Personal Message
those days are over, moving on is the best decision i've ever made.
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write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
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write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
name here
write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
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write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
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write something about your connection here, it's a pre simple section.
about me
  • Full Name: Soru
  • Date of Birth: 10.04
  • Occupation: TBA
  • Orientation: Straight
  • Relationship Status: single
  • Zodiac Sign: Libra
  • Media: Twilight Poem
  • Timezone: GMT +8 
  • Writing Style: Semi para to para
  • POVs: Depends (I can always adjust to you)
  • Favourite Colour: here
  • Favourite TV Show: here
  • Favourite Movie: here
  • Favourite Drink: here
  • Favourite Food: here
now playing
it's alright
Motel 7
trivial information
  • Height: 5 feet and 5 inches
  • Hair Colour: Brown
  • Eye Colour: Bluish gray
  • Piercings / Tattoos: Both ears
  • Fashion: Preppy and coquette
  • Extra: N/A
trivial information
Soru's your typical girl who lives in this day and age. She's into what most girls are in their early 20's aside from the fact that she's been living since the 1900s and has lived through different lifetimes, she's been able to mask all of that by looking the same hence why she's able to pass off herself as a young woman.
positive traits
talkative, cheerful, kind, considerate, compassionate, empathetic.
negative traits
she can be pretty negative at times, skeptical once she finds a reason to be, hovers and worries too much.
anything that sounds cute, plushies, and things that she can sense with her other working senses, mainly things that she can hear and touch, eating, sweet stuff, going on trips.
any kind of bugs, insects, and crawling or slithering animals, horror movies (she hates this with a passion), people pranking her by startling her. (happens often).
listening to audiobooks, podcasts (especially true crime), watching documentaries (she has a very very very vivid imagination, she pictures it in her head as she listens), singing, and playing the piano.
bad habits
overthinking. a lot of overthinking, procrastinating, being lazy at times, ordering too much stuff.
OOC note
soru came from a manhwa that was set in a historical timeline, Joseon to be exact, but I am deviating from that as I got inspired by this pfp that I have of soru in a modern outfit, so forget about her historical past, in this rp she's a modern gal that hides her powers as a goddess from the joseon dynasty.
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Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. shift + enter is your best friend, my dude.
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enter + shift is your best friend, my dude.