slow to reply most of the time. I am just getting back into the swing of RP after being away for a while, so I may be even slower. Do not rp with me if that will be a problem. Also, on the off chance that I respond in like an hour ( because that does happen sometimes ), don't feel pressured to respond as fast. I might just be inspired at that time.
✶ OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. Mun and muse are both of age ( 18+ ) and I am open to NSFW threads for my muse as long as they are not in a closed relationship and my muse has that kind of chemistry with the other muse in question.
✶ WRITING STYLE. I primarily do para to multipara in 1st person for self-paras and 3rd person for threads with other people. I can do novella when prompted, but prefer not to because of how busy I am normally. I can also do script ( in 3rd person ), but I'm not as used to it anymore.
✶ GENRE LIMITS. The main thing I won't really do is angst ( not really into it ), but I also prefer not to do pre-plotted romantic relationships unless they are not long-term and not official. Pre-plotted romantic relationships that are just for the sake of the plot or plot-relevant are fine with me. Chemistry is a big proponent in both romantic and ual relationships for me, so please keep that in mind when suggesting plots and things. Also kind of not into crack, but it really depends on my mood.
✶ TAGGING. Please tag my muses in all public threads yours may have with them. Let me know if you have open starters or are planning some as well so I can potentially reply to those.
✶ BIG NO-NOS. Do not poke me or remind me to reply. Like, at all. Please also refrain from mixing IC or OOC with me. I am not my muse and my muse is not me. Do not hold anything my muse does to yours against me personally.

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • 16h
Some general information.
Some general information.
- Alias(es):
- Alatus: Here.
- Xiao: Here.
- Date of Birth & Age: 17 April; in his 20s physically and over 2000 in actuality.
- Place of Birth: Liyue, Genshin Impact.
- Current Location: Horizon Station, Aetherion.
- Occupation: Pending . . .
- Romantic Orientation: Greyromantic.
- ual Orientation: Greyual.
- Relationship Status: Single.

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • 16h
- Face Claim: Xiao from Genshin Impact.
- Hair Color: Dark green with teal undertones.
- Eye Color: Gold.
- Piercings: Various ear piercings.
- Tattoos: Just the green one around his right arm for now.
- Distinguishing Characteristics: Has a purple diamond on his forehead.
- Personal Style & Aesthetic: Here.

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • 16h
- Seeker of peace, big softie despite how he comes off.
- Wishes he were a little taller sometimes when standing next to giants. (Short king tings)
- Doesn't like to sleep and will avoid it as much as he can.
- Also doesn't like to eat if he can help it. (Homie doesn't have healthy habits, ik)
- Also also doesn't really speak unless spoken to some or most of the time. (Perhaps he's a little nonverbal)
- Kinda bad with names, so he might not use them when talking to people.
- Slightly afraid of children. (Have you ever seen a toddler?)

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • 22h
This text box stretches. A status update would go here. You can do links and pictures and whatnot by copying this section here.
This text box stretches. A status update would go here. You can do links and pictures and whatnot by copying this section here.

xiao ⛓ @yakshare • Jan 10
This text box stretches. A status update would go here. You can do links and pictures and whatnot by copying those parts of the codes here. Leaving this one without them.
This text box stretches. A status update would go here. You can do links and pictures and whatnot by copying those parts of the codes here. Leaving this one without them.

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Text goes right here about the connection. Type as much as you want or need to type for it. This box stretches with your text. The image box also stretches if needed.

name here.
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Text goes right here about the connection. Type as much as you want or need to type for it. This box stretches with your text. The image box also stretches if needed.

name here.
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Text goes right here about the connection. Type as much as you want or need to type for it. This box stretches with your text. The image box also stretches if needed.